Where do I change the background color for my secondary nav bar drop downs? They are showing up white and can only see the words if you hover over them. Thanks!
If you use Firefox, try installing Firebug and then you can right click over the text you want to change, inspect element, see the CSS, and then find that CSS in vB.
Sure, Here's a screen shot. Do you see in the Quick Links dropdown how the color is white. I had to hover over the Subscribed Threads to get the wording to show up.
Sure, Here's a screen shot. Do you see in the Quick Links dropdown how the color is white. I had to hover over the Subscribed Threads to get the wording to show up.
Post us a screenshot? "Print Screen" then paste into MS Paint or some similar program, save it then attach in your next post.
I believe I know what your referring to, I recently worked on a clients site and the entire site is heavily customized including modification and new additions to the css and I ran into an issue with the link colors in popupmenus and had to make changes to make it show properly - A screenshot will confirm this and or allow Calorie or myself to further assist .
OK, I am having issues uploading a screenshot right now but I will try to show you on vbull.org.
See on the top Navbar on vbulletin.org where it says HELP and if you click on the arrow for the drop down menu...the choices "General Site map, Meet Our Staff, etc" are on a gray background? Well, on our site, the background is white and we would like to change the color.