Many sites host web space and traffic problems, they will shake hands when you add plug-in issue, other than pruning naturally dependent loading image image hosting.
Because of such problems on the home page banner strip show had trouble in the future I am sure those who track this extension.
Note: The top issue when adding images to be added to the img bbcode
I did a google translation mistake I'm sorry if you have
Is new: It was a problem loading large files, now makes automatic shrink (thumbnail).
Yeni: B?y?k boydaki resimleri otomatik maket yapıyor (thumbnail).
:up:Not: İzin almadan herkes kendi sitesinda suna bilir, sadece buranın adresini vermeyi unutmayın.
Properly written in English by Mr Guitarlogan (I hereby thank you for the wonderful help to Guitarlogan)
Fix Log:
29/12/2011::No Image Setting added option
26/02/2011: BB codes error fixed
20/10/2009: Automatic picture thumbnail to activate / deactivate added.
03/10/2009: Admin panel topics are set to random or recent topics.
27/09/2009:Opera browser Fixed some glitches
05/02/2013: Internet explorer Fixed some glitches. IMG IMGL, IMGR and ATTACH bbkode images allowed
The thumbnails are stored in your page
How to ask to be placed on self-control?
Change to:
P.S. Could you share the file resim.php
Because if your domain expires or you close your web site, the hack unusable
Sorry for my english (Google Traslator) xD
Thank You!
Hi there,
Do I need to upload each one of those xml files? I tried but got a emssage saying the product was already installed. Also, there is something about a javascript at the bottom of the mod cp... I don't really understand what I'm supposed to do with it.
One other thing, where do I upload the images/urls?
This is a very nice looking mod but I can't understand any of the instructions. You might want to have someone put an English help file together plus tidy up the English in the Admin CP. I've got it installed and would really like to switch it on - can anyone tell me how to use this?
Hi there,
Do I need to upload each one of those xml files? I tried but got a emssage saying the product was already installed. Also, there is something about a javascript at the bottom of the mod cp... I don't really understand what I'm supposed to do with it.
One other thing, where do I upload the images/urls?
This is a very nice looking mod but I can't understand any of the instructions. You might want to have someone put an English help file together plus tidy up the English in the Admin CP. I've got it installed and would really like to switch it on - can anyone tell me how to use this?
1) Unfortunately, you know to add only 1 times
2) to establish more than one need to change settings
3) We have explained above how to add pictures and url
4) If you want javascript to your own site at me, but not mandatory
3) We have explained above how to add pictures and url
Hi Yilamez, thank you for the quick reply - you are the first coder to answer any of my newbie questions!:up:
I've read through the thread but I still can't understand how to add the images (most of the posts in this thread are not from native English speakers and everyone seems to have a very good grasp of code). There doesn't seem to be anywhere in the Mod CP to point towards the images...
It would be great if you could put up a very basic step by step guide for newbies to make this work. The translation software is making things difficult to understand.
Hi Yilamez, thank you for the quick reply - you are the first coder to answer any of my newbie questions!:up:
I've read through the thread but I still can't understand how to add the images (most of the posts in this thread are not from native English speakers and everyone seems to have a very good grasp of code). There doesn't seem to be anywhere in the Mod CP to point towards the images...
It would be great if you could put up a very basic step by step guide for newbies to make this work. The translation software is making things difficult to understand.
Properly written in English by Mr Guitarlogan (I hereby thank you for the wonderful help to Guitarlogan)
Bugs have been fixed.
Another friend also had 2 separate posters
is yes
vendor needs to do only product-otofilmseriti_6_yilmaz_oto_kayan_en_auto_thumbnail .xml to download and install.