Version: 6.6.1, by Christos Teriakis
Developer Last Online: Sep 2013
Category: Major Additions -
Version: 4.1.7
Released: 07-20-2011
Last Update: 11-09-2011
Installs: 153
DB Changes Uses Plugins Auto-Templates
Additional Files Translations
No support by the author.
-----Not available any more------
By downloading and installing the new version 5.0.3, you automatically accept the following restrictions in use, which have been approved as legal from the Administrator Team of
This version is 80% custom work for a client in Norway, who gots the permissions for exclusive use in Scandidavia (Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland). As a result of this legal agreement that I signed, installation of Mary's Classifieds is prohibited in domains (sites):
With extention .no (Norway), .se (Sweden), .dk (Denmark) and .fi (Finland).
In any site, having any tld extention (eg com, net etc etc), having as primary language:
Version 5.0.3 uses a thrid party Ajax Library from Guru Sistemas Ltd. This is a commercial library that I bought. Use of this libary out of the original directory (microclassifieds/datagrid/class/), even on the same domain, or including this library in any other module except Marys Classifieds is prohibited.
From this version and on there is my copyright link in the footer as all mods have. Please don't remove it. You can remove it legally by paying for it (not donating).
I'll appreciate your understanding on the fact that this is a Free product, so don't expect superior level support, but I'll try my best with the help of Bug Tracker.
Also note that even if you can suggest new features, these features will be include in the upcoming CMPS style version which will be Commercial. No plans exist for adding new features in the Free version. Just bug fixes.
There are many new features to this version to list them now. Spend sometime to explore the new mod and you'll find them. The only that I want to mention is that the SEO rules that I've, are normal rules and not vbSeo rules.
How to upgrade:
Download the latest version 6.6.0. Please be aware that the regional restriction on use (Scandinavia) is still valid.
Upload *** ALL *** the files in your forum directory.
Import the product-microclassifieds.xml from your admincp, choosing overwrite.
Walk throught the General settinsg and usergroup permissions, as there are many new settings.
Thank you
1.- How it works
A user posts an Ad. If the user hasn't post a profile before, the system auto creates one for him, populating it with any data there are in his forum profile.
Members who are searching or browsing ads can see his ad. According the adtype (For-sale, Wanted, Auction), they can Buy it or Bid on it. The ad becomes invisible to public.
System PMs seller about the sale. Seller can accept or decline the sale. In case of accept the ad is marking as pending payment. If seller declines the sale, the ad is activating again.
When the payment is done, seller marks it as paid, the ad is removing from the server (with all related photos and attachments), and some data remain for history only.
System PMs buyer that the sale has been finalized, and prompts him to rate and review the seller.
In a time frame that admin has setup, seller and buyer can review each other. During this period reviews are hidden. When the time frame expires, the reviews become visible. Also with the help of a cron job, there is a check which activates reviews, even before the expiration, if both parties have post the review.
2.- Frontend Features
3 types of Classifieds (For-Sale, Wanted, Auction).
Different look for each type.
Powerfull Search engine
What's New (Last 7, 14, 21, 30 days)
Buyer can rate Seller, but also Seller can rate Buyer.
Profile Information
Full contact details
Google Map Locator
Value as Seller:
Total Sales
Total Amount of sold items
Value as Buyer:
Total orders that he placed
Total amount of his orders
Active Ads
Sold Ads
Reviews that he gots as Seller (from Buyers)
Reviews that he gots as Buyer (from Sellers)
Contact form
Information Blocks in Main page:
Auctions to Expire
Random Classifieds
Premium Classifieds
Premium Profiles
Newest Idividual Ads
Newest Store Ads
Top Sellers (Rating)
Top Buyers (Rating)
Best Sellers (Amount of items that he sold)
Best Buyers (Amount of items that he bought)
User can bookmark an Ad
User can mark to follow a category, so he will get a PM for each new ad placed in that category (including subcategories).
Logon user can:
Post an Ad (if it is permitting by his usergroup permissions).
Edit his profile
See the public view of his profile
My Classifieds section with:
Active Ads with options to Edit, Hide, Activate (if hidden) or Delete it
Hidden Ads with options to Activate or Delete
Accept Sales. List all Ads that have expired (if auction) or someone asked to buy them. Options: Accept sale, Reject sale, Delete Ad
Pending Ads, showing the ads awaiting to be paid. Options to close the sale (after payment), or to reactivate the ad
Sold Ads
My Bids
My Bookmarks
My Watch categories
My History, showing:
Items that I sold
Items that I bought
Attractive interface
Easy to understand and use by your members
Certified Memebrs
3.- Administrator Features
Unlimited depth level of categories
Option per category to allow posts to:
All Usergroups
None Usergroup
Specific Usergroup, or Usergroups
Extra fields, global for all categories:
Radio Button
Extra fields for Profiles (same options as above).
Set expiration time (in days) for ads. A cronjob checks the ads and removes ads that have been expired (also removes related, bookmarks, bids etc).
Can setup default currency for all ads, or can allow users to use any currency they want.
Allow or disallow to user, to choose if he wants any expired ad, to be peplaced with a new one.
Can setup where the text search will perform:
Title and Keywords
Title, Keywords and Message body.
In addition, he can setup how the search will works:
Looking for exact text
Looking for partial search
Can choose to use or not Google Maps
And many other common options (eg photo widths, allowed filetypes etc etc).
4.- Moderator Actions
Approve New or Edited Ads
Approve or Delete Reported Ads
Add/Delete Certified Members. Certified Members is another way to promote some users that you want. You can change the word to anything you like. Some webmasters use it to show that a seller has proven his identity to him, others use it to promote good clients etc.
5.- Usergroup Permissions
Can access the classified section
Can post ads
How many concurrent active ads
How many photos per ad
How many attachments per ad
Priority on listings (1= Higher .... 9=Lower. Please note that usergroups with priority 1, Ads and Profiles appear in random, as Premium)
Ads need approval? This is a commonly used permission, but I moved it to work per usergroup and not as general option.
Can Moderate Ads and Reported Ads
Can Moderate Certified Members
6.- New version 4.9.5
This version fixes all posted bugs and corrects any styling issued by using external css files (microclassifieds/includes/classifieds.css). It also replace the inline blocks (Buy Now etc) with modal popup windows.
7.- Upgrade to ver.4.9.5
Upload all file to your site overwriting the old ones
Import product-microclassifieds.xml from your admincp marking the overwrite checkbox
8.- New version 4.9.5a
New Feature:
Added Social Network sharing buttons (facebook, Twitter etc)
Added {vb:raw headinclude_bottom} in all templates
Bug fixes:
Auctions PMs have empty text
Wrong PM on close Auction when there was no bids
Missing photo in Premium Sellers block
Missing condition "Used" in listings
Wrong date in PMs to contact seller
Missing photo in Wanted Ads
Database error when adding a category with apostrophe in title
9.- Upgrade to ver.4.9.5a
Upload all file to your site overwriting the old ones
Import product-microclassifieds.xml from your admincp marking the overwrite checkbox
10.- New version 4.9.5a
Bug fixes:
Phrase in wrong phrase section caused empty PMs for Auctions.
Wrong Mathematical formula in Search (expiration).
11.- Upgrade to ver.4.9.5a
Upload all file to your site overwriting the old ones
Import product-microclassifieds.xml from your admincp marking the overwrite checkbox
By downloading and installing the new version 5.0.3, you automatically accept the following restrictions in use, which have been approved as legal from the Administrator Team of
This version is 80% custom work for a client in Norway, who gots the permissions for exclusive use in Scandidavia (Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland). As a result of this legal agreement that I signed, installation of Mary's Classifieds is prohibited in domains (sites):
With extention .no (Norway), .se (Sweden), .dk (Denmark) and .fi (Finland).
In any site, having any tld extention (eg com, net etc etc), having as primary language:
Version 5.0.3 uses a thrid party Ajax Library from Guru Sistemas Ltd. This is a commercial library that I bought. Use of this libary out of the original directory (microclassifieds/datagrid/class/), even on the same domain, or including this library in any other module except Marys Classifieds is prohibited.
From this version and on there is my copyright link in the footer as all mods have. Please don't remove it. You can remove it legally by paying for it (not donating).
Show Your Support
This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
Hope you can help. I mentioned this in an earlier post, and it is still not resolved. I must be doing something wrong.
I can't change/edit the "Premium" status of an ad. If I wish to add an existing ad to the premium list, I can't change it. Or if I wish to remove it from the premium list, I can't remove it.
As Admin, I edit the ad and I check or uncheck the Premium Box on the ad, and then click on approve. But nothing happens. The setting does not stick. I have all settings for the Admin user group as "yes."
(And a bug, if you're keeping track. You can not use an apostrophe in the photo captions. It throws a DB error when someone buys.)
Hi I may have missed this in the previouse posts is there a way to have the latest ads show as posts in the forum? and is it possible to get a rss feed of the latest ads so they can be displayed on an external site?
Unlike Premium (Certified) Members where you can add/delete them, premium classifieds is an automatice procedure. When a user posts or edits an Ad, the system checks if the user belong to a usergroup which has priority 1. If yes, then mark the Ad as Premium. Removal from premium classifieds is done with the cronjob. In general you can't unmark an Ad from Premium list as long as the user still belongs to a usergroup with priority 1.
Any news about the search on Extra Fields? Don't want to sound pushy.
Unfortunatelly not yet. I've stacked in 2 ways. Changing all listing in Ajax tooks me longer than I was expected, and 2nd the very hight tempratures that we got last days making working a real hell.
MySQL Error : Unknown column 'akvbghsfs_akismet_permissions' in 'field list'
This error has nothing to do with this mod. It's a problem with akismet. Have you installed something related to akismet service and then you uninstall it? Most probably the file bitfields_(module).xml at vb_installation/includes/xml/ messe your system. Find that file and remove it.
I just bought VB yesterday. I'm new to VB, I have a forum using UBB.
I'm very much interested in using this classifieds software on my new upcoming forum.
I have a couple of questions as to what is possible with the software.
This is what I have in mind:
I want to have a classifieds broken down by state. I want someone from Texas to search only in texas. And I want to break it down in regions, such as Dallas.
And lets say I have a car forum and I want to break it down by manufacturer, such as Chevrolet. Then have all the models - corvette, camaro, blazer, ...etc.
So I want someone from DALLAS - TEXAS to be able to list a CHEVROLET - CAMARO.
And I want another member to be able to search for a CHEVY CAMARO in DALLAS TEXAS.
I want this for all 50 states, and certain regions throughout the states.
Unfortunatelly not yet. I've stacked in 2 ways. Changing all listing in Ajax tooks me longer than I was expected, and 2nd the very hight tempratures that we got last days making working a real hell.
Thanks for the update Chris. As long as you're confident this will be possible in a future version, I can switch over to this software and won't bug you about this. You're doing an awesome job with answering questions and supporting this mod. :up: