Version: 1.0.1, by NLP-er
Developer Last Online: Jan 2019
Category: Forum Display Enhancements -
Version: 3.8.2
Released: 07-16-2009
Last Update: 09-09-2009
Installs: 339
DB Changes Uses Plugins Auto-Templates
No support by the author.
You like colored usergroups? Looking for mods which add it in different paces? Like to have last post author colored in forum display?
So came and get it! This mod shows usergroups HTML markup in forum last post author
Simple and Easy! Just install last release of product (see number at the end of filename)
No template modifications
And... please click Mark as Installed - thanks
Version history:
1.0.1 Fixed issue for phrases (you don't need to update - it is for new installations only)
1.0.0 Mod released
Known Issues:
- When you change usergroup for user who made last post, or change usergroup markup, then it is not updated in view till new post arrives in forum. It means, that in case of such changes style visible in last post will be the old one. It is because it is cached, but only till new post arrives (then will be cached new value). I have it in TODO list, but because of performance issues probably I will leave it this way. Even when somebody notice it, it will disappear fast (assuming that people are writing on your forum )
Seems to me like something happened on the Installing Process of the Mod that Affects vBulletin, and All I'm Asking from the Author and from the vBulletin Moderators and Gurus is a Process to Correct whatever this Mod Caused on my Board, on Stangger5's Board, and on Anyone else's Board.
I'm 100% Sure that Was This Mod, and It BROKE my Test Forum Too where I Installed it First with the Exact same Problem that Later Happened on my Real Forum, because I only Installed this mod a little after 3:09PM, and
Take a Look:
(pmtextid 9814) - Bienvenido a MY FORUM NAME - from administracion - 01-Sep-2009 12:29 PM
(pmtextid 9819) - Bienvenido a - from administracion - 01-Sep-2009 03:52 PM
(Missing FORUM NAME on PM)
I downloaded the Mod at 3:09PM and Immediatelly Installed on my Test Board, when I saw the ForumHome Result I Installed on my Real Board, but the Consequences that I Described that were Caused by THIS MOD I noticed only when I Tested the Registration Process on a Mod that I'm Testing since Yesterday, (but the Problem on Displaying the Username on the Welcome Back Login Message I noticed since September 02 but I thought that was other Mod and since Stangger5's Post I KNOW that was caused by THIS MOD).
I don't want to Condemn the Author, I Just Want a Solution to the Problem that THIS MOD caused on My Board, Stangger5's Board, and perhaps in the Future other Users will Report this same Problems on their Boards.
A vBulletin Problem Triggered by something on the Installation Process? Perhaps a Problem on the Installation Process under Unknow Circumstances? Something on the Forum Table Alter? Something on the Filling of that Table? Something on the Work of the Plugins? I DON'T KNOW, I just know that this Mod Triggered Those Problems, and I Hope the vBulletin Moderators, Gurus, that Perhaps Experienced this Same Problem and Got it Solved could Point Us into the Solution.
By the Way, that's the Reason I Posted a Thread on the Community Forum, to ASK FOR HELP to Any Webmaster and Guru that Know How to Solve this HUGE PROBLEM.
My Best Regards and Hopes For a Solution.
What Should I Do? What Should I Check? Is There a Table on the DataBase that Controls those Variables? What Processes on the DataBase Control those Variables and the Use of them on the Routines could've been Damaged and How Can they be Repaired?
Yes - I read many times that you are sure that this mod causing the problems. Also read that after dissabling this mod problem still occures, that's why I don't believe it is this mod cause.
I read rest of discussion - new idea appears that this mod is crashing phrases (probably during installation proces). Just look inside of product file - this mod even is not using phrases. Not at all... Also look on instalation code - it uses only 'forum' table - nothing more.
This mod has nothing common with phrases.
I read that you are 100% sure that this mod is guilty. I'm not at all, but I'm willing to check it. Since everything is working well on my forum I cannot reproduce the issue. Someone wrote that he is 100% sure, because he put it on test forum and then issue appears. Please give me access to such test forum, before this mod installation. I will install it myself and see what is happening
If this mod is cause of your problems, I will be really glad to help you guys - just let me help you
I Confirm that the Phrases that don't Contain a Value in the "product" Column are Being Deleted.
In my Backup Copy of my Board Before Installing this Mod I had 104 Registers (9.1 Kb) in the phrasetype table, and Now I have 44 Registers (4.1 Kb).
If I get this Table Right it mentiones the Names of Phrases of other Installed Products (in the product column), so it should be causing Anomalies in other Product Variables not being included in some Places, is that right?
Is there a way to Fix it? (besides Restoring an Old Backup and Losing All Changes made during that Period )
My Best Regards.
If you have backup and only phrases are wrong - just restore phrases table. Best way - inserting with ignoring changes if key already exists - this way you will put all your old phrases and keep all new phrases if you have such.
If you have backup and only phrases are wrong - just restore phrases table. Best way - inserting with ignoring changes if key already exists - this way you will put all your old phrases and keep all new phrases if you have such.
Thank You for your Reply NLP-er. :up:
Stangger5 told me that he was able to Restore that Table, it'd be nice that he can Share with us the Process in this Thread; I'll replicate the Solution in the other Thread I Created on the Community Forum so that it can be Useful to other Webmasters with the same Problem.
Stangger5, How did You Restore the Registers in the "Phrasetype" Table?
What are the Steps to do that?
It'd be nice if a Moderator could tell us why does that Code Line Affects the Install Process and Causes that Data Loss in that Particular Table (perhaps in some Boards or maybe in All of them if other Users confirm the Data Loss in the "Phrasetype" Table)?
Stangger5, How did You Restore the Registers in the "Phrasetype" Table?
What are the Steps to do that?
I had an older backup..
I found the missing tables and added them back one by one..
Some tables was still there,,I just had to edit the default settings back..
The phrasetype table isnt altered with that taken out...
global.php is native vB file and it crashes vB
Which version of VB are you using? This is vB bug - maybe it should be noticed to vB stuff... assuming that it is not corrected yet. I'm using vb 3.8.2 and it is ok.
Since like most users I never had this issue, I trust your work and want to thank you
1.0.1 is already released correcting this issue (without including global.php). There is no need to update. Change was made only in installation section. It is for future users.