Version 1.0.1 fixes the missing procedures: deleteprofile and deleteitem
To upgrade just upload business.php and re-import product-microbusiness.xml (check overwrite).
This is the Full Commercial Version (1.1.0) You must *** UNINSTALL *** any other version before
1.- Usage
Business directory, Links directory and much more.
Each user can has unlimited companies
Each company can has unlimited items (shops, links etc)
Google Maps
Rating and Reviews
2.- Installation
The installation is pretty easy, has been checked many times for installing and uninstalling the product. Just follow these steps below:
Download and unzip the file
Open the folder vbulletin and select all files and subfolders inside it
Connect to your website and open the directory where is your vBulletin installation (usally forum, forums, portal etc).
Upload the selected files to your site. If you fellow the right way then the file business.php must be on the same level as the index.php file of vBulletin.
CMOD 777 folders:
Before any new installation is good to backup your database before, even if nobody is doing it (including me). At lease turn your site off
Check at your AdminCP->vBulletin Options->Plugin/Hook System that Plugin system is enabled.
From your AdminCP->Plugin System->Manage Products choose Add/Import Product and import the product: product-microbusiness.xml
3.- Configuration
As every vBulletin product, you need to make some initial configurations before it goes live.
MicroSUPPORT Options
Google Map API key. If you plan to use Google maps you must obtain a free api key.
Setup categories and feature list (if you plan to use it).
Setup usergroup permissions.
4.- Template Modification
The module is using it's own templates, so it doesn't needs any template modification except if you want to add a link to the navbar. In this case you need to modify the NavBar template.
After long vacations (I'm not such young any more), I'm back. Give me a couples of days to check all posts here. Just for your info 99% of the bugs are not really bugs. The full version is working fine. Most probably when I removed some parts of the code to release the Lite version, seems that I also removed code/functions that need to be there.
After long vacations (I'm not such young any more), I'm back. Give me a couples of days to check all posts here. Just for your info 99% of the bugs are not really bugs. The full version is working fine. Most probably when I removed some parts of the code to release the Lite version, seems that I also removed code/functions that need to be there.
$qry = $db->query_read("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "microbusiness_profiles WHERE id=$profileid LIMIT 1"); $profile = $db->fetch_array($qry);
PHP Code:
$profile = $db->query_first("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "microbusiness_profiles WHERE id=$profileid");
1. you don't need a limit, there can be only one profile with this id
2. because there's only one result, you can use query_first instead of query_read
LIMIT 1 is also correct plus it has an advantage. Try to query a table with 5,000 records using query_first and then using my style. Then count the elapsed time. After this you'll understand why I'm using LIMIT 1 and not query_first.
Originally Posted by ragtek
i'm getting white pages
Top Rated Items & Popular Items links to the same=> do=topitems
As I wrote before, lite version came out by subtracking functions and other parts of code. I'll check it and I'll correct the errors.
Originally Posted by ragtek
also the tabs are not ok Attachment 103965
i would add some space between the tabs & words
They don't work on Firefox only. Firefox understands on different way than the other browsers (not only IE), the meaning of 100% in width when there are other cells with fixed width. To make it more clear, if in a row there are 3 cells, 2 of them with specific width 100px and you want the 3nd one to have the rest available width, other browsers accept as width of 3nd cell 100%, while firefox not. Firefox needs to ommit "width" in the 3nd cell.
Originally Posted by ragtek
Next Prob: rating is not working
I'll check it.
Originally Posted by ragtek
I realy like your ideas, but there always full of bugs. Why is that so?
They're not real bugs. The original (full version) works 3 months not without a single bug. The problem comes out when I'm removing features from the full version. By doing I'm always removing by mistake code that it must remain.
Originally Posted by ragtek
And is there now a commercial version? What are the new features?
Yes, there is, but not available to public yet. I gave it just to 7 old clients, as I was ready to leave for vacations and had no time for support others.
When i try to delete a item it go's to a blank page and nothing happens. It does not delete the item. Is there a sollution for this?
By mistake I removed the code for it. That's why you're getting the blank page. Soon I'll correct all missing parts of code and i'll release a new version.
I mean that users can add subcategories i know that it's possible to add from admincp area
but from users can't. If it's possible to improve this addon to your hack ?
Everything can be done, but it needs a deeper look. Even if in the lite version you add just category name, in the full version you add more, like if the category should has forum or not.
So, I think that is better to add an option "Suggest category". Much more easier, and more secure.