This Product addressed to the Islamic community to assist forums administrator to provide an islamic content for their visitors and members with easiest possible way.
If you installed the previous product "Multilanguage" you will notice a big difference between this product and the new one.
We have insisted on adding a very important feature in the case of a product server breakdown, namely, to show a special page instead of error 404. The other important feature is that the product allows sometime to the Forum to load before it starts loading.
Note: in the zip file there are two html files for the product splash page and in case of the server down page which are "iloading.html" and "productdown.html". You can edit them as you wish to suit your needs.
What is written in this color is new added feature
All Quran is displayed by aya in a text box with audio ability to play each verse
Visitor can choose the sura
Search in Quran and Hadith
Islamic Library
Mortal recitation
Mojawad recitation
Forum admin can specify the aya's that will be displayed.
A local page from the forum will be displayed if the product server is not responding.
It supports 13 languages they are: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Finish, Albanian, Chinese, Japanese, Hausa, Arabic,Turkish and Russian language.
Product background color and border (width and color) can be changed.
Easy to install, un-install and faster than the previous version
Almoathen features:
Forum admin can switch almoathen off/on.
Forum admin can allow/prohibit forum members from changing almoathen settings.
Forum admin can change prayer names for the language he wish.
Forum admin can almathen colors.
Forum admin can switch almoathen audio on/off.
Forum member can switch almoathen on/off.
Forum member can choose almoathen city by setting his city ip or by setting city coardinates
Forum member can choose almoathen calculations type.
Forum member can advance or delay the time for all the prayers in minutes.
Forum member can set his city elevation to get more accurate prayers timing.
Now the Islamic product supports multiple languages.
Javascript is enabled and machine time is set correctly on visitore pc.
Quran font must be installed on visitors machine to display aya's Accurately.
Most people do have this font installed, if they don't encurge them to do so from here.
Product has been checked on:
IE8 and FF3
VB4.0.0 version
Download the hack and un-zip it.
upload the following to the forum directory "iloading.html" and "productdown.html" and upload the following to the forum "images" directory "page_edit.gif" , "makah.jpg" and "iloading.gif"
Go to Plugins & Products > Manage Products > Add/Import Product > Browse then select "product-alislami-2010-4.x.x.xml" and you are done.
Bugs fix:
ver 2010.2
1. The product splash page will be added to browser history and it will effect user Back button to get to previous page; this shouldn't happen.It is fixed now.
Je l'ai installé mais je n'ai pas aimé. Il dirige continuellement sur un autre forum alors que c'est un Hack pour notre forum. Malgré le réglage des horaires de prières avec longitude et latitude : c'est très faux. Impossible de régler l'heure pour l'appel de la prière.
Je trouve que c'est un Hack pour faire de la pub pour le forum et non pour mettre en avant le coran
Très bonne idée pour le fond : la possibilité de lire le coran d'avoir le coran mais malheureusement sur toutes les options dans un autre forum.
J'ai désinstallé ce hack juste pour l'erreur des horaires de prières et la direction sur un autre forum.
Je l'ai install? mais je n'ai pas aim?. Il dirige continuellement sur un autre forum alors que c'est un Hack pour notre forum. Malgr? le r?glage des horaires de pri?res avec longitude et latitude : c'est tr?s faux. Impossible de r?gler l'heure pour l'appel de la pri?re.
Je trouve que c'est un Hack pour faire de la pub pour le forum et non pour mettre en avant le coran
Tr?s bonne id?e pour le fond : la possibilit? de lire le coran d'avoir le coran mais malheureusement sur toutes les options dans un autre forum.
J'ai d?sinstall? ce hack juste pour l'erreur des horaires de pri?res et la direction sur un autre forum.
I translated your post via google
The froum member has to set his city or using long lat and also need to set the right calculation method that will work correctly in his area.
As reading the quran from other site because this is the only way to support Arabic Quran plus ~40 other translations of the Quran.
Moi aussi je suis vraiment désolais de ne pas pouvoir mettre ce hack car j'ai un forum islam. Et j'aime bcp mais le désaventage est d'être dirigé sur un autre forum. Pour ce qui est des heures je confirme qu'on a du mal à avoir l'appel de la prière correct pour Fajr et Icha. J'habite en France et j'ai bien installé la lattitude et la longitude à travers la ligue musulmane du monde.
Je vous souhaite bonne continuation en espérant qu'il y aura un autre hack coran pour vb 4.13 inch'ALLAH
Moi aussi je suis vraiment d?solais de ne pas pouvoir mettre ce hack car j'ai un forum islam. Et j'aime bcp mais le d?saventage est d'?tre dirig? sur un autre forum. Pour ce qui est des heures je confirme qu'on a du mal ? avoir l'appel de la pri?re correct pour Fajr et Icha. J'habite en France et j'ai bien install? la lattitude et la longitude ? travers la ligue musulmane du monde.
Je vous souhaite bonne continuation en esp?rant qu'il y aura un autre hack coran pour vb 4.13 inch'ALLAH
If you write in English better as this is the forum roles.
The Prayer calculations is done by different society around the world such as Eayept America ,Eaurope, Saudia arabia and others. I used this code in this mod and didn't create it. It should be accurt enough as it is done by societies such universities.
Saying that you can allways disable the Athan in the islamic mod i think you know that already.
Regarding reading information from another website that is I don't know what is the problem with that. We don't mind if we have links to facebook or other websites so why we don't like this one.