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[GlowHost] Spam-O-Matic - Spam Firewall stops forum spam Details »»
[GlowHost] Spam-O-Matic - Spam Firewall stops forum spam
Version: 2.1.2, by GlowHost.com GlowHost.com is offline
Developer Last Online: Sep 2022 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Category: Anti-Spam Options - Version: 4.x.x Rating:
Released: 08-04-2010 Last Update: 05-27-2013 Installs: 4740
DB Changes Uses Plugins Auto-Templates
Additional Files Translations  
No support by the author.

If you install this mod, please mark this as "Installed."

VERSION 2.1.2 RELEASED 5/28/2013!

About Spam-O-Matic 2.x:
Spam-O-Matic 2.x (SOM) is a spam firewall for your vBulletin Forums version 4.x and later. It prevents known spammers from registering on your forums. If they can't register, they can't spam!

Languages Packs Available
German - Courtesy of Alex@bulletin (included in zip)
Romanian - Courtesy of Teascu Dorin's (included in zip)
Spanish - Courtesy of vbluis (included in zip)

How it Works
This data responsible for blocking user registrations comes from the stopforumspam.com (SFS) spammer database. After the user who is trying to register passes the built-in vBulletin registration checks which you have configured in your vBulletin settings, SOM then checks the SFS database to see if the IP, username, or email address that the user is trying to register with has been recently tagged as a known spam source on other forums around the Internet. Also can be configured to check the Akismet service for known comment spam.

This is without a doubt, one of the most important mods that you will be using on your forum.

Other Notable Stuff
It also does a ton of other cool stuff like moderating posts automatically if the post is found in the Akismet database, or if it contains words on your "Bad Words" keyword list which can be configured within the mod itself.

The mod WORKS with vBulletin's new Facebook integration.
This module works with all of the Facebook functions that are built into the vB4 series.
Similar mods do not handle Facebook integration completely.

This module has the ability to submit new spammer details to the StopForumSpam or Akismet databases automatically, all without any new templates or manual template modifications! :up:

This means other forums that are running Spam-O-Matic will not have the same spammer on their forums if you have (automatically) reported the spammer to the SFS database.

Just install the product in the product manager, upload a few files, configure the system and you are done. (Estimated time: 5-10 minutes)

What's new in 2.1.0:
  • Fixed a problem with MySQL engine selection to make mod more compatible with different types of servers.
  • When SOM "Newbies Group" is activated + vB's native option to "Verify Email address in Registration" is activated at the same time, "Users Awaiting Email Confirmation" must click the verification link to become a newbie.
  • Added remove user, post, ban to user profile options in admincp under "Quick User Links"
  • Added German Language Pack
  • Optimized default settings to work with the needs of most forums
  • Added a new coupon for GlowHost (available after you submit a spammer)
  • Several other performance tuning options

Feature List:
  • Optional Public Statistics. Show off to the world how many bad guys you have automatically prevented from posting junk on your forum.
  • Auto-Moderation moderates posts that have links, bad words, and other configurable settings.
  • Auto-Moderation ignores your RSS posts.
  • Registration / Denial Logs available from Admincp > Statistics and Logs
  • Optional "Newbies" Manager! After registration, newly registered users can be placed in a "Newbies" group which has more limited permissions as compared to your regular "Registered Users" group. Newbies will graduate to your Registered Users group based on your required post count settings.
  • Auto-Submit Spammers from the moderation tools menu on each postbit.
  • Remove Posts, threads, PMs, Calendar Events from your spammer in one easy wizard. No double logins needed.
  • Shows other users who signed up with the same IP. (Sleeping Spammers)
  • Optional Affiliate System
  • ~50 customizable settings to fine-tune Spam-O-Matic to your exact needs.

A) StopForumSpam:
The StopForumSpam Module lets you:
  • Check a registrant's IP address.
  • Check a registrant's email address.
  • Check a registrants Username.
  • Disable or enable any of the above checks.
  • Block and log, or, allow and log known spammers.
  • All registration attempts are logged for your viewing pleasure.
  • Several other performance tuning options
If a user (or bot) tries to register on your forum and they pass the built-in vBulletin registration system. (Human verification, email verification, etc), their registration details are then passed to the Spam-O-Matic firewall for further checking.

NOTE: You should use some sort of human verification checking in vBulletin's built-in options to limit the number of requests to the already heavily-loaded StopForumSpam database servers. This will also prevent additional load because SOM will not have to do anything if the bot/spammer fails preliminary registration validation which is built-into vBulletin itself.

It is completely invisible to humans who are registering that this process is taking place. Bots are stopped dead in their tracks.

If a spammer is able to sneak past the first line of defense, and manages to post, then there are secondary, tertiary, and, uh...4th level protections too!

B) Auto-Moderation:
Auto Moderation lets you:
  • Define how many URLs a new member can post before being sent to moderation.
  • Define keywords that will send a post to Auto-moderation (viagra, porn, more here)
  • Define minimum post count to avoid Auto-moderation.
  • Excludes admin and moderators from Auto-moderation.
  • Completely disable Auto-moderation if you don't want it.
C) Akismet Service
Spammers that make it past the StopForumSpam and Auto-Moderation will be checked against the Akismet service. If they manage to make a post, and then are found on Akismet, they can be auto-moderated.

The Akismet settings let you:
  • Set the number of posts that Akismet will check from each user. After this number is exceeded, Akismet checking will be disabled for that user.
  • Auto-Submit spammers that post on your boards back to the Akismet service so that other forums and blogs do not do not receive the same spam.
  • Completely disable the Akismet service.
D) Newbies Manager
Should you decide to enable this option, you can create a new usergroup and then tell Spam-O-Matic about it. Once SOM knows about this usergroup, and once enabled, all new users will be part of the Newbies group. The idea here is that you make a Newbies group that has limited forum permissions. For example, no signatures, no BB code, no images, and etc. This group is created completely in the vB admincp. Spam-O-Matic simply makes it the graduation process to the normal Registered Users group, automatic.
Learn More and Discuss the Newbies Manager here.

Punitive Actions:
If you find a spammer has made it past your 4 front-lines of defense, and has managed to post on your forum, then you can help the community...

The spammer's details can be sent to the Stop Forum Spam and Akismet databases automatically, preventing them from registering or posting on other forums. When other forums do the same, the protection is reciprocated.

Simply moderate a post and choose the option to "Delete Posts As Spam..." an then choose the option to "Ban User." Banning the user sends their details to either Akismet, StopForumSpam, (or both) depending on how you set it up.

API Keys:
API Keys are not required for this system to stop spammers on your forums. But you should obtain them so that your forum can contribute to the real-time block lists.

A StopForumSpam API key is required if you want to contribute to the StopForumSpam blacklists by adding your spammers to their database. By submitting spammers you help keep other forums and blogs clean.

An Akismet API key is required if you want to enable any Akismet auto-moderation features in this module. Akismet API key is not required for all Auto-Moderation functions.

You can obtain a Stop Forum Spam API key which is free from stopforumspam.com.

Get your StopForumSpam API Key Here

You can obtain an Akismet API key from Akismet.com.
Akismet offers free and paid API keys so choose your version based on your situation.

Get your Akismet API Key Here

Why it is better than the other anti-spam solutions on vBulletin.org:
  • Works with all of vBulletin 4 functions including Facebook automatic registration.
  • Report spammers that you find to the Stop Forum Spam Database.
  • Report spammers that you find to the Akismet Database.
  • Built-in Auto-moderation.
  • Auto-moderation rules based on post count.
  • Auto-moderation rules based keywords.
  • Auto-moderation rules based Akismet results.
  • Enable or disable any actions that you do not want.
  • Customizable "Registration Rejected" message.
  • Consolidates 4 popular methods of spam prevention into one product.
  • No Manual Template Modifications!
  • Lots of community support!
vBulletin 4.0.x

Server Requirements:
Curl or allow_url_fopen must be compiled/enabled into PHP. Ask your web host to enable curl or allow_url_fopen if it is not already available on your server's PHP configuration. (Or just host with GlowHost.com, where it already is


If you like this mod, sure, you can donate!

Donations can be all sorts of things:
1) The "Give Thanks" option in your settings is an optional link back to GlowHost Web Hosting.
2) Tell your friends and others about this mod.
3) If you are in need of web hosting, please consider ordering it from the hosting and development professionals at GlowHost.com who were able to develop this mod to you.
4) Help others who are having trouble with this mod by posting tips and suggestions in this forum thread.
5) Cash! Use the "Support Developer" option on the top right of this page.

When you choose to donate, you are contributing to the product development, bug fixes and new releases for SOM and are helping to feed our hungry developers and their families! In other words, your donations helps to cover the time and money spent to develop this system.

The entire team at GlowHost thanks you for your help and support!

We hope you enjoy the mod! :up:


1) Download the attached file
2) Mark As Installed
3) SOM 2.x does not support updates from the v1.x series.
When upgrading to version 2.x, please, be sure to remove any other existing version of SOM 1.x from the product manager before installing v2.x series. Also make sure to remove /forum/includes/xml/bitfield_glowhostspamomatic.xml from version 1 if you had it installed.

4) Extract the zip file, and view the readme file for the rest of the instructions.


Original concept credits go to the authors of vBStopForumSpam, MonkeyStop.

Download Now

File Type: txt changelog-v2.1.2_VB4.txt (232 Bytes, 1422 views)
File Type: zip GlowHost_-_Spam-O-Matic_v2.1.2_VB4.zip (53.7 KB, 8827 views)


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File Type: jpg wizard.jpg (54.9 KB, 0 views)
File Type: gif admincp.gif (18.0 KB, 0 views)

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  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 08-17-2010, 01:08 AM
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Delete Posts as Spam Issue

1: vBulletin Version: 4.0.6 Patch Level 1
2: Browser: FireFox 3.6.8
3: Detailed description of the problem.

When I choose to delete a thread as "spam" I can go all the way to the the final VB screen but then nothing is deleted... Not even the post.

The screen that I end on is the "add a spammer" screen which is lacking CSS code.

When I check my logs, the user info is submitted but threads/posts are not deleted.
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Old 08-17-2010, 03:23 AM
sas forum sas forum is offline
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Originally Posted by GlowHost.com View Post
The main thing I am looking for is users who have:

1) A fresh, working vBulletin
2) Have decided to change modcp and admincp directories to something other than the default.
4) Have installed the latest Spam-O-Matic.
5) Only have errors when Spam-O-Matic is enabled.
I deleted the mod, then changed my admin and mod directories to the original names that came with VB and reinstalled to see if i could take full advantage of this. I will let you know if i get anymore database errors. Thanks for the work on this.
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Old 08-18-2010, 12:18 PM
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Originally Posted by zeropaid View Post
Delete Posts as Spam Issue

1: vBulletin Version: 4.0.6 Patch Level 1
2: Browser: FireFox 3.6.8
3: Detailed description of the problem.

When I choose to delete a thread as "spam" I can go all the way to the the final VB screen but then nothing is deleted... Not even the post.

The screen that I end on is the "add a spammer" screen which is lacking CSS code.

When I check my logs, the user info is submitted but threads/posts are not deleted.
Exactly the same setup and exactly the same problem. Looks like the CSS is missing because of a PHP fatal error:

Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in /home/mydomain/public_html/forum/includes/functions_vbghsfs.php on line 438

Also, there seems to be something weird going on with the URLs on the Add a Spammer page. It appears to be a Stop-Forum-Spam page but all the URLs are local to my site. I guess that may be the source of the problem.

I would call this a "showstopper" because the only way of successfully using "delete as spam" is to turn off this product.
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Old 08-18-2010, 12:57 PM
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Here you go: http://www.youtube.com/user/MrCADTut.../6/DvJV99T7cR0

This YouTube video illustrates the problem.
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Old 08-18-2010, 01:24 PM
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Thanks for the video, but I cannot duplicate it. I am not running 4.0.6 PL1 yet I am still on 4.0.5

So something changed in 4.0.6 or there are other issues involved. I will test it when we upgrade our boards or am still waiting to hear if others have this on any version besides 4.0.6
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Old 08-18-2010, 03:48 PM
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I'm still running 1.1.2 until 1.2.2 seems to have settled down.

I noticed an entry in the log citing an exiting user (a moderator!) who was probably doing some testing to reset her password via our VB 4.0.5 system password-reset-while-trying-to-login system ("forgot password").

The entry has her username, the email field is blank, message is a link that says " Found in Akismet Database. Held for moderation: " plus the first part of her post. Clicking on the link gives me an error "The requested URL /modcp/moderate.php was not found on this server." I have not renamed the moderator panel. I don't see any posts that need moderation (in the moderate posts admin panel).

What's happening???
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Old 08-18-2010, 04:05 PM
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Possibly do to the logging fixes that were done in 1.2. I can't really support old versions those are EOL.

As for not using 1.2.2 you might consider installing 1.2.2 then enabling it, then disabling the old version....and see how it goes for you.

There are no issues that I can duplicate on the 4.x series. 4.0.6 is the only
version untested and I will get to that later today, but then, if 1.2.2 doesn't work on 4.0.6 then neither should 1.1.2 anyways.

If it does not work then simply uninstall the new version and re-enable the old version. Just make sure to make backups of the old version in case you need to reupload to revert some of the older files.
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Old 08-18-2010, 05:48 PM
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Originally Posted by cfish View Post
Here you go: http://www.youtube.com/user/MrCADTut.../6/DvJV99T7cR0

This YouTube video illustrates the problem.
I have just installed 4.0.6 PL1 and cannot duplicate the problem. This would seem to indicate your installation is corrupt or you have a conflict with some other mod, likely some mod that requires a manual template edit.

You might viw the readme for this mod, completely uninstall, the re-install it first.

If that doesnt fix your issue I would look into what mods have manual template edits. If none of them do, that will make life easier because to test where the conflict lies, just temporarily disable all mods except Spam-O-Matic and then test it again. It should work. Then start enabling the other mods 1 by one until you find the conflict.
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Old 08-18-2010, 11:33 PM
Snookieboy Snookieboy is offline
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This mod was working perfectly for me on VB 4.0.6, until today when suddenly deleting spammers via the inline mod, caused the StopForumSpam Submit form to appear (usual behaviour) but after it submitting the spam, it didnt continue back to the Vbulletin forum and instead got stuck on the "Data Submitted" page. Anyone else just recently experienced this?

I turned off auto-submitting to StopForumSpam in the AdminCP options of this mod hoping it would be a work around until a solution could be found, however when I turn it off, I now just get a blank screen after clicking ban users (where it would normally submit the data). Disabling this mod fixes the problem

The weird thing is, I have been using this mod for a good few weeks now and its been brilliant, nothing has changed at all on the webserver, no new plugins.

Found this in the PHP Error Log:
[19-Aug-2010 01:38:13] PHP Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in \includes\functions_vbghsfs.php on line 438

Could this be related?
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Old 08-19-2010, 12:31 AM
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Well, if the mod didn't change, and was working fine before, and the forum didn't change, and was working fine before, and the server didn't change, but was working fine before....what changed?

Something has changed either in the codebase or on the server. Now we need to find out why that is because the problem you are having is likely the same reason as the others with the same error.

What happens with a fresh install of S-O-M? I'd like to know if the S-O-M code is being changed or if there is some other problem like a security hole in vB responsible.

Make sure to vies the readme for uninstall instructions before a re-install.
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