Version: 7.0, by al3bed
Developer Last Online: Jul 2021
Category: Integration with vBulletin -
Version: 3.8.x
Released: 02-16-2009
Last Update: 10-15-2009
Installs: 488
DB Changes Uses Plugins Template Edits Auto-Templates
Re-useable Code Additional Files Translations
No support by the author.
peace on you
work on vBulletin 3.8, 3.7 and 3.6 latest Versions
remember to click Mark as Installed if you use this modification.
please do not nominate this mod in any case
and in case become in MTOM please do not vote for it
and in case won the MTOM do not worry they will kick it out because of the two lines above
About this hack:
Advanced Ads for famous Google adsense program (for the program, click here) are now very high-class show in all pages of your forum, many options to offer more than a way of advertising in all pages. this product contains group of main features:
Google adsense Manager: system to add, edit and display adsense in your vbulletin forum
adsense revenue share: share with admins, friends or users
rotate ads: rotate adsense with other ads
why this is better than "Google AdSense Integration" feature: Google AdSense Integration have only specific packages. And these packages have no options.
but let's take a look on Advanced Google AdSense features
Main features:
you can add adsense ads info into your database then call them by variables.
You can exclude or add forums, users, usergroups or ips from display ads to them.
practicability to show ads in specific locations with tables and borders or css divs.
practicability to choose best alignment to show your ads.
practicability to add extra ads under side left/right adsense ads.
with adsense share you can specifying how many post should user reach, percentage of share and either you want to share users or admins.
practicability to show adsense for search in popup forum search menu in navbar.
practicability to use old style of adsense code and use it with your fourm.
practicability to rotate adsense ads with other program ads for example like bidvertiser.
practicability to add specific ads for specific forum.
very high classifying options to show your adsene in different locations.
Install/upgrade the product:
- upload file cpnav_ain_adsens.xml inside includes\xml (replace it if you are upgrading from 6.0)
- Import product-ain_adsens.xml file (as product): AdminCP > Plugin System > Manage Products > [Add/Import Product] (Allow overwrite if you are upgardeing)
How to use it:
after installation/upgrade go to your forum admin control panel (main page) and check out if your publisherid is empty or not. if it is, ads will not work until you update it. please visit ads setup options page to update it.
in ads setup options, click on the link in the second option. you will be redirected to ads units system to ad your ads. from there you can delete, update or preview your adsense codes. if you planning to use adsense share it's better to add custom adsense unit.
any ads already in your list, you can use it in any template. if your ad unit id is 5 and you want to display it in header template. you can go to header then add this code:
PHP Code:
this in case you want to do it by yourself.
in case you want to display your ads by the avilable option, go to Display options then click on the link you want to edit options in it. for example, you want to mange your adsense ads in forum home page. after you enterd the page, you have to choose locations where you want to show your ads. then on each location you choosed there are place to put ad id you preferd to that location. finally save and enjoy
if you want to exclude users, usergroups, forums or ips you can do it from main options. you will need to take a look on options there.
adsense share is completely optional, if you want to enable sharing take a look on Adsense Share options and if you still have questions I will be here to help if possible.
v1.0 - not released beta.
v2.0 - first release for 3.7
v3.0 -
coordinating options in admincp.
options to display ads as links unit.
option to use css tables with ads.
add new option to display ads under first post only.
add new option to display ads beside the first post.
options to display ads in search result page.
v4.0 -
enhance tables show position when tables option checked.
add option to display ads left hand side in forumhome.
add option to display ads left hand side in forumdisplay.
new options to show link units ads.
new option display ads between post after x post.
add member profile page to 'show ads in different pages' option.
enhance codes & templates to work perfect with board.
v5.0 -
add option to show ads on side for showthread page.
new options to show ads on albums.
new options to show ads on social groups.
new option to exclude users id from showing ads.
option added: change phrase that shows beside ads
option added: to auto reload ads every x sec.
option added: to choose best direction to show vertical ads
enhance and fixed some codes in templates & plugin.
v5.1 -
fixed bug in code of reload ads every x sec
fixed problem with display ads between posts
v5.2 -
option added: exclude or add forums
option added: exclude or add groups
bug fixed: ads not showing to gusts
bug fixed: exclude forums problems
all permission are enables on archive
v6.0 -
divide options in ACP, create cpnav file
options added for adsense revenue share
option added for alignment ads in pages
options added to create old adsense unit
options added for rotate ads
option added to include ads in each forum
option added for google adsense search box
options added to choose different ads to show for each ads group
options added to choose type of cincturing for each ads group
codes enhanced, variable for ads available to use in any template
v7.0 -
divide adsense share in new group options, edit cpnav file
option removed auto refresh option
option added to exclude ip addresses
adsense share: option added to share revenue with admins, friends or users
adsense share: auto build new field for users
new system to add ads info into database table
extra ads to display under side left/right ads
another field to add code for rotate stuff
new pages for display options
options removed links ads and search page
extra options to dispaly ads in archive
Please post your comments or suggestions for this hack. Thank you for supporting this modification, donate to make this mod even better don't forget to Click to Mark as Installed
I will work for next update as soon as vb4.0 released:
for now I'm think in to write adsense addons for:
- arcade
- vbadvanced portal
- blogs
you can put ads in PM's using banner variables in exact template location you want to show ads in. For PM's, I think 'pm_messagelist' template is a good place
Can you add vbportal & PM's to your list please..
Also wanted to know if there is a way to add small text somewhere near the add that says click to to remove add and it redirect them to a specific page ?
Also wanted to know if there is a way to add small text somewhere near the add that says click to to remove add and it redirect them to a specific page ?
nice idea, what is your opinion about the new page? want a specifc form to request for reson or donate?
matthewhotdude update to version 7.0 I don't support level 6.0 anymore
I will work for next update as soon as vb4.0 released:
for now I'm think in to write adsense addons for:
- arcade
- vbadvanced portal
- blogs
you can put ads in PM's using banner variables in exact template location you want to show ads in. For PM's, I think 'pm_messagelist' template is a good place
Originally Posted by al3bed
nice idea, what is your opinion about the new page? want a specifc form to request for reson or donate?
matthewhotdude update to version 7.0 I don't support level 6.0 anymore
al3bed.. I think if you allow this field to be controlled under your product this would be great. For example I would suggest to have the link text be customizable and when the member clicks on that link it redirects then to maybe your page that shows how to become a premium members. This would encourage members to upgrade to premium membership if they can remove the adds. Make sense
al3bed.. I think if you allow this field to be controlled under your product this would be great. For example I would suggest to have the link text be customizable and when the member clicks on that link it redirects then to maybe your page that shows how to become a premium members. This would encourage members to upgrade to premium membership if they can remove the adds. Make sense
I think it's possible to do it, a page controlled by showing a template for specific reason make sense sure.
try to re-install the product. it's seems you got problems when you upgrade/install the product first time. let me know what will happen after re-install. good luck