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[DBTech] Advanced Post Thanks / Like v3 (vB4) [AJAX] Details »»
[DBTech] Advanced Post Thanks / Like v3 (vB4) [AJAX]
Version: 3.6.3, by DragonByte Tech DragonByte Tech is offline
Developer Last Online: Mar 2023 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Category: New Posting Features - Version: 4.x.x Rating:
Released: 05-28-2010 Last Update: 04-19-2017 Installs: 1682
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No support by the author.

What it is: Advanced Thanks/Like mod is designed to cut down on spam and increase useful content in your forum by using a peer encouragement system - users thank/like each others posts, which can give them access to attachements, post content etc, as well as encourage the thanked person to post more great content.


Priority support & Product Demos available at: http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/forum.php

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* It helps you to stay on top of updates - members who have installed modifications will be notified by us whenever new updates are available.

For security issues - vbulletin.org will contact all members who have installed a modification whenever a security issue is brought to their attention.

* Marking a modification as installed also helps us know how many people are using our work, giving us extra incentive to provide more features and new modifications.


Importer from Abe's Thanks mod (vB3 / vB4) and vBSEO "Likes" now available in Lite version!

Major Features: Lite

Require a Button Click: Allows you to hide the content of a post, or hie an attachment, until the person clicks a button on the post.

Statistics: Shows the top 5 people for; Giving / Receiving button clicks.

Collapsable postbit stats: Shows how many button clicks a person has given, received etc in the postbit. Admins can determine what statistics can show in the postbit to control sizes etc. The postbit is also collapsable.

Admin Permissions: Control things such as who can click buttons, require button clicks, what shows in postbit, what options can run concurrently, per forum permisions etc.

Reputation: Add / Remove Reputation for each of your button clicks.

Notifications: Receive alerts when a member clicked on one of the buttons for one of your posts.

Import Thanks: Import script to import "thanks" from Abe's [AJAX] Post Thank You Hack on vBulletin.org. It will work with both vB3 and vB4 versions of this mod.

Import Likes: Import script to import "likes" from vBSEO.

Major Features: Pro

Infinite Buttons: Ability to create new buttons to press! No longer do you need to be limited by Thanks / Like / Dislike.

Auto Collapse Posts: Collapses a post so it doesnt show up by using a formulae for button clicks of your choosing.

User Postbit Config: Lets users decide what postbit stats they want to see.

Additional permissions: Un-click a button. Control how many stats show on the statistics page, set permissions per subforum.

Integrated Controls: You can now integrate the button clicking controls into the post footer, like many of you requested.

Buttons in First Post Only: This allows you to only make the first post thankable. If you forum is based around news, releases or anything similar this will allow your users to easily see the quality of the thread in question.

Button Click Anonymity: This feature will be extremely helpful to forums who like the idea of a "dislike" button, but don't like the drama it brings. Now you can set certain buttons to be anonymous - no one will see who clicked.

Post Colour Thresholds: Ever wanted an easy way for members to tell if a post is helpful or trash? Colour thresholds let you change the colour of posts depending on how many clicks of a button they receive. Members can now see at a glance whether or not a post is helpful, interesting or pointless.

Complete Feature List
  • Front-End
    • Click buttons for posts (permissions and settings permitting)
    • Require button clicks to see content (whole post is hidden)
    • Require button clicks to see attachments
    • Top 5 Given / Received statistics for each button
    • Collapsible postbit statistics
    • (vB4) Forum Sidebar block for button feeds
    • Hottest Threads / Posts page showing most clicked posts and threads
    • Each button can be set as "Default" for Attachments and Content. When posting via Quick Reply, the default button(s) will be set as Required
    • The "thanks bar" in posts displays the number of users who has clicked each button, also for non-forum integration areas
  • AdminCP
    • Control display order of buttons
    • Set permissions per usergroup to be able to click and require clicks of buttons
    • Per-category toggle of what buttons are enabled
    • Search interface to find clicks for a specific post
    • Maintenance options; Clean up clicks that are attached to deleted posts, Recalculate the Given / Received statistics, Rebuild Reputation
    • Manual postbit stats relocation
    • Hide APTL info from guests
    • Globally disable notifications for new clicks
    • Disable APTL integration with non-forum areas via vBulletin Options
    • Disable "Total click count" on the "thanks bar"
    • Notifications can be disabled on a per-button basis
    • Disable button text
  • Integration
    • Social Groups
    • User Notes
    • Visitor Messaging
    • (vB4) [DBTech] DragonByte Gallery: Images
    • (vB4) [DBTech] DragonByte Reviews: Reviews
  • (vB4) Forum Block
    • Tabbed interface to choose between "Recent" and "Top" button clicks
    • Ability to select from any of the available buttons and display the 5 recent clicks from that button
    • "Top" tab on the forum block, lists top clicks for the selected button
    • Control the timespan in which the "Top" period is calculated for
    • Deny usergroup access
  • Front-End
    • "Entry List" page; a browseable list of all button clicks
    • Users can hide postbit items via the UserCP
    • Users can turn off notifications via the UserCP
    • Hottest Threads / Posts has a date range filter
  • AdminCP
    • Create unlimited buttons to click
    • Ability to create Post Colour Thresholds to highlight posts in different colours
    • (vB4) Choose what portions of the postbit should be coloured via the post colour thresholds.
    • Minimum posts required to click a button
    • Per-usergroup setting to become immune to clicks of a button
    • Per-usergroup setting whether who clicked a button is displayed
    • Per-usergroup setting to allow disabling clicks of a specific button for a post
    • Per-usergroup setting to allow removing a click of a button
    • Limit button clicks per day
    • Per-forum ability to set each button to only display in the first post
    • Per-forum toggle of what buttons are enabled
    • Set more / less than 5 for the Given / Received statistics
    • Ability to auto-collapse posts using provided formula or input for your own using your custom buttons
    • Move the "Post Like / Thanks" cloud above / below posts, above / below signatures
    • Ability to delete entries found in the Search interface
    • Email notifications (can be disabled globally) on a per-button basis
    • Disable notifications on a per-button basis
    • Set a flood limit (in seconds) that serves as a delay between button clicks
    • Individual users now be excluded from using the mod
    • Turn off individual buttons' integration with non-forum areas
    • Turn off "Given" and "Received stats on a per-button basis
  • Integration
    • Blog Entries
    • Blog Comments


This mod displays a copyright notification in the footer of pages generated by this mod which includes:
  • 1 Link to DragonByte Technologies homepage
  • 1 Link to Product Description page of this modification

Download Now

File Type: zip [DBTech] Advanced Post Thanks Like v3.6.3 [Lite].zip (228.8 KB, 960 views)


File Type: png actions_vb4.png (4.4 KB, 0 views)
File Type: png entries_vb4.png (5.2 KB, 0 views)
File Type: jpg permissions.jpg (31.2 KB, 0 views)

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  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 06-05-2010, 02:55 AM
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Another question...where is the branding information displayed for this hack?
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Old 06-05-2010, 03:21 AM
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In theory, I love this mod and it installed easily enough.

However, with "Like / Thanks" in it's own box between each post, the thread looks verrrry messy. Would prefer for the buttons to be in the foot of the post, or at least contained within the post somewhere.

I've uninstalled, but appreciate the mod... thanks
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Old 06-05-2010, 11:19 AM
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Originally Posted by vauge View Post
I called it a carrot, but I meant the "collapse icon" in the postbit. If there is zero dislikes/thanks - don't even show dislikes or thanks. Again, waste of space
I believe I changed this for the latest version of the zip file, I considered it a bug that the collapse still showed if all the postbit stats were disabled.
If you're saying that "if an user has zero likes / thanks, don't show the stats" then that's not intended.

Originally Posted by War.Frog View Post
Another question...where is the branding information displayed for this hack?
I believe only the Pro version has branding, Lite version does not have any dedicated APTL pages and we don't believe in branding the entire forum if we only power 1 or 2 pages

Originally Posted by Michlerish View Post
In theory, I love this mod and it installed easily enough.

However, with "Like / Thanks" in it's own box between each post, the thread looks verrrry messy. Would prefer for the buttons to be in the foot of the post, or at least contained within the post somewhere.

I've uninstalled, but appreciate the mod... thanks
There were no template hooks available to make it "attached" to the post without reducing the potential width - that's why we opted for making it "detached".
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Old 06-05-2010, 01:20 PM
vauge vauge is offline
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Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech View Post
If you're saying that "if an user has zero likes / thanks, don't show the stats" then that's not intended.
Add it to the list please. Showing a bunch of zero's is bad design.

As a member or admin of a forum, the only info I should see is information that is either interesting or needed. If a user in a thread has zero thanks/dislikes - I don't even need to see that field. No one cares if Sally/Tom has 0 dislikes or 0 thanks. If a user has a thanks/like, then show that number. Else, ignore it. Real estate is precious.

There were no template hooks available to make it "attached" to the post without reducing the potential width - that's why we opted for making it "detached".
See above on postbit footer menu dropdown.

My motivation:
Let me share my motivation why I am in this topic and following your product. I need those reports. My users are begging for them back - if you or Abe do not deliver soon - I will be forced to write them myself or pay a third party to write a script. I screwed up and upgraded without realizing Abe's mod was not completely functional. All of your current pro features currently really are worthless. It is kind of upsetting that we are forced to by a converter to a product that we cannot test. The "likes" thing sounds neat and something I would be willing to pay for which is a reason why I advised you to consider a different pay model.

I was also shocked to find that you did not have #thanks per thread report feature and you were trying to sell a product which competes with Abe's mod that is free. The only report you have is who created a thanks/like. Frankly, there are limited times when folks want to know who they thanked/liked. Users are most interested in who they received thanked/liked from. The user profile is the TOP landing page on my forum after subscriptions when folks login - it is mainly because of Abe's thanks system. My users are also very outspoken about not having that info.

In addition, I am here to hopefully add specific constructive criticism and let you know that us big forums cannot and will not use your product as is - we would have to put a TON of work into to make it less cumbersome, make it utilize much less space and force it to blend in more to our style.

Finally, I don't care if you make any of these changes. I will get those reports with or without your product. However, you might stand a chance to make an outstanding replacement for Abe's fine product and become the new standard. Plus, your team might make a few bucks on the side if you can deliver. If this was a free only model, I would have prob accepted your product as is. I signed up on your forums to test, not to participate.

Again, thanks for listening. My goal is not to be confrontational. I hope you now understand why you have so many people interested in cosmetic changes.

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Old 06-05-2010, 01:42 PM
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Originally Posted by vauge View Post
Add it to the list please. Showing a bunch of zero's is bad design.

As a member or admin of a forum, the only info I should see is information that is either interesting or needed. If a user in a thread has zero thanks/dislikes - I don't even need to see that field. No one cares if Sally/Tom has 0 dislikes or 0 thanks. If a user has a thanks/like, then show that number. Else, ignore it. Real estate is precious.
Thanks for your input, but chances are that particular feature won't be implemented - it has the potential to cause confusion (Why can't i see what thanks they have made?) And i also encourages the user to make use of the feature (all my stats are 0! I want to improve them)

The postbit being auto collapsable/hideable should resolve 99% of the real estate concerns =)

Originally Posted by vauge View Post

My motivation:
Let me share my motivation why I am in this topic and following your product. I need those reports. My users are begging for them back - if you or Abe do not deliver soon - I will be forced to write them myself or pay a third party to write a script. I screwed up and upgraded without realizing Abe's mod was not completely functional. All of your current pro features currently really are worthless. It is kind of upsetting that we are forced to by a converter to a product that we cannot test. The "likes" thing sounds neat and something I would be willing to pay for which is a reason why I advised you to consider a different pay model.

I was also shocked to find that you did not have #thanks per thread report feature and you were trying to sell a product which competes with Abe's mod that is free. The only report you have is who created a thanks/like. Frankly, there are limited times when folks want to know who they thanked/liked. Users are most interested in who they received thanked/liked from. The user profile is the TOP landing page on my forum after subscriptions when folks login - it is mainly because of Abe's thanks system. My users are also very outspoken about not having that info.

In addition, I am here to hopefully add specific constructive criticism and let you know that us big forums cannot and will not use your product as is - we would have to put a TON of work into to make it less cumbersome, make it utilize much less space and force it to blend in more to our style.

Finally, I don't care if you make any of these changes. I will get those reports with or without your product. However, you might stand a chance to make an outstanding replacement for Abe's fine product and become the new standard. Plus, your team might make a few bucks on the side if you can deliver. If this was a free only model, I would have prob accepted your product as is. I signed up on your forums to test, not to participate.

Again, thanks for listening. My goal is not to be confrontational. I hope you now understand why you have so many people interested in cosmetic changes.

=) Thanks for the input and opinions.

We always appreciate feedback from users on our mods - and we always aim to put their features in wherever possible. We have an extensive catalogue of mods however, and we're not always able to instantly add features users want for each mod - it's a physical impossibility. We do listen though, and we recommend using the Project Tools system on our website simply because it decreeases the chances of your suggestions being forgotten/lost. On the plus side, if you're right and lots of people want the feature, others will suggest it and it will definetely get done =) It's kind of a self moderating system really.

I would point out that we already have plenty of customers for the mod, quite a few of which are large forums =), but that doesn't mean we won't take your suggestions on board.

Thanks again for taking the time to think about it and let us know your ideas!

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Old 06-05-2010, 03:57 PM
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Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech View Post
Thanks for your input, but chances are that particular feature won't be implemented - it has the potential to cause confusion (Why can't i see what thanks they have made?) And i also encourages the user to make use of the feature (all my stats are 0! I want to improve them)

The postbit being auto collapsible/hideable should resolve 99% of the real estate concerns =)
Consider this: That collapsible thing does not function on all browsers nor do all forums utilize this feature. Plus, it can be disabled within vBulletin itself.

=) Thanks for the input and opinions.

We always appreciate feedback from users on our mods - and we always aim to put their features in wherever possible.
You are welcome. Again, thank you for understanding. I am just passionate about my forum and frustrated that your product has amazing potential but wastes entirely too much space making it non-usable for me and all the others that are concerned in this thread. Another up there had to remove it.

It is your product, and you are free to ignore us.
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Old 06-05-2010, 04:05 PM
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Originally Posted by vauge View Post
Consider this: That collapsible thing does not function on all browsers nor do all forums utilize this feature. Plus, it can be disabled within vBulletin itself.

You are welcome. Again, thank you for understanding. I am just passionate about my forum and frustrated that your product has amazing potential but wastes entirely too much space making it non-usable for me and all the others that are concerned in this thread. Another up there had to remove it.

It is your product, and you are free to ignore us.
It should work on the browsers that i think 94% of the internet population use (last time i checked the stats). The pro version lets users decide if they want them collapsed by default, as well as admins deciding if they do so it's very customisable. There should be pretty much no situation where a person who doesn't want to see the stats has to see them - that was one of the aims from the outset.

We take on board everything you guys say, but obviously we can't implement every feature every person requests - some will cause problems, some will harm our vision of the product, some are just not time-efficient, but we always listen and consider them. I personally go through the suggestions, make a big list, and work out what can and can't be done, and always try to explain why something isn't in if someone asks.

It's not a case of me going "you're wrong about this idea and here is why" it's just that the idea isn't one i feel would provide an overall benefit to the product (either because of the time taken, or because of potential issues) and i attempt to explain exactly how i reached that conclusion instead of ignoring it or just saying no like some other mod makers.

Thanks for your understanding, and for expressing your opinions and ideas to us, constructive feedback is always more than welcome =)

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Old 06-05-2010, 04:40 PM
vauge vauge is offline
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I am very sorry. I've wasted our time. Your not listening.

Good luck
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Old 06-05-2010, 05:35 PM
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Originally Posted by vauge View Post
I am very sorry. I've wasted our time. Your not listening.

Good luck
I'm sorry that you feel we are not listening simply because we disagree with your position.

Thanks again for your time and your well wishes.

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Old 06-05-2010, 05:46 PM
cloferba cloferba is offline
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Originally Posted by vauge View Post
I am very sorry. I've wasted our time. Your not listening.

Good luck
dont forget you can pay for a developer...to obtain a mod which the options you want...

nothing custom is free..
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Template Usage:
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Phrase Groups Available:
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Included Files:
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Hooks Called:
  • init_startup
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