History Logs
5.3 Fixes all Known Glitches to date!
5.2 - magic pie errors, cms display issues, forum display issues, rss error fixes
5.1 - Fixes cms image issue, unlogged user image issue, ie7 issue, attachment issue
5.0 Major Release
Want to buy ultimate version but lite mod doesn"t pull images on my cms. (vb 4.1.1)
Only default image and thread title showing.
Thanks for any help
Fatal error: Call to undefined function mb_strrchr() in /home/******/public_html/forumslider/url_to_absolute.php on line 115
We've tested this on a basic installation and it works fine. Could be a conflicting modification you have or the way your site is set up. It also works with vBSEO
Want to buy ultimate version but lite mod doesn"t pull images on my cms. (vb 4.1.1)
Only default image and thread title showing.
Thanks for any help
Your images must be in the thread before its published. RSS feeds don't update. Once your thread is submitted it goes immediately to the rss feed without any updates following. Also check your rss feed to see if images are appearing. Also it does not work with attachments but rather with bbcode. Rule of thumb, if it appears in rss feed, it'll appear on forumslider
Want to buy ultimate version but lite mod doesn"t pull images on my cms. (vb 4.1.1)
Only default image and thread title showing.
Thanks for any help
i have the same problem on my forum.
vbulletin version 4.1.3
vbseo installed
I try to put another RSS but doesn't work. I don't see any images
Fantastic slider.
The lite version works perfectly on my vBulletin 4.1.3
I have tecnical categories without photos and 15 photo insect's categories in my photography forum.....if i buy the Pro version, i can select only this 15 forum ID ?
Fantastic slider.
The lite version works perfectly on my vBulletin 4.1.3
I have tecnical categories without photos and 15 photo insect's categories in my photography forum.....if i buy the Pro version, i can select only this 15 forum ID ?
Not sure what you mean, are you saying use photos from one area and articles from another?
Originally Posted by Theo-zzzz
I've bought the forum slider back in December 2010.
But I never got updates..
Aye, we've re-worked the entire code, and changed the way we release it now so we can provide faster updates that will keep us motivated to release updates. More upgrades for users, and more motivation for devleopers. Instead of releasing it at a single price, we release updates with people subscribing to make it worthwhile to develop them at a cheap price. Also, we are about to release another great product that comes WITH forumslider so stay tuned. I can't talk too much about prices etc here, sorry.