Version: 3.0.2, by AndrewD
Developer Last Online: Apr 2010
Category: Major Additions -
Version: 4.0.0
Released: 12-27-2009
Last Update: 03-14-2010
Installs: 217
DB Changes Uses Plugins Auto-Templates
Additional Files Translations
No support by the author.
What this is and does
Version 3.0.2-PL1 uploaded 15th March 2010.
LDM is a general-purpose tool for managing libraries of links and files, and handling uploads and downloads in a flexible way, while tracking and controlling user access. It also has a range of integrated media players and a large library of 'plugin' extras. It has been developed steadily since the release of vb 3.0 some six years ago, based on extensive feedback from users at
I think the 3.0.x releases have been tested enough and are no longer considered beta. However, I still want feedback on features that do not work at all or do not work properly.
Translations in Spanish, French, Chinese, German and Dutch are available as phrase files and are more or less complete.
Installation and Usage Explained in the on-line Wiki, with a brief explanation in the file instructions.txt in the release zip.
The installer will either create a new LDM database, or recognise that you already have an earlier version installed and update it.
Unlike earlier versions of LDM, this version automatically adds a link to the product on the main vb navbar.
Please do not blindly install on a live forum without being sure that you have tested it adequately. Use carefully and always backup your database before upgrading. Post reports of problems and suggestions for enhancements in this thread. You can find extensive discussion of this mod in the VB3.7 mods and VB3.8 mods sections.
Staff Note: Sadly, Andrew D, the developer of the Links and Downloads Manager has passed away after a long period of illness.
Hello Andrew, I have had the version 2.3.2 installed and working on my forum. So I have had to upgrade to version 4 of vBulletin - so I have to upgrade LDM as well, but looks like things are still on the old style. Check attachments.
Original Pic - the forum home
Messed - After upgrading to latest version of LDM 3.0.2 - I see the old style.
EDIT: Nevermind, I found that LDM still has my old style selected.
Thank you Andrew for your detailed response. Just 1 more follow up. When you say add additional fields, would I do that in AdminCP for your MOD? Or would this have to be changed manually in the code somewhere?
There is a page in the LDM admin section for defining these additional fields. As ObMob says, the wiki should explain - if not, get back to me and I'm happy to help.
Not as far as I know. Do you want me to take a look at your site? I tried but it seems to be closed.
We were seeing this issue to, but it appears to be an issue with Rating. If you keep the "clear ratings" ticked and put in a comment, the comment will not post. If you rate the link/download and post a comment, the comment will show up. Was just coming to post this actually
We were seeing this issue to, but it appears to be an issue with Rating. If you keep the "clear ratings" ticked and put in a comment, the comment will not post. If you rate the link/download and post a comment, the comment will show up. Was just coming to post this actually
So far, I can't reproduce this, but I have seen a related problem which is connected with the text edit boxes. If you have the full "Standard + WYSIWYG Controls" enabled (vb/admincp/Message Posting Interface Options), then text that is entered in the edit box sometimes does not get picked up correctly by LDM, whereas everything works ok in Standard mode.
I couple months ago I moved my vB sites into a VPS. I've realized I'm having memory issues, lately it's been a little problem, so I start checking and it seems resizing images withing LDM is one of the reasons of the high cpu work.
I'm a newbie in terms of using VPS, but his is a sample i got from my support:
User Domain %CPU %MEM MySQL Processes
osito3 2.45 369.57 2.4
Top Process %CPU 10.2 httpd [] [/dll_resize.php?linkid15&size275]
Top Process %CPU 4.5 httpd [] [/dll_resize.php?linkid378&entityid14&size75]
Also, I realized resize is taking lot more than before in You think it is possible to add an extra image size to have a medium and a regular thumbnail without using the resize script?
I couple months ago I moved my vB sites into a VPS. I've realized I'm having memory issues, lately it's been a little problem, so I start checking and it seems resizing images withing LDM is one of the reasons of the high cpu work.
I'm a newbie in terms of using VPS, but his is a sample i got from my support:
User Domain %CPU %MEM MySQL Processes
osito3 2.45 369.57 2.4
Top Process %CPU 10.2 httpd [] [/dll_resize.php?linkid15&size275]
Top Process %CPU 4.5 httpd [] [/dll_resize.php?linkid378&entityid14&size75]
Also, I realized resize is taking lot more than before in You think it is possible to add an extra image size to have a medium and a regular thumbnail without using the resize script?
I think this is possible, but will need some work, which I will look into. I also think you are right that this is a potential cause of high overhead with graphics rich sites such as yours.
v3.0.x of LDM does contain some other settings for reducing cpu overhead (at a cost of extra memory usage), which you might like to test - see the display bit caching settings in the ldm/admin/settings page. I'd appreciate reports.