Recently, I got this from Gewgel:
This message was sent from a notification-only email address that does not
accept incoming email. Please do not reply to this message.
During a recent review of your account we found that you are currently
displaying Google ads in a manner that is not compliant with our program
-snip-, a thread I PERSONALLY MADE about why American Parents need to change, and Google waved the Red Flag on it because it was "Racial Discrimination".
COMMENT SPAM: As stated in our program policies, AdSense publishers may
not display Google ads on pages with adult or mature content. While we
understand that it may be challenging to monitor user-generated content,
such as comments, on your site, we require publishers to check that the
webpages containing their ad code complies with our program policies. More
information about this policy can be found in our help center ( )..
So, here's my request:
Can someone modify the Default vBulletin 4 Google AdSense Advertising Plugin so that the ads will not be delivered on threads/pages that do not abide by their terrible ToS?
If this plugin already exists, let me know, thanks!