As you bring on this topic i will give an example that took place on this board. Sometimes someone is spamming the board with advertisements. This can happen on any board. As a board admin you want to keep those spam post under control and remvoed from public view as soon as possible, mostly banning the member that was spamming.
Once in a while you will have your regular member that, instead of doing what most members do and report such a spam post to staff to take care, finds it "funny" to respond to such spam post. Not reporting it and only bumping, or even quoting, the spam message.
As an admin i can not see the humor of such actions as it only helps the spammer gain more views. As an admin i can also see such a quoted spam post as spam itself, and might be tempted to infract the regular member for spamming also (which would probably ban him/her).
I think you got off very lightly.
Ahh very good point... and I have made smart comments but within 2 seconds of either reporting before the reply or afterwards so I'll keep that in mind although sometimes I just reply w/ REPORTED so it saves others time.
Originally Posted by Paul M
People who do this are also in danger of getting accidently banned as the spammer, esp on these long telephone spam threads, as its easy to [over] scroll down to the bottom and end up infracting the reply rather than the original post.
ahh very good point...
Originally Posted by New Joe
This is the only Forum I have received an Infraction.
Ditto HOWEVER it was a misunderstanding of what was meant on my part and since then has been resolved and reversed. True this is a very tight run ship but if you speak and communicate to the staff here you'll see they are just like us... human but sometimes have to abide by certain rules no matter what one time I posted a link to a funny video (very borderline it was) and it was removed but come to find out later half of the staff found it funny... well it might have been removed but at least some found it funny too and that's al I wanted so it was not so bad it was gone just the rules .
We are not alone in this ya'll they just have to do what they do and we can keep doing what we do but running off at the mouth as I have seen before does no good even if editing out comments to avoid trouble yet stating such?.... that should never have been posted but again as with everything that is strictly imo.