What is it?
This modification will add a counter to your forums that will record/track how much time your users have spent online. And output it in various sections of the site (EX: Time Online: 5 Months 2 Weeks 1 Day 15 Hours 44 Minutes 33 Seconds).
Total Time Online in Postbit & Ministats block in the profile
Average Time Online (Per Day) in Postbit & Ministats block in the profile
Leader Board Displaying Time Online & Average Time Online (Per Day) for all the sites members
Cumulative Time Online on Leader Board & Stats box of FORUMHOME
Use Short Phrases (Ex. "1 Min 5 Secs" instead of "1 Minute 5 Seconds")
Use Micro Phrases in Postbit (Ex. "32d 12h 44m")
Display Cumulative Time Online on Leader Board/Forumhome
Leader Board/Navbar Link Enabled
See included file.
Release Notes
Version 1.1.1
Added the average time per day function
Added 4 settings used for controlling display of the Time Online and Avg. Time Online for both profile and postbit.
A few optimizations for memory/performance
Version 1.2.0
Added Leader Board Displaying Time Online & Average Time Online (Per Day) for all the sites members
Added Cumulative Time Online on Leader Board
Added Cumulative Time Online on Stats box of FORUMHOME
Added Numerous new settings for controlling the system
Version 1.2.1
Fixed a Bug resulting in the timestamp for date installed not setting correctly.
Version 1.2.2
Updated postbit template code.
Version 1.2.3
Added Postbit Micro Phrases
Added Template Group
Version 1.2.4
Moved functions to a file.
Added Time Spent Online to the Who's Online.
vBulletin 3.8 Version Released
Version 1.2.5
Fixed a timestamp flaw in the average time spent online function.
Version 1.2.6
Fixed a Bug causing the postbit to show invalid average online times in vB 4.1.x.
Known Bugs
Currently none.
Resolved Bugs
Function definition problem causing scripts that utilized the postbit factory without the vbulletin global file being initialized, such as the vBcms commenting engine, to display errors. (version 1.2.0)
Bug resulting in the timestamp for date installed not setting correctly. (version 1.2.1)
Bug causing the postbit to show invalid average online times in vB 4.1.x. (version 1.2.6)
Planned additions
We currently are talking about making an average time per day (similiar to the posts per day) (Added in version 1.1.1)
We also have plans to make a leaderboard for so people can see who spends the most time floating around the site. (Added in version 1.2.0)
We are planning to add in more settings at some point to give quite a bit more control over the system.(Added in version 1.2.0)
This modification is released for free and as such we don't officially support it, but as time permits we will try to offer support on it. You are more likely to get a response over at our site as we wont be checking this thread frequently.
My only problem with this mod is the "Average Time Online Per Day" statistic. It appears that it uses either the member's registration date or date forums came online as the numerator.
Unfortunately, for long-standing boards this makes for nearly useless information. For instance, my online time since installation two days ago is a whopping 26+ hours, yet my average time online is 8 minutes.
Can we please have an option to change that numerator to install date? This would normalize that number and make it always right. Alternatively, if there a place in the code I can go to change it?
My only problem with this mod is the "Average Time Online Per Day" statistic. It appears that it uses either the member's registration date or date forums came online as the numerator.
Unfortunately, for long-standing boards this makes for nearly useless information. For instance, my online time since installation two days ago is a whopping 26+ hours, yet my average time online is 8 minutes.
Can we please have an option to change that numerator to install date? This would normalize that number and make it always right. Alternatively, if there a place in the code I can go to change it?
War.Frog, it does the Average Time Online calculation based on the following:
The timestamp of when the script was installed
The timestamp of when the user registered if they registered after the script was installed
Now I did look though the code again, and as far as I can tell it's working just fine. If you are positive its not working still, maybe try un-installing and re-installing, but be warned doing that will clear the total time for all your users.
If anyone else believes they are having this problem please let me know and I'll see about having our Lead Developer look over the code again.
War.Frog, it does the Average Time Online calculation based on the following:
The timestamp of when the script was installed
The timestamp of when the user registered if they registered after the script was installed
Now I did look though the code again, and as far as I can tell it's working just fine. If you are positive its not working still, maybe try un-installing and re-installing, but be warned doing that will clear the total time for all your users.
If anyone else believes they are having this problem please let me know and I'll see about having our Lead Developer look over the code again.
Yes sorry I didn't mean to suggest it wasn't working - it's a great mod and working as designed. I just wanted the option of changing the numerator from registration date to installation date.
By using installation date and registration date, it's looking at two very different variables for calculating average time spent online. If user XYZ has been registered for two years it will take weeks before his average time online begins to look remotely correct or informational.
For me, I'd rather the formula calculate the average time online starting at install time (not registration date)...or both if that's preferable or easier. That way users won't be writing me saying, "c'mon that's ridiculous...I spend way more than 8 seconds a day on here!".
Yes sorry I didn't mean to suggest it wasn't working - it's a great mod and working as designed. I just wanted the option of changing the numerator from registration date to installation date.
By using installation date and registration date, it's looking at two very different variables for calculating average time spent online. If user XYZ has been registered for two years it will take weeks before his average time online begins to look remotely correct or informational.
For me, I'd rather the formula calculate the average time online starting at install time (not registration date)...or both if that's preferable or easier. That way users won't be writing me saying, "c'mon that's ridiculous...I spend way more than 8 seconds a day on here!".
No its supposed to use which ever of the 2 checks is newer so for people who registered before it installed it should be using the installed timestamp (why we had to clear the stats because of a bug this creates with time existing before install) and if they registered after then it should use their registration date. It was done like this to try and be as accurate as possible in the calculations.