vBStatus allows your users to update their status to tell other members what they are doing/thinking at any given time. A user's status is displayed under their names in their postbit, in their User Profile, and anywhere else you choose!
User's can edit their status quickly and easily via AJAX.
Features and Configuration options include:
Admin Option: Turn modification on/off
Admin Option: Ban usergroups from updating their status.
Admin Option: Set a max character count for status messages.
Admin Option: Set the number of characters of a status message displayed per line. (Word wrapping will occur for status messages longer than this defined value.)
Admin Option: Define a standard status prefix to be appended to the start of all status messages after the username. (i.e. Attilitus is doing something.)
Admin Option: Define a default status for users with a blank status.
Admin Option: Define the character set used for encoding status messages. (The default value of this option should work for most character sets.)
Feature: Status messages may be updated in-line.
Feature: All languages and character sets are supported. (Most, if not all, should work with the default encoding option. Others may require some configuration in the admin options.)
Feature: Users may press the Enter key to confirm their status update.
Temporarily Deactivated in v5: Admin Option: Allow defined usergroups to modify other user's status updates. (For moderation purposes)
There are 4 template edits for this hack. The installation readme file will guide you through the entire process.
Special Update Instructions for users of vBStatus v4
This version of vBStatus was mostly written from scratch. Please note that there are two features that are missing from v5 that were present in v4: the ability of members of certain usergroups to modify the status updates of other users, and the ability for users to edit their status in a popup window. If you need those features, don't upgrade yet.
The upgrade process that I suggest is:
Import the new product xml file. Make sure that you check Allow Overwrite.
Remove all template code in templates: postbit, postbit_legacy, memberinfo, and header that is between <!--BEGIN VBSTATUS--> <!--END VBSTATUS--> tags.
Delete your current vbstatus folder and all of its contents.
Install vBStatus v5 as instructed in the installation instructions text file included with the modification.
Version 5.1
Support for non-english characters has been added.
A small modification was made to the installation script to make it more robust.
Upgrade Instructions: Reupload all files (allow overwrite), and reimport the product (allow overwrite). No additional template edits are required to for the upgrade.
Version 5.2
Users may press the Enter key to submit their status.
Upgrade Instructions: Reupload all files (allow overwrite). No additional template edits are required for this upgrade. You may reimport the included product, if you desire, to update the version number to 5.2
Version 5.3
Important security update to fix a cross site scripting exploit.
Upgrade Instructions: Reupload all files in the upload folder to your forum root, and allow overwrite. It is not necessary to re-import the product xml file.
Note: The files available in this thread will always be for the most recent version of the modification.
If you previously used vBStatus in vB 3.x your member's old status messages will be preserved.
Please do not forget to click INSTALL
There is an option called "Maximum characters in Status Updates". It is currently set to 140 and it works in a bad way because I'm allowed to enter more than 140 characters in the status box and when I click "Save" instead of rejecting the status and display an error message like this: "You can only enter $max_chars per status" it is saving the error message as the new status of the member.
I have tried to fix this by chaning this in file 'vbstatus/vbstatus_class.php':
die("my own error message");
print "my own error message";
eval(standard_error("my own error message"));
And none of these three ways was successful. The user isn't getting the error message.
Any ideas?
EDIT: I got an idea! When you're creating a new thread and you didn't enter anything in the title box, you get a popup error message. I believe that a popup will work here too! But I have no idea of how to display a popup error message. Please help!
I just installed your plugin, i'm using a skin called Grunged, however, I can't edit my status, I did all the updates to the templates, but the Edit button doesn't pop open a textbox to edit the status, it does nothing when you click on the Edit link.....any ideas?