Shows all social groups the actual user is a member of or is subscribed to, just below the forumlist (or anywhere else on forumhome). If there are new messages, the corresponding forum statusicon is highlighted - just like in forumlist.
If there are no groups to show, you can choose to show a teaser message.
Things to set in AdminCP/Options:
show member of / subscribed to /nothing
sort by name or last message date
limit max number of groups shown, then link to appropriate page (grouplist for members, usercp for subscribers)
restrict use by usergroup
show a teaser message if there are no groups to show
show buttons to open new discussion etc.
apply custom css to grouptitle
trim group description to max length or disable
parse bbcode in group descriptions
use a different set of statusicons for groups than for forums
use .png for statusicons instead of .gif (global in AdminCP, per style in groupsbit template)
show groupicon instead of statusicon
Out of the box: I tried to copy the standard look of the forumlist on forumhome.
As requested, it is now fully templated (following the forumbit-scheme) for easy adjustment to custom styles.
See the screenshot of a modified example in this post.
Upload folder "images" to your forum root (can be omitted if you do not want to use the buttons).
Import the product file.
Check settings in AdminCP->Options->Social Groups on Forumhome.
Template edit Will be automatically inserted below your forums list if you are using TMS, which I highly recommend to do. If not:
HTML Code:
<!-- /main -->
Above add:
HTML Code:
If you don't like it there, you can insert $cel_social_groups anywhere you like on forumhome.
Technical stuff
1 product file that adds
+ 3 templates (following the forumbit-scheme)
+ 3 plugins
+ adds 2 queries to forumhome (only if groups are shown, of course).
+ a bunch of phrases (prefix: cel_sgfh_).
+ 4 png-buttons, taken from the silk icon set.
Marking of new messages only works with database, not with cookie based marking of read threads (-> AdminCP setting) Explanation: This mod relys on the information in the database when a discussion was last read by the actual user. If you rely on cookies for this, you can use this mod anyway, but there will be no marking if there are unread messages by changed statusicons.
3.7 Discussion groups will show up as "no messages yet" as long as there was no message written under 3.8 Explanation: When converting the old 3.7 message board into a discussion, Jelsoft was a little bit slack. While normally all the information about the last updated discussion is stored in the socialgroups table, this information is not entered for the auto-created discussion. For example: The discussion ID for the last updated discussion simply is 0 instead of the actual id of the auto created discussion. Therefore, this mod can not retrieve the information it needs since the discussion is not linked to the social group. This only changes when the first message under 3.8 is written.
Not a bug note: In vB 3.8 there was an issue where the last discussion title was not correctly updated by vB in the socialgroup table. This would lead this mod to show a wrong last discussion title under some circumstances. This was resolved in 3.8.1.
See Bugtracker:
Version history
v 1.4
+ some bugfixes
+ option to turn teaser message off
+ option to show several buttons: to start a new discussion - see the group's members list - see the group' photos (only shown if there are any attached pictures) - unsubscribe (only if subscribed groups are shown) (Thanks to glorify) 1.4.1: Template/Style error in Google Chrome fixed
v 1.3 + now fully templated. New templates: forumhome_cel_social_groups_groupsbit and forumhome_cel_social_groups_lastmsgby. 1.3.1: Link to user profile error fixed
v 1.2 + added option to sort groups by date of last message
+ added missing phrase
v 1.1
+ improved database query
+ limitations somewhat lessened
+ added settings page to AdminCP
+ choose whether to show groups the user is a member of or subscribed to
+ limit number of groups shown, then link to appropriate page
+ restrict use by usergroup
+ some minor bugfixes
Planned features (no promises made!)
none atm
[s]option to use a set of different statusicons for the groups [/s]
[s]option to use the social group's icon instead of the statusicon[/s]
[s]and to go with that, for additional/substitunional unread marking, possibility to add css markup to the social group's title[/s]
Ive jsut added the code to get it to show and there is like a <br /> break above the box and not one after ehich on my forum there needs to be and i cant fine the template to check
Ive jsut added the code to get it to show and there is like a <br /> break above the box and not one after ehich on my forum there needs to be and i cant fine the template to check
Template forumhome_cel_social_groups.
Hint: If you want to find out which template exactly you have to look at if you're trying to find out something like this:
AdminCP->General Settings->Add Template Name in HTML Comments->Yes
Originally Posted by choccyclaire
I have category spacing on my forum. How would I go about altering your template to tie in with this?
Along the same way you altered the forums. Since I don't know how you did that, I really can't comment. But the templating of this mod follows the same lines as the forums listing.
Hint: If you want to find out which template exactly you have to look at if you're trying to find out something like this:
AdminCP->General Settings->Add Template Name in HTML Comments->Yes
Omg thanks for that hint and for telling me the template :up:
And ive fixed it up thanks bro
Well, if it worked before there's nothing I can say than it has to be an issue with your styles - as long as you sure you have not deactivated the mod or any of it's components. And, of course, make sure the needed templates are present in your styles.