The Arcive of Official vBulletin Modifications Site.It is not a VB3 engine, just a parsed copy! |
Is this code *you* wrote? And if not, do you have permission from the author to post it? If not, you may NOT post it here.
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Look around and see if it's anywhere on this board or anywhere else unless I posted it. If you can assist then I would be very happy. |
Most likely what you need to change are the templates and the syntax to render the templates. Cellarius wrote a really good article that you may be interested in - [vB4] Rendering templates and registering variables - a short guide
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <product productid="pblatestthreads" active="1"> <title>PB Latest Threads</title> <description>Show the latest threads with transition effects.</description> <version>1.0</version> <url /> <versioncheckurl /> <dependencies> </dependencies> <codes> </codes> <templates> <template name="pb_latestthreads_area" templatetype="template" date="1237182817" username="admin" version="1.0"><![CDATA[<table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="100%" align="center"> <tr> <td class="tcat">Latest Threads</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="alt1"> <div id='mid'> <div id='slideshow'> <div class="pbslide_container"> <div class="pbslide_inner" > $pblatest_bigblocks </div> <div class="pbslide_bottombar"> $pblatest_smallblocks </div> </div><br/> <script type="text/javascript"> var timeouts=new Array(); var curframe=1; var start_frame=1; var end_frame=$pblimit; var oldframe=$pblimit; var TimeToFade = 700; var delay=5000; pbstart_slideshow(delay); </script> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </table> ]]></template> <template name="pb_latestthreads_bigblock" templatetype="template" date="1237182417" username="admin" version="1.0"><![CDATA[ <div class="pbslide_innerbox" $pbstyle id="pbslide$pbcount"> <div class="pbslide_innercontent" > <a href="showthread.php?t=$pbthreadid">$pbthreadtitle</a><br/> <span>by $pbthreadstarter - $pbthreaddate</span><br/> $pbpagetext </div> </div>]]></template> <template name="pb_latestthreads_smallblock" templatetype="template" date="1237420070" username="admin" version="1.0"><![CDATA[ <div class="pbslide_titles"> <img $pbimage id="pbslide_b$pbcount" style="border:0;padding:0px;margin:0px;" alt=""/> <a href="showthread.php?goto=newpost&t=$pbthreadid" class="smallfont" title="$pbpagetext">$pbthreadtitle2</a> - Last Post: $pblastposttime by $pblastposter >> Replies: $pbreplies >> Views: $pbviews </div>]]></template> </templates> <plugins> <plugin active="1" executionorder="5"> <title>pb_latestthreads_cache</title> <hookname>cache_templates</hookname> <phpcode><![CDATA[global $globaltemplates; $globaltemplates = array_merge($globaltemplates, array('pb_latestthreads_bigblock','pb_latestthreads_smallblock','pb_latestthreads_area'));]]></phpcode> </plugin> <plugin active="1" executionorder="5"> <title>pb_latestthreads_global</title> <hookname>global_setup_complete</hookname> <phpcode><![CDATA[global $vbulletin; $pbwhere=$vbulletin->options['pb_latest_whereto']; if($pbwhere==0 or ($pbwhere==1 and THIS_SCRIPT=='index')or ($pbwhere==2 and THIS_SCRIPT=='forumdisplay') or ($pbwhere==3 and((THIS_SCRIPT=='index')or (THIS_SCRIPT=='forumdisplay')))){ $pbforumids=$forumids; // forum permissions $pbforumpermissions = array(); foreach($vbulletin->forumcache AS $pbforum) { $pbforumpermissions[$pbforum["forumid"]] = fetch_permissions($pbforum['forumid']); if ((!($pbforumpermissions[$pbforum["forumid"]] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canview'])) OR (!($pbforum['options'] & $vbulletin->bf_misc_forumoptions['active']) AND !$vbulletin->options['showprivateforums'] AND !in_array($vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'], array(5,6,7)))) { $pbforumids .= ','.$pbforum['forumid']; } } if ($vbulletin->options['pbslide_exclude']!='' and isset($vbulletin->options['pbslide_exclude'])) { $pbforumids .= ','.$vbulletin->options['pbslide_exclude']; } $pbforumids = substr($pbforumids, 1); if ($pbforumids!='') { $pblatest_and = "thread.forumid NOT IN($pbforumids)"; $pblatest_and_1 = "forum.forumid NOT IN($pbforumids)"; } // converts options to nice variables $pblimit = $vbulletin->options['pbslide_numthreads']; // query to get the last posts $pbquery = $vbulletin->db->query_read(" SELECT thread.forumid as forumid, thread.visible, thread.title as thread_title, thread.threadid as threadid, thread.postusername as username, thread.postuserid as userid, thread.dateline as date, thread.lastposter as lastposter, thread.lastpost as lastpost, thread.replycount as replies, thread.views as views, forum.title as forum_title, post.postid, post.pagetext as pagetext FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post as post LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread as thread on (thread.firstpostid = post.postid) LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "forum as forum on (thread.forumid = forum.forumid) WHERE thread.visible = 1 AND $pblatest_and AND $pblatest_and_1 ORDER BY thread.lastpost DESC LIMIT $pblimit" ); // reset variables $pbcount = 0; $pblatest_bigblocks = ''; $pblatest_smallblocks=''; while ($pbrow = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($pbquery)) { // allow to use alternate color in rows // strips the bbcode out of the post $pbrow['pagetext'] = strip_bbcode($pbrow['pagetext'], $stripquotes = true, $fast_and_dirty = false, $showlinks = true); // adds the cutoff ... with substr $pbrow['pagetext'] = substr($pbrow['pagetext'], 0, $vbulletin->options['pbslide_cutoff']) . '...'; $pbthreadtitle2 = substr($pbrow['thread_title'], 0, $vbulletin->options['pbslide_cutoff_titles']) . '...'; // convert pagetext to nice looking variable $pbpagetext = $pbrow['pagetext']; $pbthreadstarter = $pbrow['username']; $pbuserid = $pbrow['userid']; $pbforumid = $pbrow['forumid']; $pbthreadid = $pbrow['threadid']; $pbforumtitle = $pbrow['forum_title']; $pbthreadtitle = $pbrow['thread_title']; $pbthreaddate = vbdate($vbulletin->options['dateformat'], $pbrow['date'], true)." at ".vbdate($vbulletin->options['timeformat'], $pbrow['date']); $pblastposttime = vbdate($vbulletin->options['dateformat'], $pbrow['lastpost'], true)." at ".vbdate($vbulletin->options['timeformat'], $pbrow['lastpost']); $pblastposter=$pbrow['lastposter']; $pbviews=$pbrow['views']; $pbreplies=$pbrow['replies']; // increments the counter +1 $show['latest_break'] = $pbcount++; if($pbcount==1){ $pbstyle=""; $pbimage="src=\"images/button.png\""; } else{ $pbstyle="style=\"display:none;opacity:0;filter:alpha(opacity =0)\""; $pbimage="src=\"images/button2.png\""; } //eval('$pblatest_bigblocks .= "' . fetch_template('pb_latestthreads_bigblock') . '";'); $templater->register('pb_latestthreads_bigblock', $pblatest_bigblocks); $pblatest_bigblocks = $templater->render(); //eval('$pblatest_smallblocks .= "' . fetch_template('pb_latestthreads_smallblock') . '";'); templater->register('pb_latestthreads_smallblock', $pblatest_smallblocks); $pblatest_smallblocks = $templater->render(); } // free the query $vbulletin->db->free_result($pbquery); //eval('$PBLatestThreads = "' . fetch_template('pb_latestthreads_area') . '";'); $templater = vB_Template::create('mytemplate'); $templater->register('pb_latestthreads_area', $PBLatestThreads); $PBLatestThreads = $templater->render(); } else{ $PBLatestThreads =''; }]]></phpcode> </plugin> </plugins> <phrases> <phrasetype name="vBulletin Settings" fieldname="vbsettings"> <phrase name="setting_pb_latest_whereto_desc" date="1239304462" username="admin" version="1.0"><![CDATA[Where do you want to display the latest threads.]]></phrase> <phrase name="setting_pb_latest_whereto_title" date="1239304462" username="admin" version="1.0"><![CDATA[Where to show?]]></phrase> <phrase name="setting_pbslide_cutoff_desc" date="1237179560" username="admin" version="1.0"><![CDATA[Number of characters before the pagetext gets off]]></phrase> <phrase name="setting_pbslide_cutoff_title" date="1237179560" username="admin" version="1.0"><![CDATA[Post text cutoff]]></phrase> <phrase name="setting_pbslide_cutoff_titles_desc" date="1237179573" username="admin" version="1.0"><![CDATA[The amount of characters displayed before thread titles are cutoff.]]></phrase> <phrase name="setting_pbslide_cutoff_titles_title" date="1237179573" username="admin" version="1.0"><![CDATA[Title Cutoff]]></phrase> <phrase name="setting_pbslide_exclude_desc" date="1237179585" username="admin" version="1.0"><![CDATA[Put the forum ID's of the forums you want to exclude seperated by commas]]></phrase> <phrase name="setting_pbslide_exclude_title" date="1237179585" username="admin" version="1.0"><![CDATA[Exclude Forums]]></phrase> <phrase name="setting_pbslide_numthreads_desc" date="1237183072" username="admin" version="1.0"><![CDATA[The number of threads to display.]]></phrase> <phrase name="setting_pbslide_numthreads_title" date="1237183072" username="admin" version="1.0"><![CDATA[Number of Threads]]></phrase> <phrase name="settinggroup_pbslide_latestthreads" date="1237175444" username="admin" version="1.0"><![CDATA[PB Latest Threads]]></phrase> </phrasetype> </phrases> <options> <settinggroup name="pbslide_latestthreads" displayorder="65535"> <setting varname="pbslide_exclude" displayorder="10"> <datatype>free</datatype> <defaultvalue>1</defaultvalue> </setting> <setting varname="pbslide_cutoff" displayorder="20"> <datatype>number</datatype> <defaultvalue>100</defaultvalue> </setting> <setting varname="pbslide_cutoff_titles" displayorder="30"> <datatype>number</datatype> <defaultvalue>20</defaultvalue> </setting> <setting varname="pbslide_numthreads" displayorder="40"> <datatype>number</datatype> <defaultvalue>5</defaultvalue> </setting> <setting varname="pb_latest_whereto" displayorder="50"> <datatype>free</datatype> <optioncode>select:piped 0|Everywhere 1|ForumHome Only 2|ForumDisplay Only 3|ForumDisplay and ForumHome</optioncode> </setting> </settinggroup> </options> <helptopics> </helptopics> <cronentries> </cronentries> <faqentries> </faqentries> </product> |
You also need to change the template syntax as noted in the article here:
Thanks allot. Forgive me for being a novice but I have no idea where those are to go in the code or what to change.
They are variables. So, instead of $my_variable, you would use {vb:raw my_variable}
![]() Quote:
--------------- Added [DATE]1263084199[/DATE] at [TIME]1263084199[/TIME] --------------- I tried all that I can. It's not working. can someone make the edits needed for me and post it here please? --------------- Added [DATE]1263084258[/DATE] at [TIME]1263084258[/TIME] --------------- Thanks for your help but this looks like it's notworking for me. I just don't know how. |
In the code given above, I see lots of variables used in the template that are not registered, like $pbstyle, $pbthreadid, $pbthreadtitle etc. Basically none of the variables you use in the template are registered. Please read the tutorial Lynne linked you to again, especially the part about "Save into a variable for later use in custom template".
For $threadid for example, you need to register the variable for your bigblock template and for your smallblock template: PHP Code:
Now you can call $threadid in your template pb_latestthreads_bigblock by inserting {vb:raw threadid}. To be able to call the variable you saved the template into ($pblatest_bigblock) in your pb_latestthreads_area template, you again need to register it: Your code there: PHP Code:
IT would look something like that: PHP Code:
Basically: - bigblock template: register every variable you want to use inside this template, save into variable - smallblock template: register every variable you want to use inside this template, save into variable - area template: register every variable you want to use inside this template, including the variables you saved bigblock and smallblock templates into; save area template into variable, then preregister this variable for use in existing template |
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X vBulletin 3.8.12 by vBS Debug Information | |
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Template Usage:
Phrase Groups Available:
Included Files:
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