Version: 1.00, by dabean
Developer Last Online: Dec 2003
Version: 2.2.x
Released: 01-08-2002
Last Update: Never
Installs: 122
No support by the author.
This hack adds expansion and contraction support to the forum home page (index.php). The current version of this hack has been tested on vBulletin 2.3.2
Only supported browsers gain the ability to expand and collapse forum groups, non supported browsers do not gain anything, but no errors will be displayed.
Each users preference is saved to the database, additionally admins can select which forums are to be collapsed by default.
Browsers supported
Opera 7 support is included
Browsers unsupported
MS IE4 or earlier
Netscape 4 or earlier
Opera (version 6 and earlier)
Note: PHP 4.1.x or 4.2.x is required, PHP 4.0.x is now unsupported.
Updated 30/08/03
- vB 2.2.x and 2.3.x compatiblity statement, added new automatic testing script.
Q: what exactly is Template_Option.txt?
A: Basically that exention was provided as a request to cover sites with the template modification that adds a "header" to each grouping.
Q: How do I show a forum depth greater than 2?
A: Open vB Admin cp set forum depth to your required level. Then create the additional templates. For template examples see
Q: Can sub-forums be collapsed?
A: Yes. See the above answer for example templates.
Q: XYZ doesn't work help.
A: Check that all the template changes required have been made, 99% of problems are due to incorrect template alteration. Also use the cx_test.php to automatically check your installation!
Show Your Support
This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
Tried it and same exact look...all the text below gets squished over to the left in the table same as before...gotta love the cross platform inconsistencies MS builds into their products.
Is it the javascript or the style sheet that is likely kicking the text over?
The CSS embeded in the javascript. It appears that IE MAC is interpreting the display property differently to IE WIN/UNIX and NS6/Moz/Konq . Is this version of IE5.0 or IE5.1? As the only solution appears to be reformating each cell using even more javascript or disabling the collapse function in IE5 MAC.
Oh well there is always undocumented features to play with is this any better?
I added this hack and I didn't have any problems with the install, but it doesn't show any + or - signs next to the forum catagory name. Do I need to enable something?
Originally posted by Gutspiller I added this hack and I didn't have any problems with the install, but it doesn't show any + or - signs next to the forum catagory name. Do I need to enable something?
Did you upload the gif images? Where did you upload them to? Make sure they are in the right place and they should come up.
I'm looking to do an expand and contract on my site. I run this hack already, where woul I find the code for a non php site to expand and contract? If it has to be php that's fine but I want it so when users click the icon or title the icon changes and a link list appears below the link/icon. Does anyone know where I could find such code?