Installation/Upgrade Instructions:
1. Upload the folder '/darkvision' to 'YOUR_FORUM_URL/images/darkvision'
2. In your vBulletin AdminCP go to 'Styles & Templates > Download/Upload Styles'
3. Upload the Darkvision XML file and click 'Import'
4. Set the style as the default style in 'Settings > Options'
Supported Layouts
To make the style work for the CMS, you have to click the edit (pencil) button next on the main page (content.php) and manually set the style choice.
Please support us by leaving a link back to our website.
Premium Version
1.00 Released (vBulletin 4 Gold)
1.01 Updated sidebar colors
1.02 Many bug fixes and color changes.
1.03 Fixed popular bugs. Added "yellow" and "white" color schemes.
1.04 Browser Bug fix. 4.0.2 Compatible. Tested with several Add-on Modifications.
1.05 CSS Fixes, 4.0.3 Compatible. Fixed Versions Released
1.06 Complete Update for version 4.1.2
1.07 Complete Update for version 4.1.7
1.08 Update for version 4.1.10
1.09 Update for version 4.2.0
1.10 Update for all current vBulletin 4 versions
If you installed this style and wish to receive important style updates, please click here.
Sweet, that did the job. And yeah, I upgraded to 4.0.3 as well. =p
I've been trying quite a long time to change this:
as well. But no luck. Basically when I try to type the user name, the font is black. I managed to change the password to white font though and took away the white text box.
Yeah, I was able to change the Username to white, but the password was always black. Upgrading to 4.0.3 switched them I haven't looked into it yet to get them both white. Will let you know if I get it.
hmmm, my banner isnt showing up in firefox. It displays fine in safari (and as far as I know it shows in IE as well). any idea what may be causing this?
Upgrade the dark upload the map to forum and the xml:
Default Template Updated in vBulletin 4.0.3 by Jelsoft
Your Custom Template Last Edited in vBulletin 4.0.2 by Admin
The attempted merge failed due to conflicts
Upgrade the dark upload the map to forum and the xml:
Default Template Updated in vBulletin 4.0.3 by Jelsoft
Your Custom Template Last Edited in vBulletin 4.0.2 by Admin
The attempted merge failed due to conflicts
I still had the same problem with "usercp groups join request" (white background) after the last up'.
I fixed it this way :
go to Style Manager -> DarkVision -> Edit Templates -> CSS Templates -> joinrequests.css Step #1 :
PHP Code:
.requestlist > li {
background:rgb(250,250,255) url({vb:stylevar imgdir_gradients}/form-control-gradient-alpha.png) repeat-x bottom;
change it for
PHP Code:
.requestlist > li {
background:rgb(37,41,44) url({vb:stylevar imgdir_gradients}/form-control-gradient-alpha.png) repeat-x bottom;
Step #2 :
find this images : "/cpstyles/darkvision/gradients/form-control-gradient-alpha.png "
(witch is actually a background image )
change the color ( you can use this "#25292C" )
How can I change the banner from a jpg to a png I searched through the styles and cannot find banner.jpg
Style Manager -> DarkVision -> StyleVar :
find " titleimage " ( in ImagePaths "section")
Here you can change image path of you banner ( can also change it to .png).