I adm, I have all the permissions and still not see the full menu
I am interested in buying the pro version before it got to test it to see their efficiency
Your screenshoot does not shows the full screen. Could you please post a fullscreen?
Hello Maria
i see that you are doing a bang up job on this script but i was reading about you other mods in the earlier version of VB on kayako support and i just so happen to have a copy . i spent some good $$$ on that script and i hate to see it go to wast , is there by any chance that you would be making a integration script for this in the future. But the really nice thing about you script here is that it is part of vb so there is no template work that is a big plus. I wish you the best of luck on this script and if you come out with a product or a pro version for some $$$ i might be very interested. and i will just try to sell off my Kayako license .
Hello Maria
i see that you are doing a bang up job on this script but i was reading about you other mods in the earlier version of VB on kayako support and i just so happen to have a copy . i spent some good $$$ on that script and i hate to see it go to wast , is there by any chance that you would be making a integration script for this in the future. But the really nice thing about you script here is that it is part of vb so there is no template work that is a big plus. I wish you the best of luck on this script and if you come out with a product or a pro version for some $$$ i might be very interested. and i will just try to sell off my Kayako license .
Hello Tracy,
First of all, thank you for your kind words. I totally understand you, as like you, I've spent thousant in PHP scripts (including Kayako). There is a PRO version, in my site for $50 (including Brand Free). Is not Kayako, but works fine, having the features that you'll really use and not toys to play. In addtional to Free version, it has extra ticket fields, predefinied replies, ability to post a ticket as FAQ (even in multiple categories), abitily to setup email address(es) per department (to inform for new tickets and replies), and more vB like interface.
In addtional to Free version, it has extra ticket fields, predefinied replies, ability to post a ticket as FAQ (even in multiple categories), abitily to setup email address(es) per department (to inform for new tickets and replies), and more vB like interface.
I have installed this version now - and it works fine what i have tested in the short time.
What do you mean with the pro "it has extra ticket fields" -> what kinds of fields ?
What do you mean with the pro "and more vB like interface" -> can you explain this ?!
I am very interessed in a professional support ticket center for my system
What do you mean with the pro "it has extra ticket fields" -> what kinds of fields ?
1.- Let's say that you're runing a hosting company. You can setup extra fields to collect data like FTP username, FTP password etc
2.- On the same way, if you're operating a shop, you can collect data like order nbr, license nbr etc.
Originally Posted by Neptun
What do you mean with the pro "and more vB like interface" -> can you explain this ?!
Nothing so special (in my opinion) but many users asked for it. I moved the menu options at navbar, I merged my navbar with vb's navbar and finally the sidebar is like vb's sidebar.
I found a bug that at least in my system exists. Every field that uses getRecordById() fails badly. I can't figure out why you are using direct mysql functions only in that function.
Anyway if anybody has problems not displaying Departments, Products and posters etc.. This is what you have to do.
in microsupport/includes/functions.php
// Get record by Id
function getRecordById($tablename, $id, $rowname = 'id')
global $db, $vbulletin;
$result = $db->query_read("SELECT * FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."".$tablename." WHERE ".$rowname."=".$id." LIMIT 1");
if(!$result) return array ("id" => 0, "name" => '');
if(mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) return array ("id" => 0, "name" => '');
$ret = array();
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$ret = $row;
return $ret;
// Get record by Id
function getRecordById($tablename, $id, $rowname = 'id')
global $db, $vbulletin;
$result = $db->query_read("SELECT * FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."".$tablename." WHERE ".$rowname."=".$id." LIMIT 1");
if(!$result) return array ("id" => 0, "name" => '');
if($db->num_rows($result) == 0) return array ("id" => 0, "name" => '');
$ret = array();
while($row = $db->fetch_array($result)) {
$ret = $row;
return $ret;
But have another now, you know when you go to the ticket in the todo section, when you reply to the ticket I get a
500 Internal Server Error
when I refresh the message it is there
I installed version 4.4.2 today and I'm also getting this problem. The ticket actually submits, but I get the error when the browser tries to go to the next page. Any ideas?