I have a section of my forum called News. Also, I have a news alert set up in Google to look for a term and then it sends me an email when a news article is posted with that term.
Is there a way, maybe a mod, that looks in Google News for news articles with that term, and then feeds it into my forum section?
There is no such mod as of yet, would be interesting if it was ever made... would be complicated I'd imagine as it would need email access, but nothing is impossible of course.
I'm not asking for it to pull from my email. I'm thinking it would check Google News for the certain term (search word) and then pull the story/article from it. I would prefer just a description or part of the article as I don't want to violate any copyright issues.
I gotcha... in any case though it needs to deal with external content which adds a whole extra level of issues from a development/coding point of view- it would not be an easy mod.