Version: 1.6, by OcR Envy
Developer Last Online: Nov 2023
Category: vBulletin CMS Widgets -
Version: 4.0.0
Released: 01-06-2010
Last Update: Never
Installs: 65
Re-useable Code Translations
No support by the author.
Latest Articles In Section
What is does:
vBCMS only has one option for latest articles and that is all sections and categories. This widget will allow you to display the latest articles in a specific section.
Change Log: 1.0 - Initial Release
1.1 - Updated to allow more than one section & display published date.
1.2 - Small update, no need to update unless you are using a table prefix.
1.3 - Added full page text if no previewtext row exists.
1.4 - Updated to not show unpublished articles.
1.5 - Updated read more link to look more vBulletin related.
1.6 - Small change to fix 4.0.2 [ATTACH] showing in text.
Goto AdminCP-vBullietin CMS-Widgets->Create New Widget
Choose PHP Direct Execution as Widget's Type
Enter A Title IE: "Latest (Insert Your Section Name Here)"
Click Save
Click Configure
Remove all the default code.
Copy and Paste the code below first editing $section and $limit to your liking
Click Save
Goto AdminCP-vBullietin CMS-Layout Manager
Add the Widget to your Layout
Click Save
How do I find my section id? When clicking on your section you should see something like this:
The number after ? in this case 11 is your section id.
Can I enter more than one section id? Yes simply change $section = '11' to something like $section='11, 12, 13'
Code to copy(make sure you change $section and $limit!)
PHP Code:
// Set Your Section ID Here $section = '11'; // Set The Number of Articles To Display $limit = '1'; // Set The Height of The Thumbnail Image $height = '250'; // Set The Width of The Thumbnail Image $width = '250';
$articlegrab = vB::$db->query_read(" SELECT ".TABLE_PREFIX."cms_nodeinfo.nodeid , ".TABLE_PREFIX."cms_nodeinfo.title , ".TABLE_PREFIX."cms_article.previewimage , ".TABLE_PREFIX."cms_article.previewtext , ".TABLE_PREFIX."cms_article.pagetext , ".TABLE_PREFIX."cms_article.contentid , ".TABLE_PREFIX."cms_node.nodeid , ".TABLE_PREFIX."cms_node.parentnode , ".TABLE_PREFIX."cms_node.contentid , ".TABLE_PREFIX."cms_node.url , ".TABLE_PREFIX."cms_node.publishdate , ".TABLE_PREFIX."cms_node.setpublish FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."cms_article , ".TABLE_PREFIX."cms_nodeinfo , ".TABLE_PREFIX."cms_node WHERE (".TABLE_PREFIX."cms_nodeinfo.nodeid = ".TABLE_PREFIX."cms_node.nodeid) AND (".TABLE_PREFIX."cms_article.contentid = ".TABLE_PREFIX."cms_node.contentid) AND (".TABLE_PREFIX."cms_node.parentnode IN ($section)) AND (".TABLE_PREFIX."cms_node.setpublish != 0) ORDER BY ".TABLE_PREFIX."cms_node.publishdate DESC LIMIT $limit ");
Maybe this will help somebody else (or me in case I made a mistake) but I like to set CMS articles to published at a future date/time and this widget code was still showing those even though they were not published yet. It checks for published but not WHEN it is published. Here is what I used to fix this:
// Set The Width of The Thumbnail Image
$width = '250';
Add below:
// Set the current day and time
$datenow = strtotime("now");
AND (".TABLE_PREFIX."cms_node.setpublish != 0)
Add below (before 'ORDER BY'):
AND (".TABLE_PREFIX."cms_node.publishdate < ($datenow))