Version: 1.0.1, by dartho
Developer Last Online: Oct 2023
Category: Add-On Releases -
Version: 4.0.6
Released: 09-04-2010
Last Update: 09-06-2010
Installs: 323
Uses Plugins
Re-useable Code
No support by the author.
This is a direct port from my 3.x versions which detects most mobile phones, iPhones, PDAs and other mobile browsing devices and automatically presents the user with a specific vBulletin style.
The one significant addition over previous versions is that a user can now over-ride the style assignment - more information in the notes section.
This will probably work with previous versions of vBulletin (but untested)
What can it do?Detects most mobile phones and presents the user with a specific style. If you have multiple styles installed which are optimized for small screen mobile devices, iPhones, WIndows Mobile devices you can assign a specific style to each of these groups.
Whilst designed with mobile device users in mind, you could also assign styles to self defined browsers. For example you can assign an alternative style to Internet Explorer users whilst Firefox users get the default style. You could also assign an alternative style to Google or Yahoo spiders.
0. Install styles which you wish to assign to Mobile/PDA/iPhone users
0.5 Uninstall previous versions
1. Download the product file
2. Install via Product Manager
3. Configure options via vBulletin Options, Mobile Device Detection (should appear at end)
4. Start browsing from your mobile device!
5. Click "Mark as Installed"
If upgrading from a previous 3.5, 3.6 or 3.7 version, you will need to uninstall that and the install this one.
To uninstall simply uninstall the product - there are no database changes or additional files.
Version Control
1.0.0 - Initial Release
1.0.1 - Add option to enable/disable overriding style assignment.
Previous versions of this mod have forced a mobile device to a specific style, this is no longer the case! If a user now follows a link which changes the style (using a URL parameter of "styleid=xx") they will then be given that style for the rest of their session. If they close their browser and reload your site, they will then be detected again. Cookies must be enabled on the users browser for overriding detection to work
To Do
Add an option for users to be able to permanently NOT be detected as a mobile device or explicitly use a specified style.
This version is great 'cos users can switch back to the normal style - so thank you for that
However, I have one user who says his Samsung phone is now going to the default style after the welcome page ... but it worked on the previous version - he's deleted his cache/cookies too (so he says).
try giving him a link to follow to the style, ie. where nn is the style you want to display to him on his phone
try giving him a link to follow to the style, ie. where nn is the style you want to display to him on his phone