fixed threads actually getting bumped when killed lol...
Description: [hr]value[/hr]
Gives you another option rather than deleting or closing you can kill the topic. Which will leave the topic there and open, but when someone responds to it, it will not bump the topic. So basically it just falls down the list.
Installation Instructions: [hr]value[/hr]
Install Product
Upload thread_killed.gif to forums/images/statusicons
I'm interested in a hack/plug-in with this functionality. Does this actually work with 3.7.x? Is there another hack/plug-in with this functionality that works with 3.7?
The Mod on vB373, but has the Bug that don't Change on the Thread's List of ForumDisplay (Threadbit Template) the Icon of the Thread Changed for the Killed Icon of the Mod ().
I've tried by myself to do that Change in various ways (my knowledge is limited) and Haven't been able to do it.
Coders Shack, could you please point us into a Solution to be able to see the Killed Thread's Icon on the Threadbits?
Everything Else Works Fine, that's the Only Detail, and is Important to see which Thread's are Killed and Revive them if wanted to, otherwise it'd be very Hard to Remember and Locate those Killed Threads. We Appreciate Your Help Coders Shack.
The Mod on vB373, but has the Bug that don't Change on the Thread's List of ForumDisplay (Threadbit Template) the Icon of the Thread Changed for the Killed Icon of the Mod ().
I've tried by myself to do that Change in various ways (my knowledge is limited) and Haven't been able to do it.
Coders Shack, could you please point us into a Solution to be able to see the Killed Thread's Icon on the Threadbits?
Everything Else Works Fine, that's the Only Detail, and is Important to see which Thread's are Killed and Revive them if wanted to, otherwise it'd be very Hard to Remember and Locate those Killed Threads. We Appreciate Your Help Coders Shack.
My Best Regards.
For the Icon to Display on threadbit at vB38x, is necessary to Change the Following Plugin "topicKill - Show Killed Icon" to:
// show killed folder?
$var_killed = $vbulletin->db->query_read("
SELECT killed
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread
WHERE threadid = " . intval($thread['threadid']) . "
$var_killed = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($var_killed);
$var_killed = $var_killed['killed'];
if ($var_killed == 1 AND $vbulletin->options['topicKill_enabled']) {
$thread['statusicon'] = '_killed';
For some reason the threadbit_process don't Detect the $thread['killed'] so is necessary to Search those Values with the $vbulletin->db->query_read and the $vbulletin->db->fetch_array and the $var_killed['killed'].
Perhaps You Know what to do for the the $thread['killed'] be Used at the threadbit_process Hook Location.