I checked for outbound links on my site today using an outbound link checker. The link checker showed this link on my website and I have no idea where the link is and what it is doing on my site. the link has this text MSDS Authoring | MSDS Compliance|. I searched in phrases and in templates but i couldn't find it. I don't know what to do.
Did the software tell you what page it was on such as index.php, showthread.php, etc? If not I would "view source" of all your pages and use the built in "Find" command to look for "MSDS" in the source HTML.
Did the software tell you what page it was on such as index.php, showthread.php, etc? If not I would "view source" of all your pages and use the built in "Find" command to look for "MSDS" in the source HTML.
No! it just showed that the link is an outbound link on my website but I can't find this link anywhere on the site