Ever since my forum started I've had to deal with spammers. I've tried all the hacks people have put out but don't work. I tried going to 'User Registrations' in vBoptions to turn on captcha, but guest were saying the box wasn't showing up under the registration form. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can resolve this issue of getting rid of these spammers joining?
What version of vBulletin are you using? And you should be looking for the "Human Verification Manager" in the left-hand sidebar dropdown menu for vBulletin Options
I looked under the vB Options and didn't see any human verfication manager under the list.
Its in the left column in the vbulletin options drop down menu. I had problems finding it as well.
amdin control panel - left column - vbulletin options drop down - and still in the left column, in the new drop down menu that appeared when you clicked vbulletin options - human verfication manager
Its in the left column in the vbulletin options drop down menu. I had problems finding it as well.
amdin control panel - left column - vbulletin options drop down - and still in the left column, in the new drop down menu that appeared when you clicked vbulletin options - human verfication manager