Version: 1.0.0, by Farcaster
Developer Last Online: Jun 2014
Category: Calendar Enhancements -
Version: 3.6.4
Released: 02-07-2007
Last Update: Never
Installs: 99
DB Changes Uses Plugins
Additional Files
No support by the author.
This modification is an enhancement for the "Farcaster's Event Attendance" modification. After you install this modification, you will be able to configure various notification and reminder messages to members who RSVP'd for events on your calendar. For instance, you could configure a message to be sent to a member who RSVP'd "Maybe" to prompt him to update his RSVP status a few days before the event started. You could configure an additional notification to be sent to members who RSVP'd "Yes" to remind them of the event one day, one week, or at any point before the event occurs.
1. Upload the file rsvp_notify.php to your forums includes\cron directory.
2. Use the Product Manager to import the product file product-rah_rsvp_email_1_0_0.xml.xml
3. Modify the RSVP email notification options as needed under "Farcaster's Event Attendance" in the options menu.
4. Modify the schedule of the "Send RSVP notifications" job as needed. By default, it is set to run at midnight each day.
Default Notifications
When you first install the product, it is configured to:
Send an email to users who RSVP'd "Maybe" at 5 days before the event, and then again at 1 day before the event. The email template used will produce a letter like the following, with the subject line of "RSVP Status: [Event Title]":
Dear [username],
An event you were interested in at [Board Name] is scheduled to begin soon. You previously RSVP'd "Maybe." If you will be able to attend, please take a moment to update your RSVP status. Attached below are the details of the event.
To update your RSVP status or to view this event, visit: [Link to Event]
All the best,
[Board Name]
Send an email to users who RSVP'd Yes at 5 days before the event with the subject line of "Reminder: [Event Title]" and the following letter:
Dear [username],
This is a reminder that an event you RSVP'd for will be coming up within the next 5 days. If you are no longer able to attend, please update your RSVP status. Otherwise, we look forward to seeing you there!
To update your RSVP status or to view this event, visit: [Link to Event]
All the best,
[Board Name]
Send an email to users who RSVP'd Yes at 1 day before the event with the subject line of "Reminder: [Event Title]" and the following letter:
Dear [username],
This is a reminder that an event you RSVP'd for is scheduled to begin soon. If you are no longer able to attend, please update your RSVP status. Otherwise, we look forward to seeing you there!
Installed on 3.8.4 PL2, only problem is that when I RSVP any answer, it returns the message "The response you gave to this event was not in the list of valid responses. Please contact the forum administrator if you believe you have received this message in error." even though it actually is in the list of valid responses.
Seems that the best way to use this hack on 3.8.4+ is to use your vb3.8+ compatible Social Groups mod... I've decided to uninstall this hack and do that instead, even though I would prefer to avoid having to book events through the vbulletin group system.
This is weird. I tried this addon a few weeks ago and it didn't work and now out of the blue, i decide to try re-installing and it does work (in vb 3.8.6). I dont know what happened :O