Version: 2.0.5, by DarkgamerVN
Developer Last Online: Apr 2012
Category: Add-On Releases -
Version: 4.0.x
Released: 05-29-2010
Last Update: 07-28-2010
Installs: 65
DB Changes Uses Plugins Template Edits
Additional Files
No support by the author.
RPG PET System For Forum
_ RPG PET is a combat system includes main features such as training, shopping, boss killing, PVP, and other auxiliary parts.
_Ajax is mostly used in some parts: Boss, Versus ? members can participate and interact in combat directly.
_About skill system. At the moment, I have difficulty building a suitable skill system for this mod. If you are interested in my RPG PET, please help me with your ideas.
_All items, characters, bosses could configure in Admincp. In the next versions, I will try to add more functions.
_It is not difficult to use RPG PET?s functions. Admins could view Notes in Admincp to know how to configure.
_I hope to receive your supports. If you have any idea or suggestion, please reply here or contact me at: Thanks
? To give facilities, I had uploaded Database with heroes and items in DotA (Defense of Ancients). ? Uploading Database: You download DATA_Dota.rar in attachment, unrar into PhpMyAdmin, choose your forum and Import ( If you have a table prefix , you must edit the table prefix in DATA_Dota.sql ).
Becuase my english is not good, if you find any mistake, please ingore it If anyone can make a better language file, please send it to me . + For editing language: Go to /forum/RPG/language/language.php
I tried to reinstall but still get division by zero and unable to view the character
Edit: I found out whats wrong with division by 0. The character creation is not being proper imported to the database. I checked rpg_petuser and all values returned to be 0. So I have to manually input the character stat (class, str, luck, crit, images, etc..) and it works perfectly fine.
Secondly, I also think the character images didn't show up because inside the pet creation code, you called a wrong database table name but I am not sure which one.
I think he pointed out the right error.
Table Prefix Databse Error still exists in v2.0.2:
Code from the Install XML:
$query = "CREATE TABLE `rpg_setting`
Code from the rpg.php:
$query = $db->query_read("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "rpg_setting WHERE id=1");
I tried to reinstall but still get division by zero and unable to view the character
Edit: I found out whats wrong with division by 0. The character creation is not being proper imported to the database. I checked rpg_petuser and all values returned to be 0. So I have to manually input the character stat (class, str, luck, crit, images, etc..) and it works perfectly fine.
Secondly, I also think the character images didn't show up because inside the pet creation code, you called a wrong database table name but I am not sure which one.
I think he pointed out the right error.
Table Prefix Databse Error still exists in v2.0.2:
Code from the Install XML:
$query = "CREATE TABLE `rpg_setting`
Code from the rpg.php:
$query = $db->query_read("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "rpg_setting WHERE id=1");
Right, so it goes.
I hope the errors will be solved soon.
Actually everything works PERFECT for us. Install was a breeze added database and adding new characters now. Amazing mod my members are freaking out!, we used to do all this is a forum thread (sucks!). Thanks for the great addition my friend.
Actually everything works PERFECT for us. Install was a breeze added database and adding new characters now. Amazing mod my members are freaking out!, we used to do all this is a forum thread (sucks!). Thanks for the great addition my friend.