Version: 2.1.2, by Dream
Developer Last Online: Sep 2010
Category: Add-On Releases -
Version: 3.8.x
Released: 01-19-2009
Last Update: 02-25-2010
Installs: 411
DB Changes Uses Plugins Template Edits
Re-useable Code Additional Files Translations
No support by the author.
Mark this thread as installed only if you want to receive important update notifications by email.
This will add a fully featured Radio and TV Streaming Player with stations library to your forum.
- Users can add / delete / edit own stations (controlled by usergroup permissions)
- Users can have a favorite stations list
- Report broken / duplicate stations links
- Totally coded in AJAX (no page reloads)
- Plays Windows Media Player, Real Player and Quicktime streams
- Shows user's favorites and last played station in profile page
- and much more...
Installation is easy. You need to upload some files, import a product, import the default stations (if you wish) and make only two manual navbar template edits, one for the popup link and another for the javascript that opens the popup. This is optional and the link can be put elsewhere, just remember to also add the javascript on the same page.
If you like this script you can donate (note that won't make me work!)
Donations so far: U$ 137.65
This mod is "Re-usable Code", meaning you can modify and release your modified version.
You are responsible for the streams you add to your website. The mod author doesn't take responsibility for possible copyright infringements in some countries by using some stations.
Arabic and Chinese don't work with Ajax, so this mod won't work, sorry.
This mod took roughly two weeks to code, so it should be somewhat good and bug free
For Pete's sake produce a lite and pro version, charge us [not every year but lifetime]with something simbolic as 10-20bucks for brandfree-pro version and you will have in few months atleast 100-200 of us who will pay that...and we will have what we need
For Pete's sake produce a lite and pro version, charge us [not every year but lifetime]with something simbolic as 10-20bucks for brandfree-pro version and you will have in few months atleast 100-200 of us who will pay that...and we will have what we need
Thank you
Yup, I'll pay gladly. I created so many stations for this and my users think i'm nuts to lose the feature for vb4..I'm beginning to think so too
Guys, 100% sure I'll be moving to xenForo. This mod is free to be messed with/upgraded by any coder. I'm terribly sorry I can't please you all, but it would be too much for me with my current projects and work.
Guys, 100% sure I'll be moving to xenForo. This mod is free to be messed with/upgraded by any coder. I'm terribly sorry I can't please you all, but it would be too much for me with my current projects and work.
Interesting. It's gonna be sweet to see this mod on a xenForo install!
You mean we will not see this on VB for future versions???
Will not move to XF as its not offering that much as VB, and anyways will be commercial I think they will never be able to be better than VB...atleast not in near future
Was waiting for this since vb4 is released, first you promised us you will work on this, now you are probably saying that you will not work on this...yeap its free and all but....
Uninstalled, too bad cant rate it again...great mod...but what is use of that?
Uninstalled, too bad cant rate it again...great mod...but what is use of that?
Now that's just silly. You would re-rate this modification because the author of it who has provided it free-of-charge to the vBulletin community does not wish to spend a HUGE amount of time upgrading it to the vB 4 series??? That's just stupid.
The rating should not be dependant on whether the mod author upgrades the modification to fit your needs. The rating should be an assessment of the current project. And because of that I would rate it "5" all day long!
I suppose it's a good thing that does not allow users to change their votes!
Look. Dude has stated that the modification is NOT supported. Dream has been kind enough to allow for "Re-usable Code" -- So stop downing the product because it's not compatible with vB 4. Hire somebody to update the code for you. How about that for an idea!