Hello friends! After a loonngg absence from the vB scene, I'm getting back in it and have a new design about 90% completed. Love to hear what everyone thinks of it so far
Your link doesn't go straight to the Peachy Keen style - it is showing the default vB style right now.
I like how you've carried the cloud theme - light on top, shadowed on the bottom and also little 'floating' boxes - throughout the site style. I also like what you did with the notices. The green strips above the forums seem a bit too green to me, but that may be because I'm just not crazy about the color green to start with!
Thanks, I thought for sure I had the style link in there, but guess not lol. Thanks for the comments so far, there are indeed still some items here and there to skin before this one is completed.
Really nice. Is there only the fixed width version ?
It look a bit cramped on my widescreen monitor. I prefer styles that fill my screen.
Thanks Paul! Right now there is only the fixed width version. The original version of this style has an advert block in the center below the header along with a space for the logged in user's info that wouldn't expand properly and still look good. That element still needs to be coded into the design and once it is, you'll see what I'm talking about. We may code a version that leaves that feature out and if we do, then it most likely will be a fluid version as well.