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March BOTM Nominations
Version: , by Roms Roms is offline
Developer Last Online: Nov 2023 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Version: Unknown Rating:
Released: 02-01-2011 Last Update: Never Installs: 0
No support by the author.

This is the nomination thread for Board of the Month of March 2011.

Please note the BOTM Rules here:

Let me reiterate the rules for this thread:
  • Only post nominations or seconds, no chatter.
  • All seconds are to be placed in 1 post, with a max of 3.
  • All seconds should include the word "second" or "+1".
  • All posts must be in English.
Please abide by these rules or your post will be removed.

Nominations will be accepted until the 28th of February 2011 (close to midnight... close means +/- HOURS. YES, I WILL CLOSE AND GET TO IT AS "SOON" AS I CAN (Like when they have to type that code in the tv show "LOST" this is some serious stuff here!!!)

When nominating please post the site name, URL to the forum, a short description what makes your board stand out from default vBulletin, and a reason for nomination that will motivate others to second the nomination. If the staff feels that a nomination post is too promotional it will be edited accordingly.

Any sites without a name, URL, description and reason for nomination will NOT be entered into the poll. Please ensure that your nomination is in the format:

Originally Posted by Sample Nomination
Site Name: vBulletin.org
URL: www.vbulletin.org - this must be clickable
Description: Official vBulletin Modifications Site
Reason for Nomination: Not Nominated. This is an example nomination.
When seconding sites, please ensure that you use the same post for the maximum of 3 allowed seconds. Any seconds not located in your first seconding post will not be counted. Please also ensure that you quote the nomination post you are seconding in your post (Use Multi-Quote Option if you are nomination multiple boards). If there is no name or URL provided then the post will be ignored when the nominations are counted.

Also, please make sure that you are seconding a forum that has already been nominated by its forum owner. Any seconds for a forum that has not been nominated yet will be counted as null and void.

Please posts only nominations or seconds, NO "Thank you" posts are needed, they clutter the thread and will be DELETED.

IMPORTANT inqueries regarding the BOTM Contests should be sent via PM to Roms or an Administrator.

Best of luck to all nominees!

Show Your Support

  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 02-02-2011, 05:42 AM
omniqix omniqix is offline
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site name: needtechsupport.com
url: http://www.needtechsupport.com/
Description: forum for free technical support
Reason for Nomination: Clean theme, funny logo, forum where users can get free technical support for just about anything
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Old 02-02-2011, 10:24 AM
karkey karkey is offline
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Site Name: Joint Task Force 2 (JTF-2)
URL: www.jtf-2.com
Description: JTF-2 is a members only social interaction site. A small bunch of good friends use this to communicate about their online hobby, namely an online military first person simulation/shooter.
Reason for Nomination: Innovation and new ideas are always apparent. With busy lifestyles it is a good place to jump into, to share ideas, listen to music and to hear about updates for our favorable pastime.
The use of vBullitin enables us to make sure we are keeping with the times and utilising many features to ensure we have a fun, comfortable and unique site
The site receives praise from many and experiences good traffic. It is also very secure thanks to vbulletin.
Thus an all round functional site which is extremely fit for purpose and provides a sound example of how a social website should be.
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Old 02-02-2011, 03:19 PM
Masked Crusader Masked Crusader is offline
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Site Name: Masked Crusader
URL: http://www.maskedcrusader.com (Auction Site) / http://www.maskedcrusader.com/wow-ac...trading-forum/ (vB Forums)
Description: MMO trading/selling/buying forum for games like World of Warcraft, Aion, Runescape, etc.
Reason for Nomination:

* Auction Site Home Page -- Completely custom skin design that matches our other market contribution with Masked Armory (http://www.maskedarmory.com). People can post up there accounts for sale for extra exposure outside of the forums!
* Custom Ratings System -- Shows on the threads and then there is a total ratings page per user that can be accessed via the "Ratings" link on the threads.
* Quick Masked Armory -- product that creates an anonymous World of Warcraft armory via another site I created called 'Masked Armory' and then posts it back via a JSON request and puts it in the message box!
* Auto-Banning + Duplicate IP CRON - Checks to see if the user has a previous registered username and if they do, then it adds a Neutral rating to their trader ratings. If they have a previously banned username, it automatically bans their new username.
* Trust Who Association Product - If a user has been Trust Who Verified (can Google what this is if need be), then they simply enter in their registered TWV e-mail and press submit. Upon hitting submit, the product goes and checks to see if their e-mail is indeed attached to any TWV account. If it is, then a verification e-mail will be sent out to that e-mail and the user can click on the link inside to associate his TWV account with his new forum account.
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Old 02-02-2011, 05:22 PM
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Site Name: English Bulldog News
URL: http://www.englishbulldognews.com
Description: Forum for English Bulldog Owners and those searching for an English Bulldog
Reason for Nomination: I am a mother of 4 children and 5 English Bulldogs. I created this forum 1 year ago, and have learned everything on a step by step basis. From taking 3 days to initially install the forum (yes- it took me that long to figure it out!), to now having a wonderful community of members. Our site is what you may call 'split', since there is the forums, but also all the created site pages done in html.

English Bulldogs are not an easy breed to care for, they require more maintenance than your average dog. Our members are constantly helping educate bulldog owners and give them the help they need, and advice whenever they need it. With all the scams and bad breeders of English Bulldogs out there, we are there to help guide new and future owners on the care their bulldog needs.

When we found out about things like poor diet and how this can effect the immune system, and ultimately cause the English Bulldog costly vet bills, tear stains, allergies.... and not to mention the smell!!! We created the Dog Food Ratings and Nutrition board to help EB owners learn about dog food and the change it can make. We have been thanked over and over for this information, and many of our dedicated active members have brand new bulldogs because of this information.

We also have a team of rescue moderators, who search rescue organizations all over the USA and Canada for English Bulldogs for Adoption and cross post them in the "Available English Bulldogs For Adoption" board. We are very proud of this team and what they do, and educating people on Rescue Organizations and hoping they will choose to adopt, is a wonderful achievement, and it has been very successful.

We have also utilized the subscription tool at vbulletin to create Hospice Sponsorship for EB's that will forever be in rescue, because of their age and condition they will never be able to find a new 'FURever' home. So we have many sponsors who receive an award for the profile, using the Award system modification.

We have tons of awards and achievements that can be earned, plus the use of the Point Market system we also use our earnings from advertising to donate to English Bulldog Rescues and the Susan G. Komen foundation for breast cancer research, some fun awards, Free dog food, and more. This modification has brought a way for the users to gain points to redeem for REAL things.

We also have a photo of the month contest that is a big hit with our members, and we use constant contact and generate a bi-weekly newsletter.

We believe we have the right combination of mods at our site to make it fun and engaging, and want to say a special thanks to all the developers out there that give these wonderful additions to us for free here at vbulletin.org

With the use of RSS, we have been able to create pages on facebook that automatically cross-post all new posts within our forums to our pages. We also tweet each post using another website via RSS, so we have all social media included with little effort on our part. (Which is good because it used to eat up several hours a day!)

Our motto is "For Information, Advice, Friendships and Fun!" and I think we have accomplished all of those in our forums in just one year, and we are very proud to say this is our forum!
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Old 02-03-2011, 12:25 PM
Hang Tuah Hang Tuah is offline
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Site name : Cuti Malaysia | Largest Malaysia Travel Forum
URL : http://cutimalaysia.my
Description : Portal & Forum Cuti Malaysia is the largest one stop centre and cover story all about Malaysia Tourism such as history, foods, culture to all of our community.
Reason for Nomination : First

- Our portal is in Malay language right now but at the same time we already install vbtranslator to give an opportunity to the visitor from all over the world to understand discussion in our portal. Hopefully you will enjoy there.....

- We customized vbulletin theme become simple and clean to make our visitor and forumer enjoyable when they stay at our forum.

- We also always make sure performance of our forum become faster and faster. We understand the time loading is very-very importand.

- The most important is to make sure platform that we provide is comfortable to our visitor to discuss, chatting, communicate, sharing especially travel topics

Note : We want to welcome to everyone to visit our country Malaysia.....
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Old 02-03-2011, 04:33 PM
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Site name: The Fish Sniffer :up:
URL: http://fishsniffer.com
Description: Online forum and feature articles for the Northern California Anglers Publications newspaper "The Fish Sniffer"

- 20K plus active members covering the topics of fresh and saltwater fishing in the western USA. Also includes hunting threads and classifieds.

- The fishsniffer.com forums were originally developed and established using Yabb php which when the site was given to me as the new developer contained over 40 million files in the flat file perl system. The challenge was using impex to import the forums into vBcms over a year ago. Eventually with server tech support and third party vB support by Rafael Benard rafaweborama@gmail.com in Nicaragua we were able to stabilize and regain function of our forums.

- Now two years running vB. Our custom skin was developed using a purchased template from CompletevB.com which has been modified to replicate the branding of the newspaper.

Calendar and image gallery module have been added to the forum as well as VBSEO.

- Our goal is to create a subscriber driven section of the site where content from the paper and added extra features can be shared amongst paid subscribers to the elite section of the site. Unfortunately the neglect for vB cms has muted growth in this area of our site. Alternatives are being explored to overcome this yet the sites members will continue to enjoy the support and function of vBulletin forums.

Note : Comments and suggestions are always welcomed. info@fishsniffer.com
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Old 02-03-2011, 04:58 PM
Spyike Spyike is offline
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Website Name: Spyike.org - Trust Starts Here

Purpose: Provide a solid community for (online)gaming discussion, as well as a market for users to buy, sell and trade virtual and tangible goods.
URL: Spyike.Org Forums

Description: Spyike.org is a user friendly board designed to provide users with the latest information and discussion on a variety of online games. These include, but are not limited to: RuneScape, World of Warcraft, Call of Duty , Habbo, AION, and other Steam games. There is a friendly market which users can easily buy, sell and trade virtual or tangible goods among the user base. Also included is a section designed to discuss real life, and off topic things. An arcade is implemented to keep users busy, as well as many unique modifications noted below.

Reason for Nomination:

Unique Modifications

RuneScape GE Update: Alerts users of Grand Exchange updates. (The Grand Exchange is an auction type "store" on RuneScape.com that enables users to buy and sell items from the game among users)

RuneScape GE Marquee: Displays the highest percentage increase/decrease in items from RuneScape.com below the navbar. This informs users of items which are currently rising/dropping/being manipulated by clans. This is an extremely useful tool for users on the board whom play RuneScape.

Feedback System: Allows users to rate or leave feedback for users whom they conducted trade(s) with. Feedback is only displayed in forums relating to the market. Helps ensure safety when trading.

Custom Style: Sleek, custom design which is easily navigatable and relates to topics on the forum. Also displays the current server load to users (accurate)

Video Sharing: Users have the ability to share YouTube (and other) Videos via URL which user's can comment, rate and bookmark.

Arcade: For members who want a little "fun" while browsing the board.
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Old 02-03-2011, 05:09 PM
omniqix omniqix is offline
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Site Name: Guitar Act
URL: http://www.guitaract.com/
Description: New community for Guitar Players to hang out
Reason for Nomination: A place where guitar players can showcase their skills and promote their bands for free, helping artists spread their work

Site Name: Pizzastic.com
URL: http://www.pizzastic.com/forum/
Description: Forums for talking about pizza.
Reason for Nomination: Because everyone loves Pizza! and because of the cool pizza theme.
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Old 02-04-2011, 08:54 AM
FunnyMan FunnyMan is offline
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Website Name: DealDebate.com – Get it for Le$$
Purpose: Hot Deals, Coupons, Free Stuff, Finance Blogs, Travel Deals etc.
URL: http://dealdebate.com

Description: DealDebate.com is a free, user-driven deal sharing website with a mission to provide consumers an avenue to collaborate and share information in order to make the best shopping decisions. It achieves this by providing users a frequently updated hot deals front page, forum, blogs etc. DealDebate.com prides itself on being user and community focused, never allowing paid placement for front page deal listings.

Reason for Nomination: We have created a custom design for the home page and forums. Well optimized the website to increase the page load speed considerably and removed most of the unwanted stuff and kept only very limited mods. Nominated here because it will be the biggest first award for our website to win.

Appreciate your time and vote for our website.
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