Originally Posted by TTF
I'm after someone to help out with my forum. I'm fairly competent with the VB system but need someone who is an expert as I'm finding I spend far too long trying to find out little details which could be better spent elsewhere. I'll need the following on a fairly regular basis:
-Fix bugs
-Make slight tweaks to template and modifications
-Add features
I also need the forum moved to a new improved server in the next couple of weeks so am hoping a respected member of vBulletin.org maybe able to assist me with these things, obviously in return for payment.
If you have some spare time, can be fairly flexible on time and have experience in vBulletin coding, please can you drop me a pm with your rates or post here. Please only post or pm me if you're an established member of this forum.
Thank you.
I think this would have been better posted here: