I wanna know the mysterious equation that goes into the Release Levels. <_<
They won't share it but it's hard to blame them for that, IMO it would take from the quality of mods if people were trying to reach a level rather than providing a service.
I understood what you meant, and I have to politely disagree with the sentiment.
I released mods here back in the vB 2.x days that were so simple I could rewrite them more efficiently now blindfolded and with one hand. Up until they changed it, I held Coder/Designer status for years. My point is, everyone has to start somewhere and we shouldn't discriminate the status because someone released something that isn't up to a certain Level.
I am new to vbulletin. I am using it for a little over 3 months now. So when I saw the ranks here I assumed automatically that that person was a coder, a designer and/or both. However later on I saw some of those users asking some very basic questions on how to do a certain thing that no coder should ever ask. I am not talking about mod releases, but questions asked at the forum about the simplests of things. Hence my wondering&confusion as to why someone that holds the coder title should ask something as simple as that even a newbe wouldn''t have asked. But now I have got it.
One more thing I want to clear up. I was not judging anyone nor it was personal. Simply curiousity.
And as to that part about learning and asking questions there is totally nothing wrong with it. Everyone learns new things every day. Personally, I have learnt a lot here just by studing the work of Paul M, Princeton, Marco, Lynne etc. And I am still learning btw as knowledge does not have an end or limits
I am new to vbulletin. I am using it for a little over 3 months now. So when I saw the ranks here I assumed automatically that that person was a coder, a designer and/or both. However later on I saw some of those users asking some very basic questions on how to do a certain thing that no coder should ever ask. I am not talking about mod releases, but questions asked at the forum about the simplests of things. Hence my wondering&confusion as to why someone that holds the coder title should ask something as simple as that even a newbe wouldn''t have asked. But now I have got it.
One more thing I want to clear up. I was not judging anyone nor it was personal. Simply curiousity.
And as to that part about learning and asking questions there is totally nothing wrong with it. Everyone learns new things every day. Personally, I have learnt a lot here just by studing the work of Paul M, Princeton, Marco, Lynne etc. And I am still learning btw as knowledge does not have an end or limits
I never hesitate to ask, even simple questions if necessary and I believe everyone should be encouraged to do so. VB is always moving from one version to the next with completely new functions, etc. You can either dig around for hours or simply ask. New or old, we should be welcoming questions regardless of skill level. That's why there are so many forums here.
I never hesitate to ask, even simple questions if necessary and I believe everyone should be encouraged to do so. VB is always moving from one version to the next with completely new functions, etc. You can either dig around for hours or simply ask. New or old, we should be welcoming questions regardless of skill level. That's why there are so many forums here.
Personally, until now I have never needed help with anything and that is why I have never asked a single support question. I have also no problem with the questions being asked, regardless of their level. I like to help out whenever I can. If you checked my post history, here and/or at vb.com you will see what I mean.
But what I don''t understand is that my posts here (at this thread) are being totally misunderstood and/or misnterpreted completly for something else which I never said or meant. It seems to me that I am speaking in chinese over here No matter what I say, someone will jump in and say something completly out of context. Ah, forget about it. It ain''t worth arguing and get worked up over something like this.
Personally, until now I have never needed help with anything and that is why I have never asked a single support question. I have also no problem with the questions being asked, regardless of their level. I like to help out whenever I can. If you checked my post history, here and/or at vb.com you will see what I mean.
But what I don''t understand is that my posts here (at this thread) are being totally misunderstood and/or misnterpreted completly for something else which I never said or meant. It seems to me that I am speaking in chinese over here No matter what I say, someone will jump in and say something completly out of context. Ah, forget about it. It ain''t worth arguing and get worked up over something like this.
Well I am a big supporter of asking for help when needed and providing help if able to. More to your point though, about the person who has created a mod and gained status because of it, that person is simply labeled by an arbitrary system that's pretty flawed anyway. So while your point is taken, users shouldn't be mocked for gaining status and then asking for assistance, even on simple things.
Well I am a big supporter of asking for help when needed and providing help if able to. More to your point though, about the person who has created a mod and gained status because of it, that person is simply labeled by an arbitrary system that's pretty flawed anyway. So while your point is taken, users shouldn't be mocked for gaining status and then asking for assistance, even on simple things.
You see, right there. Show me where did I at any point mock any user here? Unfreakingbelievable. All I ever said was that I was very surprised to see some people holding the coder or designer rank to ask some less than basic knowledge about coding and designing. Oh boy, talk about blowing things way out of proportion. Can you believe these guys?
hum, actually, borbole, you're the only one to freak this out really... others are debating some other point of view... you don't like points of view? stop posting.