Version: 4.0.138, by Omranic
Developer Last Online: Sep 2021
Category: Administrative and Maintenance Tools -
Version: 3.8.x
Released: 01-02-2010
Last Update: 12-25-2011
Installs: 59
DB Changes Uses Plugins
Re-useable Code Additional Files Translations
No support by the author.
!.................. Brought to you by PHP KingDom ( ..................!
Please remember to click Mark as Installed if you use this product.
Support requests from members who have not marked this as installed will be considered low priority.
Name: PHPKD - vB Link Verifier Bot 'Lite' Version: 4.0.138
Description: This product extract sharing links (Rapidshare, Megaupload, Zshare, Adrive, Depositfiles, Filefactory, ...etc) from posts, then verifies them; If they're "Alive" the post will pass, otherwise the post will be punished (Fully Customizable).
Compatible with: All 3.8.x/4.0.x/4.1.x vBulletin versions.
Ability to check threads/posts in certain date range.
Ability to detect masked links even if it's recursively masked.
Doing all default vBulletin checks & vBulletin Fully Compatible.
Ability to check any of the following protocols (HTTP / HTTPS / FTP).
Board Load Zero Queries, queries executed only when the scheduled task run.
Ability to exclude threads/posts with certain modes from being checked [opened/closed/moderated/sticky/deleted].
Ability to scan links within all tags or within certain tags such as [ CODE ] & [ QIOTE ], and yes supports [ HIDE ] & [ CHARGE ].
The product has a cronjob (Scheduled Task) that run every day once (configured). If you run the cronjob from the AdminCP manually, you will get a nice report for the process instantly for your review.
The cronjob (scheduled Task) logs every run details in "Scheduled Task Log", so you can review it later.
Ability to follow redirected pages till reaching the actual download page & verify it.
The product's code base is very solid/rich which allows easy expansion.
Specific Features:-
AdminCP Options:
Choose whether the product "PHPKD - Link Verifier Bot" is active or not (Global On/Off Switch).
Include/Exclude Users (Ultimate Edition Only)
You can specify certain users to check their posts against dead links, or to exclude others' posts from being checked at all.
You've three options to choose from:
Include All Users
Include Specific Users
Exclude Specific Users
Select "Include All Users" to check all users' posts, or select "Include Specific Users" to check only those specific users' posts -defined in the following setting-, or select "Exclude Specific Users" to check all users' posts except those specific users' posts -defined in the following setting-.
Included/Excluded Users (Ultimate Edition Only)
If you've chosen "Include Specific Users" OR "Exclude Specific Users" from the above setting, then you've to enter those specified user IDs here in this setting's field. Please enter user IDs separated with commas.
Include/Exclude User Groups (Ultimate Edition Only)
You can specify certain user groups to check their posts against dead links, or to exclude others' posts from being checked at all.
You've three options to choose from:
Include All User Groups
Include Specific User Groups
Exclude Specific User Groups
Select "Include All User Groups" to check all user groups' posts, or select "Include Specific User Groups" to check only those specific user groups' posts -defined in the following setting-, or select "Exclude Specific User Groups" to check all user groups' posts except those specific user groups' posts -defined in the following setting-.
Included/Excluded User Groups (Ultimate Edition Only)
If you've chosen "Include Specific User Groups" OR "Exclude Specific User Groups" from the above setting, then you've to choose those specified user groups from the list displayed. Please note that you can multiple select options by clicking "CTRL" key & keep holding it while selecting.
Include/Exclude Forums
You can specify certain forums to check their posts against dead links, or to exclude others' posts from being checked at all.
You've three options to choose from:
Include All Forums
Include Specific Forums
Exclude Specific Forums
Select "Include All Forums" to check all forums' posts, or select "Include Specific Forums" to check only those specific forums' posts -defined in the following setting-, or select "Exclude Specific Forums" to check all forums' posts except those specific user groups' posts -defined in the following setting-.
Included/Excluded Forums
If you've chosen "Include Specific Forums" OR "Exclude Specific Forums" from the above setting, then you've to choose those specified forums from the list displayed. Please note that you can multiple select options by clicking "CTRL" key & keep holding it while selecting.
Time/Date Cutoff Mode
You can force this product to process only posts in a specific time frame.
You've two modes to choose from:
Specific Date: This mode will check all posts posted after that specific date.
Last X Days: This mode will check all posts posted only in the last X days.
After choosing your preferred mode, you've to enter the appropriate value either it's for "Specific Date" OR "Last X Days" in the following setting.
If you don't wish to use the Cutoff feature then enter "0" in the following setting's field "Time/Date Cutoff Value".
Time/Date Cutoff Value
If you wish to force this product to process only posts in a specific time frame, then choose your preferred mode in the above setting, then enter the appropriate value here in this setting's field according to the following definition:
Specific Date: Enter a correct date in the format (yyyy-mm-dd) to check posts posted after it.
Last X Days: Enter a correct positive integer value for that period in days to check posts posted within last X days.
If you don't wish to use the Cutoff feature then enter "0" in this setting's field.
Checked Protocols (Ultimate Edition Only)
Which internet protocols do you wish to check? You've the ability to specify certain protocols to check it's links within posts.
Checked BBCodes (Ultimate Edition Only)
You're caring which BBCodes should be scanned & which shouldn't!? You can check scanned/checked BBCodes from the list as you wish. Please note that URL tags are checked by default.
Basic BB Code
Color BB Code
Size BB Code
Font BB Code
Alignment BB Code
List BB Code
Link BB Code
Code BB Code
'Lite' Version scans & check all default vBulletin BBCode Tags without the ability to select which should & which shouldn't be checked. It's also doesn't support [ HIDE ] & [ CHARGE ] Tags.
Excluded Thread Modes (Ultimate Edition Only)
You can exclude specific thread modes from being checked. By default all threads are being checked regardless of it's mode. To exclude any thread mode from being checked, just check it's check box & save your settings.
Excluded Post Modes (Ultimate Edition Only)
You can exclude specific post modes from being checked. By default all posts are being checked regardless of it's mode. To exclude any post mode from being checked, just check it's check box & save your settings.
Existing Posts: What to check?
Which posts do you wish to check against dead links? You can choose between checking "All Posts" or checking only "First Post from each thread".
Options: [None | All Posts (Thread's First Post + All Replies) | First Post Only (Only Thread's First Post)]
New Posts: What to check?
Which new posts do you wish to check against dead links? You can choose between checking "All New Posts" or checking only "New Threads" (thread's header, without replies).
Options: [None | All New Posts (Threads & Replies) | Only New Threads (Just Thread's Header/First Post)]
Edited Posts: What to check? (Ultimate Edition Only)
Which edited posts do you wish to check against dead links? You can choose between checking "All Edited Posts" or checking only "Edited Threads" (thread's header, without replies).
Options: [None | All Edited Posts (Threads & Replies) | Only Edited Threads (Just Thread's Header/First Post)]
Maximum Links to check per post
How many links do you wish to check per post? If any post contains more than that defined limit, then those 'over limit' links will be ignored & will not be checked; only the first X links (as defined here) will be checked against dead links. Enter "0" for UNLIMITED.
Critical Limit/Red Line
Checked posts may contain dead links, you can control when posts should be punished because of high percentage of dead links within it. Just enter the Red Line percentage here as a positive integer value (without any symbols). This critical Limit/Red Line is the maximum percentage that dead links can represent from all links available per post. Examples: If you enter "10", that means 10% only of dead links allowed per post (And 90% alive), if that post contains more than that percentage of dead links from all links, then it will be flagged; this way it can be punished by the way you specify in the settings below. If the post has less than 10% of dead links then it will pass as valid without punishment. Please note that "0" means that all links per post should be valid & alive (no dead links allowed, if just one link is dead the post will be flagged); While "100" means the opposite, it means that all links per post should be dead to be flagged, that means if there is only one link alive & the rest are dead, the post will pass as valid without punishment. Note Also: If any post has only 5 links within it to be checked, then that means each link represents 20% from the whole checked links. This means also if only one link is dead & you've set this setting to '10%' the expression will evaluate as true & will punish that post since it has 20% dead links.
Check Succession Period
You can determine the separating time period between successive checks for same posts, so those "checked recently" posts don't be checked every time the script runs. If you wish you can force posts to be checked multiple times, but with at least 1 day between each two successive checks. Enter how many days you wish to separate each two successive checks here, or enter "0" to disable this feature. Note: "7" means your posts will be checked every seven days, those checked posts will not be checked again before seven days has been passed from the last check, "0" means that checked posts will be checked just once. A Higher Value usually recommended specially for large boards.
Posts To Check in Each Batch
Commonly, it's recommended to set a specific number of posts to process in each turn to prevent any possible timeout or Memory/CPU exhausting during the execution process. A Lower Value usually recommended specially for boards that has long posts containing many links. There's other important factors that have strong affect also such as: "Time/Date Cutoff Mode" & "Time/Date Cutoff Value", "Existing Posts: Which posts to check?", "Maximum Links to check per post", "Check Succession Period"; So please take care & try to set a logical value for each of these settings/options or you may result in unexpected results; Such as checking only the first X number of posts in the forum & re-check them again without shifting to other posts. You're the one who knows your board & you're the one who can determine which suits you & your board according to your board's activity/content/requirements. Enter "0" for UNLIMITED!
one suggestion ... is it possible to have the dead links shown in red in the same post and live links in green ... the mods can then manually check and delete the thread if needed
Database error in vBulletin 3.8.4:
Invalid SQL:
SET phpkd_vblvb_lastcheck = 1262856908
WHERE postid = 77;
MySQL Error : MySQL server has gone away
Error Number : 2006
Request Date : Thursday, January 7th 2010 @ 11:35:08 AM
Error Date : Thursday, January 7th 2010 @ 11:36:46 AM
Script : http://www.******/admincp/cronadmin.php?do=runcron&cronid=33
Referrer : http://******/admincp/cronadmin.php?do=modify
IP Address :
Username :
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version :
lol and more problems, it marks all medishare links as dead but they all working for this product ard worst ever as i can see and i thought to buy pro ver lucky me
i installed this and noticed that it didnt mark the status indicator if the links are within code tags
like this
did anyone else have this problem? all the links on my site are coded
never mind i found your to do list. i havent come across too many warez sites that don't wrap links in code tags so i hope this comes soon
i have a request please can you please make it a standard feature to allow checking of specific forums as part of the lite version. that is such a basic feature i would think to make this mod user friendly. what you have in the lite version is an all or nothing check. my site isnt even that big and it took forever to check the links i had to stop it 20 minutes into it. i can imagine larger boards
also what did you fix in 3.8.102. any chance to have an update log in the first post briefly describing the changes
one suggestion ... is it possible to have the dead links shown in red in the same post and live links in green ... the mods can then manually check and delete the thread if needed
this is similar to what is there in phpBB
You are welcome.
Yes, three feature requests has been added already regarding & related to yours: HERE, HERE AND HERE. I'm sure most -if not all- of them will be implemented & released in an upcoming featured release.
Originally Posted by multiplex
i installed this and noticed that it didnt mark the status indicator if the links are within code tags
like this
did anyone else have this problem? all the links on my site are coded
[ CODE ] & [ HIDE ] & similar tags support has been added in a later 'Pro' version & will be included in upcoming 'Lite' version update V.Soon.
Originally Posted by hardgeneration
I got this error? Any ideas?
Database error in vBulletin 3.8.4:
Invalid SQL:
SET phpkd_vblvb_lastcheck = 1262856908
WHERE postid = 77;
MySQL Error : MySQL server has gone away
Error Number : 2006
Request Date : Thursday, January 7th 2010 @ 11:35:08 AM
Error Date : Thursday, January 7th 2010 @ 11:36:46 AM
Script : http://www.******/admincp/cronadmin.php?do=runcron&cronid=33
Referrer : http://******/admincp/cronadmin.php?do=modify
IP Address :
Username :
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version :
All MySQL server has gone away errors are due to the fact that the product when configured to process huge number of posts at once, or if your posts contains too -too too too- many links, the product causes high load on the server & at some point it either can't proceed or the MySQl server goes down because it can't handle that large task. It's the default process & the basic checking process that the product currently use. It will be totally changed in an upcoming featured release. But for now, the temporary solution is to lower down posts checked per batch, if the problems still occurs, lower it again & again till you reach the safe limit, if it's acceptable also you may need to limit checked links per post.
As I said, it's just a temporary solution for those with large forums & huge number of posts with extra huge number of links to be checked. The actual & permanent solution will be introduced in an upcoming release.
Originally Posted by hardgeneration
lol and more problems, it marks all medishare links as dead but they all working for this product ard worst ever as i can see and i thought to buy pro ver lucky me
Some bugs has been detected in within some hosts & all has been fixed & to be released today for all editions. After the fix we've tested it with all supported hosts & made sure it's all working fine without any problems & returns accurate results.
Originally Posted by multiplex
never mind i found your to do list. i havent come across too many warez sites that don't wrap links in code tags so i hope this comes soon
i have a request please can you please make it a standard feature to allow checking of specific forums as part of the lite version. that is such a basic feature i would think to make this mod user friendly. what you have in the lite version is an all or nothing check. my site isnt even that big and it took forever to check the links i had to stop it 20 minutes into it. i can imagine larger boards
also what did you fix in 3.8.102. any chance to have an update log in the first post briefly describing the changes
[ CODE ] & [ HIDE ] & similar tags support has been added in a later 'Pro' version & will be included in upcoming 'Lite' version update V.Soon.
More features to be released for the 'Lite' edition soon . History log already provided & detailed log supplied as it's required.
Originally Posted by exel
Yep, I'm waiting on [code] to work. :|
[ CODE ] & [ HIDE ] & similar tags support has been added in a later 'Pro' version & will be included in upcoming 'Lite' version update V.Soon.
Originally Posted by laztrix
Just the plugin we've been waiting for!
I'll definitely test the lite version and dying to try the expanded one.
Thanks Guys.
Flag declaration:
OK: means that there's no different between the old & the current version of this host's module. It was working fine & still working as it is.
Fixed: means that the previous version of that host's module had some problems & wasn't working good, but the new version has been fixed & confirmed to be working fine now.
Updated: means that the previous version of that host's module was good, but the current one has some tweaks & some optimizations.