What is it?
This modification will add a counter to your forums that will record/track how much time your users have spent online. And output it in various sections of the site (EX: Time Online: 5 Months 2 Weeks 1 Day 15 Hours 44 Minutes 33 Seconds).
Total Time Online in Postbit & Ministats block in the profile
Average Time Online (Per Day) in Postbit & Ministats block in the profile
Leader Board Displaying Time Online & Average Time Online (Per Day) for all the sites members
Cumulative Time Online on Leader Board & Stats box of FORUMHOME
Use Short Phrases (Ex. "1 Min 5 Secs" instead of "1 Minute 5 Seconds")
Use Micro Phrases in Postbit (Ex. "32d 12h 44m")
Display Cumulative Time Online on Leader Board/Forumhome
Leader Board/Navbar Link Enabled
See included file.
Release Notes
Version 1.1.1
Added the average time per day function
Added 4 settings used for controlling display of the Time Online and Avg. Time Online for both profile and postbit.
A few optimizations for memory/performance
Version 1.2.0
Added Leader Board Displaying Time Online & Average Time Online (Per Day) for all the sites members
Added Cumulative Time Online on Leader Board
Added Cumulative Time Online on Stats box of FORUMHOME
Added Numerous new settings for controlling the system
Version 1.2.1
Fixed a Bug resulting in the timestamp for date installed not setting correctly.
Version 1.2.2
Updated postbit template code.
Version 1.2.3
Added Postbit Micro Phrases
Added Template Group
Version 1.2.4
Moved functions to a file.
Added Time Spent Online to the Who's Online.
vBulletin 3.8 Version Released
Version 1.2.5
Fixed a timestamp flaw in the average time spent online function.
Version 1.2.6
Fixed a Bug causing the postbit to show invalid average online times in vB 4.1.x.
Known Bugs
Currently none.
Resolved Bugs
Function definition problem causing scripts that utilized the postbit factory without the vbulletin global file being initialized, such as the vBcms commenting engine, to display errors. (version 1.2.0)
Bug resulting in the timestamp for date installed not setting correctly. (version 1.2.1)
Bug causing the postbit to show invalid average online times in vB 4.1.x. (version 1.2.6)
Planned additions
We currently are talking about making an average time per day (similiar to the posts per day) (Added in version 1.1.1)
We also have plans to make a leaderboard for so people can see who spends the most time floating around the site. (Added in version 1.2.0)
We are planning to add in more settings at some point to give quite a bit more control over the system.(Added in version 1.2.0)
This modification is released for free and as such we don't officially support it, but as time permits we will try to offer support on it. You are more likely to get a response over at our site as we wont be checking this thread frequently.
Thanks for your reply. I have tried changing phrases but unfortunately this will not make it short enough.
I would be grateful if you implement the ability to change the format of the time display in your next release.
Thanks for your reply. I have tried changing phrases but unfortunately this will not make it short enough.
I would be grateful if you implement the ability to change the format of the time display in your next release.
We did upload a new version that allows for micro phrases in the postbit, we hope that helps you.
You do lose a tiny bit of the precision (aka the seconds) and some of the breakdown (aka years, months & weeks), but it still shows whats needed, and the profile still shows the full breakdown.
any chance to calculate the time already spent or does this hack just count from the time installed?
Without the script installed to start storing the time spent online in the database, there's no way to calculate the past time.
Originally Posted by sulasno
do I need to install the update? and most importantly, does it reset the time spent ?
You don't need to, it doesn't offer any changes for the front end user unless you plan to use the micro times. Also if you are upgrading from 1.2.2, it will not reset the time spent. (We will always warn if one of our scripts will do something such as that!)
Originally Posted by War.Frog
Is there any reason other than the micro phrases to upgrade?
If you don't want the micro phrases then not really, however the upgrade does have a template group to help clean up your style manager.
In which case it should be defaulted to either yes or no, but you can change the if to also show when only not no if you for some reason can't/don't want to default it.
And where XXX is you would put, "Ja", 1, true... or whatever your yes is stored in the database as... as per why your current one isn't working, all I can say is its probably not storing a "Nein" in the database but most likely a 1 or 0 (true or false).