I have been searching for weeks now trying to find all the information on installing a thanks button on VBulletin 4.1.4. It's all very confusing because of all the different versions.Right now,there is no way to thank a post at all. I need step by step instructions for a dummy because I'm completely new to all this.I would appreciate any help!
Thanks snoopytas. I have downloaded that I have read that thread numerous times but I think that my problem is uploading the file.
The instructions say
upload the 'upload via ftp' folder
but it does not say anywhere to which file that you are supposed to upload in.I have uploaded it to different areas but evidently, they were all the wrong areas.
He means that if you have a question about a modification, you should ask it in the modification thread. In this case, you were wondering where to upload the files for the modification that you were linked to. That is a question about a specific modification and you should be asking it in the modification thread. You should be as specific in your question as possible - like "I tried to upload the file xxx.php to the directory /yyyy and even to the directory /zzzz, but it was still telling me File Not Found. Can someone help me with this?"