Version: 2.00, by ry215
Developer Last Online: May 2022
Category: Forum Home Enhancements -
Version: 4.0.x
Released: 04-18-2010
Last Update: 04-25-2010
Installs: 165
Uses Plugins Template Edits Auto-Templates
Additional Files Translations
No support by the author.
Update* April 21 2010 product-slide_show_pro(newupdate).xml *upload many picture Update* April 25 2010 Last update More some Folder templates + More 8 Styles template silde show, can edit in adminCP Fix for CMS Fix for other Portal Update* April 26 2010 Fix Picture larger in the Slide Fix Fuction Auto show
Step 1 - Upload all files/folders in folder "upload" into your forum root
Step 2 - Import XML file (as product): AdminCP > Plugin System > Manage Products > [Add/Import Product] product-slide_show_pro.xml
- Option to cPanel -> slide show pro
change parameters to suit forum
- Set the style to choose style. (With 8 styles)
- Width, height adjusted to suit the forum
Tip: If you want this in your CMS, just copy and paste the forum home page source into a static html widget.
Pls Mark Install My Mod I have strength for code new mod
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One thing I've noticed is that a lot of people are saying to add this to your CMS you copy and paste the forum home page source into a static html widget. I don't know about you, but I had to really think about this before I finally realized what it was saying.
1) Load the hack as per instructions, setting it up to work on the forums and not the CMS.
2) Once you see it on your forums, view the webpage source which is usually done by going to the View menu. On IE it is Source, in Firefox it is Page Source. I'm afraid I can't say for any other browser.
3) Scroll down until you see the words "<!-- Slide Show by Keite v1.0 starts here -->"
4) Copy that all the way to "<!-- Slide Show by Keite v1.0 ands here -->". You can include these if you want but its not strictly necessary.
5) In your AdmimCP go to vBulletinCMS -> Widgets -> Create New Widget.
6) Make sure the widget is Type "Static HTML". Title should be Slideshow (but you can change this) and Description doesn't matter. Save.
7) When the list of widgets come back up, find the Slideshow widget and click Configure.
8) Where it says "Enter Static HTML" paste in the code you copied earlier. Save.
9) Now all you have to do is place the widget on your page. Go to vBulletinCMS -> Layout Manager and edit.
That's it. Note that you still have to turn the hack off on your forum and any changes you make to the hack (changing links, etc) using the vBulletin options will NOT be reflected in the CMS until you recopy the code and paste it back into the widget. Granted, you can just edit the widget HTML, but only do this if you feel comfortable doing so.
That's it. I apologize if the steps don't match vbAdvanced. I don't have it so I can't say if the steps remain exactly the same, but they should be close.
These steps exactly work.
I do notice, however, you have to repeatedly update this everytime you want to change the cms. Is there some way to streamline this more?
Check this:
var speed_delay = 6000;
var slide_speed = 1000;
Thanks for the hint, but where do i change this settings. Couldnt find them exactly like this in the 'engine'. Sorry but im not very good with javascript. Help would be much appreciated!