On my forum, a lot of spammers keep registering spam accounts. They don't post anything in their signatures, but they do attempt to post spam on my site. How can I prevent that?
Honestly the thing that seems to keep most spammers at bay is my random question(s)... I don't think that's part of 3.5 but it looks like you have the skills to program it if need be.
On my forum, a lot of spammers keep registering spam accounts. They don't post anything in their signatures, but they do attempt to post spam on my site. How can I prevent that?
My forum version is 3.5.0.
I had the same problem and I solved it with a combination of:
re-Captcha for registrations
StopForumSpam mod
Can't be sure which of them is doing the best work, but the combination of them had a 100% success.
Ban them using a combination of methods such as blocking the ip number, username, email, believe me after a short while it puts a stop to the persistent spammers. A lot of this spam will be from spam bots which can be clever enough to deal with the question and captcha depending on the software used.