Version 4.x of this template for vB4 uses no tables instead i decided to use CSS3 border-image, unfortunately Internet Explorer does not support border-image so the left and right border will not appear in IE, i added the top and bottom borders in IE with <!--[if IE]>
If you change the size of the logo (vbulletin4_logo.png) you will need to edit the header template and change the width to keep the logo centered perfectly:
In version 4.2.5 the border code was replaced to work with newer CSS3, with the older code the borders would not show in many browsers.
If anybody finds any bugs or needs support please post in this thread and not via private message. Thank you
ZIP Contents:
-Darkness image directory
Personally I would gladly pay for this theme if we could get support. Its a bear to find a theme that is dark, works for a military support organization and isn't too clowny. Used to use Underground from Skinbox until they decided to ++++ all their customers and stop supporting vB. Is there an option of any kind to purchase this theme and get timely support and updates? I will gladly pay for something I know will be around in the future and not leave me hanging like Skinbox did.
Big thanks.
Also, if you would like to support the US Snipers in active military duty go here. We are 100% NON PROFIT, no salaries all our work is pro-bono to support these heros.
@cvondra, if you're looking for a paid skin that does not HAVE to be this one, the developer of this one makes several (Darkness and its more simple BP-Brown are just the free ones).
I've never used one of their paid styles, but they do have the paid ones up-to-date, and they looks sweet as well (of course).
I also would pay for this skin, if it meant faster updates and support and such. I like it because of the different header area and the border, and modified them to match the theme of my site ( to see how I modified this skin). Waiting forever for updates because free things go at the bottom of the to-do list is a little aggravating at times.
I have updated yesterday to vb4.1.1 but there are 4 little probs.
I think your version update wil be fixed that?
Question 2:
In the older vb3 there was a issue with the banner.
After searching i found it out that it was better to make it in 3 parts.
Exampel banner1.jpg has 400px, banner2.jpg has 2px and banner3.jpg has 300px.
In that case the banner was showing to all monitors 100% the same.
Is that in this style possible?
This is unfortunately becoming disappointing. I have reached out to these guys offering to pay for updates both on here and via their site with no response either way. Is there anyone out there that does work on themes for vB and is actually dependable? If you know of someone please let me know.
I was wondering if anyone can help me with the navbar.
if you go to and look at the navbar, you can see that it does not move as it should i guess. If you open it, and make the window smaller, the buttons all move, go behind the search box and even down below where the navbar should be. I guess I'm making it hard to explain, easiest way to show you is to have you look at it. here is some screen shots. As you can see in image1, the navbar is fine so long as you have it maximized. In image2, you can see that if you make the window smaller, the navbar goes haywire.
Thank You,
I am having this same problem.
How can I fix this?