This modification thread will not be upgraded, since it is possible that some users may prefer v4.
Compatible with 3.6.x and 3.5.x
vBStatus allows your users to update their status to tell other members what they are doing/thinking at any given time. A user's status is displayed under their names in their postbit, in their User Profile, and anywhere else you choose!
User's can edit their status quickly and easily via AJAX.
Administrative options include:
Banning a list of usergroups from using the hack.
Allowing a list of usergroups to change other users' status.
Limit the # of characters used in Status Messages
Word wrap status messages to prevent broken templates.
Turning the hack on/off.
Option of In-Line editting or a popup. (Defined in the admincp)
Default status for users with a blank status. (Defined in the admincp)
Status prefix to append an admin-customizable forum standard. (Attilitus is doing something)
There are 3 template edits for this hack. The installation readme file will guide you through the entire process. Update 2.0:
Please reinstall the product xml file, and re-edit your templates following the new instructions in the readme file. This is to correct a small cosmetic bug that displays non-functional links to guests and non-admins.
Update 3.0:
A number of bugs were fixed, and a few new admin options were added. Please uninstall the previous product and reinstall this one. Please re-edit your templates and reupload all files. Sorry for the inconvenience (but at least we are getting this handled in the first 12 hours of release.)
Update 4.0:
This is a fairly comprehensive update. You must remove all previous template edits and add the new template code. You must also "Allow Overwrite" when importing the new product. The DB structure hasn't changed.
New features include:
In-Line Editting (This is on by default, but you can return to the previous popup style by changing an option in the admincp)
Default Status: If a user doesn't have any status message it will be set to a default status which you can define in the admincp
Visual improvements: Various small visual improvements were made, including a change in the location of the small "edit" link.
Update 4.01
I added status prefixes. If your updating from version 4 just reimport the product (with overwrite set to yes), and reupload all the files. No template edits necessary when upgrading from v4 to v4.01. (And I'm not going to change the file version because this update came so quickly on the heals of v4.)
another verified working out of the box on test forum
3.8.4 version....with facebook connect, no issues
i would like to add to my forumhome or usercp though and i went through all 33 pages to see if there was a solution for this, i found
posted on page 29, stating that to add under last visited this code should be used
however though it looks cosmetically correct, the edit button causes the entire status to disappear when clicked, though it works everywhere else, any ideas?
You must change the EDIT to SAVE once you have clicked on EDIT! It is confusing to members! Also clicking on ENTER produces a error message when it should also save the message! How can I change the EDIT to SAVE?
I moved the status message to be under a users title and not above. I like it better below our titles. Also there needed to be a line break in the post bit templates. I have vbExperience installed and your status message shows right on top of the bars.
Also, I installed this product which you say is 4x but in my product manager is still says 3.0x. You should update this!