Thank you Lynne, I changed that but still COMMA seoerates tags and when thread sent, tags are shown with + seperation. in fact tags are shown correctly but when I wrote for example SONY+ERICSSON that submitted as ONE word.
What he wants to do is, on the input field where you write the tags, instead of separating tags with a comma he want to be able to separate tags with + ..
What he wants to do is, on the input field where you write the tags, instead of separating tags with a comma he want to be able to separate tags with + ..
Um, and the Tag Separators option under vboptions > Tagging Options isn't working right?
Tag Separators
You may specify additional separators for tags. The comma is the default separator and cannot be removed, regardless of what is set here.
Simply place a space between each separator. For example, "| &" would mean that tags would be separated by a comma (,), pipe (|), or ampersand (&). Separators may be multiple characters, if desired.
If you wish to include a space as a separator or within a separator, you must wrap the separator in { and }. For example, to make space a separator, you would use "{ }". To put a space within a separator, you would use something like "{| |}"; this would mean that to separate tags you would have to use "| |".
Note that adding separators may make previous tags unusable. For example, if you had a tag "American cars" and added space as a separator, users that try to add that tag will add two tags, "American" and "cars".
When adding separators to this list, you may wish to modify the contents of two phrases to respect the additional separators: