Many sites host web space and traffic problems, they will shake hands when you add plug-in issue, other than pruning naturally dependent loading image image hosting.
Because of such problems on the home page banner strip show had trouble in the future I am sure those who track this extension.
Note: The top issue when adding images to be added to the img bbcode
I did a google translation mistake I'm sorry if you have
Is new: It was a problem loading large files, now makes automatic shrink (thumbnail).
Yeni: B?y?k boydaki resimleri otomatik maket yapıyor (thumbnail).
:up:Not: İzin almadan herkes kendi sitesinda suna bilir, sadece buranın adresini vermeyi unutmayın.
Properly written in English by Mr Guitarlogan (I hereby thank you for the wonderful help to Guitarlogan)
Fix Log:
29/12/2011::No Image Setting added option
26/02/2011: BB codes error fixed
20/10/2009: Automatic picture thumbnail to activate / deactivate added.
03/10/2009: Admin panel topics are set to random or recent topics.
27/09/2009:Opera browser Fixed some glitches
05/02/2013: Internet explorer Fixed some glitches. IMG IMGL, IMGR and ATTACH bbkode images allowed
I know what you mean, but when i remove the url from the image, people can only view the thumbnail in the post and not full size because the url is missing.
Is it possible that you code it, that only the [img] part is taken from the link?
Almost every post contains external images with thumbnail on my site...
I still can't work out where I upload the images to though? How do I use the mod?
Ok. You need to grab a picture you want use and upload it to you will then be given your image code that looks like this >
Now make a new post in your forum. that will look like this >
[IMG ][/ IMG]
<Film quote>
<Film link etc>
Now post this
Note the number of the forum you are using for your post eg. 94
and type that into the adminCP
The mod will now thumbnail your picture from your post into the filmstrip and display it.
I can't get it to work... i set up a private admin only forum with a unique id eg 100, then I uploaded the BB coded image links, set the forum number in the mod Admin CP but all I get is a header for where the marquee should display - no content. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
Yes separate film strip will be 2 separate
See the first message,
Download install them separately:
product-otofilmseriti_5_yilmaz_oto_kayan_en_auto_thumbnail .xml
product-otofilmseriti_6_yilmaz_oto_kayan_en_auto_thumbnail .xml
Originally Posted by mp3u
I can't get it to work... i set up a private admin only forum with a unique id eg 100, then I uploaded the BB coded image links, set the forum number in the mod Admin CP but all I get is a header for where the marquee should display - no content. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
[QUOTE = Yilmaz; 1890616] Sí tira de película por separado será de 2 por separado
Véase el primer mensaje,
Descargar instalar por separado:
producto otofilmseriti_5_yilmaz_oto_kayan_en_auto_thumbnail .xml
producto otofilmseriti_6_yilmaz_oto_kayan_en_auto_thumbnail .xml [/ QUOTE]
Thanks, you could do one for expecificar topics to show?