Version: 1.00, by ibautocommunity
Developer Last Online: Jun 2020
Category: Integration with vBulletin -
Version: 3.8.3
Released: 08-12-2009
Last Update: 08-12-2009
Installs: 155
DB Changes Uses Plugins Auto-Templates
Re-useable Code Additional Files Translations Is in Beta Stage
No support by the author.
vBulletin Nexus Current project release: BETA This works on vBulletin 3.7.X - 3.8.4
This product will allow visitors to join your community using their Facebook, Google, Yahoo or AIM account; and will allow your existing members to associate an existing forum account with one of the services - such as Facebook.
Please read the documentation and follow it exactly before requesting installation help. Please note, if you have heavily modified styles that are missing hooks - this product will not work and require additional installation steps.
The plugin is referencing variable that does not exist. The code change uses the correct variable for the optional user group.
As to the email question, none of these services are going to allow you to automatically pull the email address during a remote session. Your best bet would be to alter the vbnexus_choose_username template to include a mandatory email field. One of the plugins would have to be changed as well, not sure off the top of my head right now. This would prevent anybody from registering without entering a email address.
Can I talk to you in private because I have a few questions that I can't ask in public here. If so, floris [at] vbulletin [dot] com (should still work) me your Skype or MSN/AIM details - no rush. I think some of the problems I could present might also help developer this product into something more unique than others .. and I rather use this and see this become stable than some paid addon from third party site.
Fix for users not being put in th specified user group.
Why am I not surprised that once again, IB ignores their audience and product. Thanks for the update Calash, though you really shouldn't have to be picking up after IB's laziness
Not sure if it is laziness or something else. He is associated with IB and there may be something else going on. Perhaps some toes got stepped on or some SOP violated by this release. It could even be that priorities shifted and the resources are not dedicated to VB4.0
In any case I am happy to put my coding ability, be it somewhat limited, to use in helping the community. I really do like this mod and once you work out the bugs it does a really good job.
Not sure if it is laziness or something else. He is associated with IB and there may be something else going on. Perhaps some toes got stepped on or some SOP violated by this release. It could even be that priorities shifted and the resources are not dedicated to VB4.0
In any case I am happy to put my coding ability, be it somewhat limited, to use in helping the community. I really do like this mod and once you work out the bugs it does a really good job.
Really appreciate your support! I will be cataloging bugs and prioritizing them for next release, but we are currently still working on deploying this product on our sites and haven't had an opportunity or dire need to release a newer version. We are going to do a bug sweep soon and consider some other functionality.