The default data input during install is a real horror of a problem if you choose not to run it, I have asked for support in installing the default data 'after' installing the vbulletin core but got nowhere. It is a serious problem as many heavily customised styles such as these just will not work properly without the data being there, I cannot fathom why to be honest. It is a real nuisance that there is as yet no way of installing the default data post core install, I wish I could provide you all with a solution to this problem but until vbulletin provides us with a method to install the default data post core install I am at a loss.
Hmm well that's bummer lol. I'll try installing in a dev directory and have example data installed and see if that fixes my menu problem. I'll report back when I get the results.
When installing this and the WoLK themes they totally take over the styles. The default styles no longer work and the only two that have been working are yours as wonderful as they are.
But I made a mistake tonight and tried to install another theme (yes..shame) and it has destroyed my Cataclysm and WoLK themes. Before I start over from scratch I thought I would ask if there was a simple way to reset the styles in 4.x back to defaults? Could I delete/re-upload a folder or set of files that would put everything back to defaults and then I could just reapply my WoW themes and leave everything alone without having to blow my database away and reinstalling everything.
Morning Alice, as a followup I have confirmed the menu problem I was having is due to the example data not being installed during install. I have gone ahead and installed the VB 4.0.6 Suite in a Dev directory and let it install the example data and poof menu was working fine after install with no adjustments needed after import.
So now that we have that problem nailed down I have to go back and reinstall my live site (not live to world yet thankfully lol that would hurt having to start over from the beginning) with example data installed and we should be good to go.
Thanks again for some great themes, I also just saw that you made a Wotlk theme, going to install that as well. Hopefully the VB team can get this whole data problem tweaked so people who are running boards without the example data can use your great themes too.
Hi, I tried before to fill out my profile but it still says I can't due to insufficient privileges. I wondered how I can fill out the profile to then be able to write in the correct thread.
hej Alice.
first i will say i love your template, but. if you read my topic is it okay if someone modify this in your template? As my forum not is a wow forum and your template is very good as a warcraft 3 template too just with a few edits. so is it okay if someone edit it like i said in my thread? if you say no i will delete my thread soon as possible. Thanks for reading this.
hej Alice.
first i will say i love your template, but. if you read my topic is it okay if someone modify this in your template? As my forum not is a wow forum and your template is very good as a warcraft 3 template too just with a few edits. so is it okay if someone edit it like i said in my thread? if you say no i will delete my thread soon as possible. Thanks for reading this.
When installing this and the WoLK themes they totally take over the styles. The default styles no longer work and the only two that have been working are yours as wonderful as they are.
But I made a mistake tonight and tried to install another theme (yes..shame) and it has destroyed my Cataclysm and WoLK themes. Before I start over from scratch I thought I would ask if there was a simple way to reset the styles in 4.x back to defaults? Could I delete/re-upload a folder or set of files that would put everything back to defaults and then I could just reapply my WoW themes and leave everything alone without having to blow my database away and reinstalling everything.
Thanks for any suggestion you might have.
I cannot say what it is you have done wrong but this has absolutely nothing to do with this style, provided you have opted to install a NEW style and have named it then it cannot change other styles. Perhaps you opted to merge during upload with another style!
Hi, I tried before to fill out my profile but it still says I can't due to insufficient privileges. I wondered how I can fill out the profile to then be able to write in the correct thread.
I cannot tell you why you cannot fill out your profile here honey, I'm really not sure why you are asking me about it?