Version: 2.0.0, by ry215
Developer Last Online: May 2022
Category: Statistics Modifications -
Version: 3.7.4
Released: 12-12-2008
Last Update: 12-28-2008
Installs: 158
Uses Plugins Auto-Templates
Additional Files Translations
No support by the author.
vBulletin Version: 3.7.x
File Edits: 1 (if you want)
New Files: Yes
Template Edits: 0
New Templates: 20
New Phrases: 80
Uses Hooks: 4
Setting: 42
Uses Plugins: Yes
Time to install: 2 minutes max
This modification includes these statistics
- Top Threads:
Random threads with slideshow using attached images in threads
Latest Posts with tooltips
Most Viewed Threads
Latest Forum News
Hottest Threads
5 Custom Lastest Posts: Get new topics in specified forums
- Top Members:
Newest Members
Top Posters
Top Thread Starters
Top Referrers
Top Reputations
Top Thanked
Top Infractions
Top Richest
- Customs:
Most Popular Forums
Latest Classified Ads
Latest Blogs
- On/Off Auto Reload TOP
- Time to Reload
- Support 10 Tabs and 9 Customs Laspost - View more Result (Ajax) << v2.0.0
---- more
[AJAX] - Advanced Forum (Random threads with slideshow using attached images in threads)
1. Upload files to your root folder.
2. Import XML file via Manage Products
ACP >> Plugins & Products >> Manage Products >> [Add/Import Product]
3. If you want Guest to see Images in Random Threads, choose one of two ways:
A. (Recommended) Edit attachment.php file. Find line 156:
PHP Code:
if (!($forumperms & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canview']) OR !($forumperms & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canviewthreads']) OR !($forumperms & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['cangetattachment']) OR (!($forumperms & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canviewothers']) AND ($attachmentinfo['postuserid'] != $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] OR $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] == 0)))
I want to show only a top 10, 5 or 1, and it shows it, but I Can't make the right box (the one with tabs) shows only 10 lines, stills showing 15 lines, it's not as left column which autosize on list selection if the result is 1 user, shows only 1 line.
If I have a result of "3" then I have 12 empty lines down and if I have 17 results works fine, how to show only lines as results, and not empty lines...
Working with vBulletin 3.8.6 but i got now a Bug with my Addon vS-Hide Hack Resurrection (Expanded Edition). If i click the Thanks Button its loading and loading and loading and nothing happened. If i deactivate the Statistics its fully working again. What should i do?
Fantastic Mod!. I only have one problem: My stats of Thanked are blank, I'm using vS-Hide Hack Resurrection and this one have a thanks system.
I'm on the impression that this Advanced Forum Statistics mod works with Abe1's Thank You hack only. (I hope not) :erm:
Is there a way to integrate my thanks system to this mod?, or what can I do to get it work?
EDIT: As a matter of fact, this mod crashed completly the thanks system of vS-Hide Hack Resurrection, once I uninstalled everything works normally again. I really like this mod, please help me to get it work.
I have 2 forums with the password. I would like to show the top threds of these forums in a "custom latest posts", but not in "the latest post", nor in "the random threads".
I tried to put these two forums in "the Forums excluded from stats ", but finally there is also nothing in "the custom latest post" of these two forums, well, I don't know how to do now.
So, how can I remove two forums from the latest posts and the random threads, but only in a custom latest post, plz?