Installation/Upgrade Instructions:
1. Upload the folder '/darkvision' to 'YOUR_FORUM_URL/images/darkvision'
2. In your vBulletin AdminCP go to 'Styles & Templates > Download/Upload Styles'
3. Upload the Darkvision XML file and click 'Import'
4. Set the style as the default style in 'Settings > Options'
Supported Layouts
To make the style work for the CMS, you have to click the edit (pencil) button next on the main page (content.php) and manually set the style choice.
Please support us by leaving a link back to our website.
Premium Version
1.00 Released (vBulletin 4 Gold)
1.01 Updated sidebar colors
1.02 Many bug fixes and color changes.
1.03 Fixed popular bugs. Added "yellow" and "white" color schemes.
1.04 Browser Bug fix. 4.0.2 Compatible. Tested with several Add-on Modifications.
1.05 CSS Fixes, 4.0.3 Compatible. Fixed Versions Released
1.06 Complete Update for version 4.1.2
1.07 Complete Update for version 4.1.7
1.08 Update for version 4.1.10
1.09 Update for version 4.2.0
1.10 Update for all current vBulletin 4 versions
If you installed this style and wish to receive important style updates, please click here.
Hey bro we got a problem over at our forum not sure if it's you or us but i'll ask anyways. If you go to your settings and try to do anything such as change avatar or password or something it just will not show up. I've got a screen shot for you maybe you can make some sense of it.
Hey bro we got a problem over at our forum not sure if it's you or us but i'll ask anyways. If you go to your settings and try to do anything such as change avatar or password or something it just will not show up. I've got a screen shot for you maybe you can make some sense of it.
This issue has been resolved already. Please download the latest version of DarkVision which has many bug fixes.
The download is available on the first post of this page as are the upgrade instructions.
If so, you must upload the .xml file too via admincp>styles>upload
Problem solved after i see thats it work on IE8.
Inside the banner is a http req Ands its going to several (dark) sites witch are automatical are blocked bij adblock pro inside firefox. I have deleted that http req and its showing now.
Gah!! I installed the latest version and all of a sudden my Currently Active Users widget vanishes from the front page!!
If I go back to the XML prior to the latest one, it's there and working fine! What happened?
Oh, and I still don't know how to make it show avatars on the main CMS page for the author of the article!
sorry but this is just another "skin" that just has changed color and images frm the default vb skin.
thats why i dont go vb4.0 yet, all the skins are too much alike.
Inside the banner is a http req Ands its going to several (dark) sites witch are automatical are blocked bij adblock pro inside firefox. I have deleted that http req and its showing now.
Would you mind specifying so that i can make that change to template for everyone?
Originally Posted by Hoagie
why cant a person easily change the font color to something that the board wants...?
vBulletin has implemented a stylevars system that makes css depreciated. That being said, the stylevars system is incomplete so it is very difficult to make necessary changes.
Originally Posted by RustyAU
Gah!! I installed the latest version and all of a sudden my Currently Active Users widget vanishes from the front page!!
If I go back to the XML prior to the latest one, it's there and working fine! What happened?
Oh, and I still don't know how to make it show avatars on the main CMS page for the author of the article!
The skin should not affect widgets and avatars. Try disabling, then re enabling it. If it doesn't work, try installing another skin to see if it is indeed the skin's doing.
Originally Posted by DarthCoder
sorry but this is just another "skin" that just has changed color and images frm the default vb skin.
thats why i dont go vb4.0 yet, all the skins are too much alike.
We haven't done any image slicing yet for the forums because vBulletin 4 is not in the stage where it can actively support such features.