Originally Posted by UncoderMom
What would you do? Would you buy the all in one Xbox 360 250 gig or the 4 gig one with the separate 250 hard drive? Ours finally died from the RROD and the drive quite working. LOL It lived a long 6 years though. haha
Right now Best buy has 50$ gift card wit the purchase of the 4 gig one, thats why I even entertained not just getting the 250 one. The also have the 250 gig HD's on sale for 99$. So over all, its cheaper that way.
It got me to thinking, wouldnt that be better anyway? If anything happened to the console, they'd still have everything on the HD?
What would be your choice?
4 GB if your going to download content and games is not enough and buying separately (IMO) would be more costly... go for the 250GB and check this site on a regular basis I love it you will too once you rack up on Children's Place, Abercrombie Kids and more!
www.slickdeals.net and admittedly there's a 4GB deal on there now

but again imo and if it were me I would go the 250GB. Also you do know they extended the warranty on (I know the older models due to the lawsuits some were filing and more a while back) and I called in, they sent me a refurbished one in return and in the beginning even a box to ship it in.. I remember because the box was plain white w/ only dimensions on it and I went into one of the local small UPS stores and as soon as I walked in the door they said "Ohh you have a xbox 360 to ship off for repairs" and I said "Yes how did you know?" and one employee replied "Ohh because we get in 3-4 a week" and I was shocked now that was admittedly two years ago so not sure if yours would still be covered or not but it certainly would not hurt to Google it as I did and receive a rebuilt one a few weeks later right?
Edit: Ohh and almost forgot... on SD a little ways down or maybe (currently) on page 2 or 3 is a listing for several Kinect games all $30 or under so check that out as well.. I know all this because I'm still considering picking one up although my wife says I gave up the new xbox because I spent too much on the new PC however the Kinect is nice I've caught myself dancing around not even playing the games and that's just plain fun
