**Before Making An Add on **
Please consult with me before making an add on to this hack. As it is my work and such, the add ons that you are trying to make for it may be in the next release and/or premium version.
What does this do?
This hack allows you to add more fields to your threads besides just the title and message. This is extremely usefull in order to specify certain things in a thread in a way that people are more aware of it and such. There are several types of fields you can add and several features for the hack.
What features does this hack provide?
Add extra fields to threads. These include:
Text fields
Select Drop Down Fields
Radio Fields
Checkbox Fields
Enhanced extra threadfields manager - Premium Only*new
Search through fields within forums (forumdisplay.php) - Premium Only*new
Search through fields in search.php - Premium Only
Control order in which fields are displayed
Edit thread fields via the "edit thread" page
Edit thread fields via the "edit post" page - Premium Only*new
Set the forums in which you want fields to appear in - Premium Only (light version may set forumid's, but are a tad more limited as to how many)
Show fields automatically in thread
Show fields automatically in forumdisplay
Make a field required - Premium Only
Control what forums the field is shown in
Enable/Disable system
Enable/Disable automatic showing fields in thread
Enable/Disable automatic showing fields in forum
Make the field only editable by staff - Premium Only
Control what usergroups can edit staff-only editable fields - Premium Only
Show extra fields in subscriptions - Premium Only
Show extra fields in forum index - Premium Only
Show extra fields in search results - Premium Only
Control what fields are searchable - Premium Only
Enable/Disable automatic showing fields in forum index - Premium Only
Enable/Disable automatic showing fields in search results - Premium Only
Style how your extra fields appear in threads (using html) directly from your admincp! - Premium Only*new
No template edits required! - Premium Only*new
What does this hack require?
Template Edits: 4
Products Imported: 1
5 Easy Steps Step 1. Import the following product: product-extra_threadfields.xml Step 2. Upload the files in the upload folder. Step 3. Do the edits located below Step 4. Edit the newly added options in admincp as you please Step 5. Enjoy the hack.
F.A.Q Q. How do i get extra fields to show in the "edit post" page? A. This is only available in the premium version.
Q. If i do not want the fields to be shown automatically, can i do it manually? A. You can manually show fields in threads or posts by using $thread[fieldx] in the postbit or showthread template. Replace x with the ID of the field you want. To find the ID of the field go to admincp >> Extra Threadfields >> Extra Fields Manager, and hover over a field. The number after fieldid = will be the id of your field.
Q. I updated all of the options, i installed it perfectly, i did all edits, and still the options are not showing when i go to add a new thread. What do i do? A. It is believed that you have a hack interfering with this one. Take away the edit that you did for putting $extrathreadfields inside the newthread template, and do this instead:
Should work just fine on 3.8 I haven't done much updating to the light version but the premium has held strong through all versions, and the overall code concept is similar (just a bit more complex of course ).
Just installed. Exactly what I was looking for! One question though: Is there a way to have the custom fields come up in all replies to the original thread? I'm using this as a survey type tool and it's only coming up in the original thread.
I figured out a way to port this, now it was a REAL pain to do, but if anyone's interested in a decently usable vb4 version of this, PM me here on site (the LITE only, and this isn't a true port rather a working modification to vb4 which means any request has to edit the current code as I will not make a product, I have no interest in stepping on the authors toes, and still crossing my fingers for a much better vb4 version of ETF lite by the author when he has the time to commit to a free version of his awesome script)