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iPhone / Android / webOS / WP7 / BlackBerry for vB - Tapatalk
Version: 3.9.2, by yellowpeter yellowpeter is offline
Developer Last Online: Apr 2015 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Category: Major Additions - Version: 4.x.x Rating:
Released: 01-06-2010 Last Update: 02-12-2012 Installs: 949
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No support by the author.

** Over 28000 forums installed!**

TipB 5 Stars Review: http://www.tipb.com/2010/09/28/tapat...ne-app-review/

YouTube Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWnkYF72nLE

What is Tapatalk?

Tapatalk is a vBulletin mod that allows your users to browse your forum using a native mobile application. Tapatalk supports iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, webOS and Windows Phone 7. It provides super-fast access to your forum and allows your members to participate more in your forum while on the go.

Why Tapatalk?

  • Only one MOD installation to support all mobile devices including iPhone, Android, WebOS, Windows Phone 7 and BlackBerry.
  • Forum API - build your own app or server-side integration with well-documented Tapatalk API, enjoy quality forum app from third-party developers, beyond what Tapatalk internal team can offer.
  • Well-tested. This MOD has been installed in over 28000 forums, including some of the very large forums with 2 million members with over 10,000 online users. This app is designed to scale
  • Tapatalk allows you to put your sponsored banner into the app so you don't lose potential revenue **NEW**
  • Analytics support - you get too see how many users are accessing your forum from the Tapatalk app

Download Tapatalk mobile app

** iPhone/iPod AppDownload here.
** iPad HD AppDownload here.
** BlackBerry App! Download here.
** Andriod version is available at Android Market! - ** 4 stars review - Top 1 Social Android app! Download now and see why we are the best forum app!

Installation Instruction:

Installation is easy. It does not change any of your forum settings or overwrite any
of your existing forum code and configuration. Simply follow the procedure below:

Step 1

Create yourself an account at http://www.tapatalk.com/plugin.php. Once you have logged in
to the website, you can download the largest version. If you are not sure you are
using the latest version. Download a new one from
http://www.tapatalk.com/download.php. You can follow the rest of the instruction
from tapatalk.com onward if you want. Otherwise read on:

Step 2

Upload the zip package at the root of your forum system.
Unzip the package. You should see a directory called "mobiquo" inside your forum
system root directory. For example, if your forum URL is http://www.mysite.com/forum,
it should be placed at http://www.mysite.com/forum/mobiquo/.

Step 3

Login to Administration Control Panel (admincp) in your server.
Choose "Style Manager" under "Styles and Templates".
Choose "Edit Template" in your current template.
Click "Edit" in your current template
Choose "headinclude" in the list, click "Edit"
At the bottom of the editor, insert the following line:
<script type="text/javascript" src="mobiquo/tapatalkdetect.js"></script>
Click "Save".

Step 4

Visit http://www.tapatalk.com/addforum.php to enter your forum URL and upload you forum
logo there. It will allow end-user to find his way to your forum using the Tapatalk

Step 5

Visit http://www.tapatalk.com/landing.php to confirm the setup so you can select
whether you want to publish your site to the public listing or you want to set it up
so it is complete private to other end users.


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Images are thread are converted to thumbnail and allow full-screen viewing

Ability to see Who's Online and what they are doing:

Ability to search by topics and posts:

Ability to upload images directly from Android and iPhone!:

Download Now

File Type: zip mobiquo_vb40_3_9_1.zip (760.9 KB, 107 views)
File Type: zip mobiquo_vb40_3_9_2.zip (762.2 KB, 548 views)

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  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
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Old 04-15-2011, 01:15 PM
Jennifer2010 Jennifer2010 is offline
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Originally Posted by fly View Post
Dear Angry Elf
I'm not an Elf, you dirty fly! (lol)

Originally Posted by fly View Post
First, you don't have to pay for the app to read the forum.
I never said or implied you did. What's implied is that if you're downloading this mod you want your visitors to be able to view your site in a mobile version. Why would you want every one of your visitors to pay for the ability to do this? And if this mod isn't about that, what's it about?

"Tapatalk is a vBulletin mod that allows your users to browse your forum using a native mobile application. "
"Only one MOD installation to support all mobile devices including iPhone, Android, WebOS, Windows Phone 7, BlackBerry and Nokia."

Originally Posted by fly View Post
And if you want to show a mobile skin to your mobile devices, thats YOUR job to do it - not this mod. There are plenty of mobile skins and mobile device detection scripts all over the place. Find one, admin.
Doesn't that contradict what I just quoted them saying? Lol, why do you think people download this mod? You just proved my point exactly. You download and install this mod, users are prompted to pay to download an app, then they can see a mobile friendly version of your site. So thank you for elaborating and the obvious point I was making - don't use this app - go find a free mobile skin/device detection.

Originally Posted by fly View Post
And finally, paying for the app allows you to post to thousands of forums. I've had plenty of users come BACK when they found we had tapatalk on the forum.
Stop being so angry. Thanks.

And finally, my point: people should, can and do post on my site using their mobile device without having to pay to do so Plenty of users, eh? Right. I'm sure the hundreds of people who hit my site via mobile devices will flock back to become a regular just because there's an app they can pay for. Right!

Stop being so naive, Thanks!
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Old 04-15-2011, 04:07 PM
fly fly is offline
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Originally Posted by Jennifer2010 View Post
I'm not an Elf, you dirty fly! (lol)

I never said or implied you did. What's implied is that if you're downloading this mod you want your visitors to be able to view your site in a mobile version. Why would you want every one of your visitors to pay for the ability to do this? And if this mod isn't about that, what's it about?
I really don't think you understand this mod, or we're not communicating properly. As far as I know, no one has to pay anything to view your forum in the Tapatalk mobile app. If you want a mobile theme to show when your mobile users visit the site using a web browser, dartho has put together an awesome one. I suggest you check it out.

Doesn't that contradict what I just quoted them saying? Lol, why do you think people download this mod? You just proved my point exactly. You download and install this mod, users are prompted to pay to download an app, then they can see a mobile friendly version of your site. So thank you for elaborating and the obvious point I was making - don't use this app - go find a free mobile skin/device detection.
No one has to pay to see your forum in the Tapatalk app! You only have to pay if you want to post via the app. And really, these Tapatalk guys are developing an app over 7 different mobile platforms. That's pretty impressive. I don't think anyone can argue that they don't deserve to be paid for their work.


And finally, my point: people should, can and do post on my site using their mobile device without having to pay to do so Plenty of users, eh? Right. I'm sure the hundreds of people who hit my site via mobile devices will flock back to become a regular just because there's an app they can pay for. Right!

Stop being so naive, Thanks!
And of course your users are also free to post to your site without paying. There are literally TONS of ways to do so. This mod, and its associated app, are only another way for your mobile users to consume what you provide.

I run Tapatalk and also have a mobile theme available. I don't care how my users consume my site, I just want to make it as easy for them as possible. You should try it. You might be surprised on how many of your mobile users already own the Tapatalk app for their platform. I bought it to use on my forum, and now use it on several others...

Now go have a nice weekend or something. Sheesh!
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Old 04-16-2011, 10:59 AM
0verl0rd 0verl0rd is offline
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It looks like it asks for users to buy an app for $1.99 ?
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Old 04-16-2011, 11:07 AM
Jennifer2010 Jennifer2010 is offline
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I understand what the app is completely. I cited exactly how they described it as well as my own description. I understand completely that they don't have to pay for the app to see my site. What I'm telling you that you're not understanding is that unless you have a mobile theme for your site, users are not going to see your mobile site until they buy the Tapatalk app. Is this that hard to understand? It's completely obvious that people are installing this mod thinking they're making their site mobile friendly when in actuality it's only going to be mobile friendly once a user pays for the app. What if your site isn't displayed correctly on mobile browsers? Who would pay to find out whether or not they are even interested in your site? Do you see what I'm getting at here? And before you tell me it's not their job to do this and it's my job to find a mobile style, please re-read the upper half of this paragraph again before you make yourself sound stupid. (And in case you don't know what this means, it means a mobile style renders this useless app... useless)

The way they describe this mod is suspiciously vague in relation to what it actually does. I'm glad to know that you have a mobile theme for your site in addition to Tapatalk. It renders the app useless to non Taptalk users as they can see your site's mobile version already and apparently do all of the same things that the Taptalk app can do - unless I'm missing something here.

Thanks to Overlord (SC2 Fan?) for proving my point further:


It looks like it asks for users to buy an app for $1.99 ?
And you wonder how many people that install this mod actually know that. I wonder why Taptalk hasn't updated this stating it's not free anymore. Hmmmm:erm:

Put two and two together buddy.
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Old 04-16-2011, 11:58 AM
Eq4bits Eq4bits is offline
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Good Lord, why is every one getting their panties in such a twist? If someone wants to install this app, please let them without berating them. I *don't* have a mobile style on my forum and tapatalk works just fine. I *LIKE* the tapatalk app for my forum, as do the members that use it. Those that want it pay for it, those that don't get to use their phone's web browser. The mod is free so why are people complaining? They could work it the other way around and seel the mod for big bucks.

What's the big deal? Oh, I know what it is. It's the fact that reading comprehension is so close to nil these days that folks don't understand *what* they read in previous posts....
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Old 04-16-2011, 12:21 PM
Jennifer2010 Jennifer2010 is offline
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Reading comprehension is obviously close to nil as I was never berating anyone for installing this mod. Why don't you read what I had said and see that "Fly" was the one who called me out for having an opinion.

This mod is unbelievably vague in what it actually does and the statement that it's free is false. It's not free and it does not make your site supported for mobile devices. Oh wait, it does, but only when people pay for it.

Those that want it pay for it, those that don't get to use their phone's web browser.
I'm glad to know that you require your visitors to pay to see/use your site like a mobile device should.

The obvious alternative is to make your site mobile friendly for every single visitor, for free. Is this really that hard to understand? There is no obvious advantage for anyone to install this app other than you're listed in their directory. Install your own mobile styling and this app is completely useless to anyone who visits your site. Who would buy Tapatalk if your site is already built for their device?

I have a good friend who develops apps. I rather pay him $ to make me a free app for my customers instead of making people pay. I have far too many users to expect them to pay for this let alone do I think it's okay that TapaTalk make that much money off of them. It's too greedy IMO. Let the forum owners pay a license fee, not the customers. DUH.
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Old 04-16-2011, 12:34 PM
fly fly is offline
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Originally Posted by Jennifer2010 View Post
It's not free and it does not make your site supported for mobile devices.

Oh wait, it does, but only when people pay for it.
Also wrong.
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Old 04-16-2011, 12:44 PM
Jennifer2010 Jennifer2010 is offline
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Originally Posted by Jennifer2010 View Post
It's not free and it does not make your site supported for mobile devices.

The app costs $1.99 for your users. It only makes your site mobile friendly once someone pays for it. Don't act so condescending, it's pretty pathetic.

Oh wait, it does, but only when people pay for it.
Also wrong.
Oh really? That's funny. When I visit my site on an iPhone it prompts me to pay for and download an app. It displays my site in a non-mobile version. Hm..... Hm.....

lol, seriously, grow up.
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Old 04-16-2011, 01:21 PM
fly fly is offline
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Originally Posted by Jennifer2010 View Post
The app costs $1.99 for your users. It only makes your site mobile friendly once someone pays for it. Don't act so condescending, it's pretty pathetic.
There are two versions of the app. The FREE one that allows one to read your forum (and thousands of others). There is also a PAID version of the app, that allows you to post to your forum (and thousands of others).

Oh really? That's funny. When I visit my site on an iPhone it prompts me to pay for and download an app.
If you don't like that prompt, remove it. It doesn't HAVE to be there. That's why you're an admin.

It displays my site in a non-mobile version. Hm..... Hm.....

lol, seriously, grow up.
What does this mean to you?

"Tapatalk is a vBulletin mod that allows your users to browse your forum using a native mobile application."

That doesn't mean it will magically change the web browsing experience for your mobile users. It will change their experience when you use the free or paid version of their native mobile application.

Thanks for keeping this up. This is fun.
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Old 04-16-2011, 02:07 PM
Jennifer2010 Jennifer2010 is offline
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Originally Posted by fly View Post
There are two versions of the app. The FREE one that allows one to read your forum (and thousands of others). There is also a PAID version of the app, that allows you to post to your forum (and thousands of others).
Sorry, there is no free version. There's no free version in the app store, and there's no free version listed on their site. Show me the free version if it exists, because as of now there isn't one available on their site, the app store, or when my users visit the site. Back up your argument with proof, please.

Originally Posted by fly View Post
If you don't like that prompt, remove it. It doesn't HAVE to be there. That's why you're an admin.
Oh really? How do I do that? Where exactly would I go about removing the prompt? No where in the Tapatalk panel can I remove it. There's not even a settings section in vBulletin? Do you expect me to go digging into the code? What about their license agreement? "Modifications to the Software are prohibited.". Please, enlighten me with your knowledge of how to do this. I'd love to know.

Originally Posted by fly View Post
What does this mean to you?

"Tapatalk is a vBulletin mod that allows your users to browse your forum using a native mobile application."

That doesn't mean it will magically change the web browsing experience for your mobile users. It will change their experience when you use the free or paid version of their native mobile application.

Thanks for keeping this up. This is fun.

There is no free version of the app. And my point exactly - their experience is changed after a user pays for an app. You can provide your users with the exact same functionality that Tapatalk does for free without them having to download an app, let alone pay for anything. So, what does that mean to me? Well, what does this mean to you?

"Step 6

Download the free Tapatalk iPhone app from the app store
(http://itunes.com/app/tapatalkro) to confirm it is indeed working."

"Your request could not be completed.
The item you've requested is not currently available in the US store". HM... What does that mean to you? Maybe you installed this mod when it was free for your users.

Straight from the Tapatalk website:
Q: What's the point of this app if my members can access my site with mobile skin or Safari at no cost?

A: We received a lot of feedback from users that they want a dedicated app on their smartphone. Most users are contented (content?) with the mobile skin or a standard web browser but some of them would appreciate a full-on native app on their phone. For example Tapatalk app allows user to upload photo directly from their phone to your forum as an image attachment."
That's the ONLY example they give. "upload from their phone". Ugh, are they blind to the fact that anyone can still upload a photo? They don't need to download an app to do that. They have no feature list. Why wouldn't they have a feature list?

In a nutshell, all this app does is provide a mobile style on the back end that's consistent through out each forum they visit. It doesn't offer any functionality unless your website doesn't have a mobile style. Any smart site owner would have a mobile style for their mobile users. And if you have a mobile style, you don't need this app. You can do everything this app does without having your users pay for it. It's greedy. Shady at best. That's like FireFox or Chrome charging to use their browser, and only websites that have the FireFox or Chrome mod can be accessed. People are caught up on the idea that an "app" is some how magically superior when it's doing the exact same thing that a mobile style would.

This is fun Try not to use any common sense or logical reasoning when responding - it might hurt your brain!
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