Please remember to click Mark as Installed if you use this modification.
Support questions from members who have not marked this as installed will be considered low priority.
Note: This product has been requested by "sherrym" as a custom paid product, It has been completed & delivered few minutes ago. Since most of my custom work licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0, I publish it now here for public use, I hope this product will be useful for all of you.
Name: SSGTI - Advanced Marquee System - Standard Edition - Version: 3.8.100
Description: This product allows administration staff to add any notification they need, in a moving/scrolling bar appears within forum pages in a nice format (with full control).
Maximum flexibility with multiple display modes & many supplied features.
Unlike traditional marquee scrolls, this one is W3C 100% compatible that uses advanced better techniques, it includes backward compatibility also.
Can configure products' features very easily via AdminCP vBulletin Options:
Product Active
From time to time, you may want to turn this product off to the public for any reason. You can do so from this setting by choosing "No".
Test Mode Active
From time to time, you may want to perform some edits and/or changes to your "Advanced Marquee System - Standard Edition" & you may need to check the final layout before appearing to the public, for that's purpose this setting has been built. Choose "Yes" to turn the "Advanced Marquee System - Standard Edition" to the 'Test Mode'. In the 'Test Mode' only administration staff can view the "Advanced Marquee System - Standard Edition", but it will be completely disabled for public.
Message Title
This is message's title of the "Advanced Marquee System - Standard Edition", you can include any of the following replacement variables & it will be auto replaced with it's equivalent value:
$userid: Replaced with "User ID".
$username: Replaced with "User Name".
$email: Replaced with "User's email".
$bburl: Replaced with "Forum URL".
$bbtitle: Replaced with "Forum Name".
$homeurl: Replaced with "Home URL".
$hometitle: Replaced with "Home Title".
$webmasteremail: Replaced with "Webmaster's Email".
Message Content
This is message's content of the "Advanced Marquee System - Standard Edition", you can include any of the following replacement variables & it will be auto replaced with it's equivalent value:
$userid: Replaced with "User ID".
$username: Replaced with "User Name".
$email: Replaced with "User's email".
$bburl: Replaced with "Forum URL".
$bbtitle: Replaced with "Forum Name".
$homeurl: Replaced with "Home URL".
$hometitle: Replaced with "Home Title".
$webmasteremail: Replaced with "Webmaster's Email".
Display Mode
You've the ability to choose the layout that fits your needs, there's six different display modes available for the "Advanced Marquee System - Standard Edition" described as follow:
Fixed Table: Fixed table with borders & title but without collapse option.
Collapsible Table: Collapsible table with borders & title (with collapse option).
One Row table with Title: Fixed narrow table (one row) with title beside -on the live begin- & without collapse option.
One Row table without Title: Fixed narrow table (one row) without title & without collapse option.
Stripped Row with Title: Stripped row (without table), message Title & Content.
Stripped Row without Title: Stripped row (without table) Only message Content.
Display Location
You can select where the "Advanced Marquee System - Standard Edition" should appear, you've multiple choices as follow:
Under Header
Above Navbar
Under Navbar
Above Stats
Under Stats
Above Footer
Include/Exclude Pages
You can specify in which pages you would like the "Advanced Marquee System - Standard Edition" to appear, it can appear in:
All Pages
Specific Pages
All Pages Excluding some
Select "All Pages" to display it in all pages, or "Include Pages" to display it only on specific pages -defined in the following setting-, or select "Exclude Pages" to display it on all pages except those pages -defined in the following setting-.
Included/Excluded Pages
If you've selected "Include Pages" OR "Exclude Pages" in the above setting, then you're permitted to define those Included/Excluded pages here in this setting. Please enter script names of pages you need to Include/Exclude knowing that each page on your forum has it's own unique name & you've to know it first. Here it is the most obvious ones (Please separate between script names with spaces):
index: Forum Home.
forumdisplay: Forum categories & sections.
showthread: Forum Threads & Posts.
showpost: Forum Single Post.
member: User's profile.
memberlist: Member List.
newthread: New Thread.
newpost: New Post.
private: Private Messages.
online: Who's Online.
profile: Edit Profile Options.
register: Register New User.
search: Search Forums.
usercp: User Control Panel.
album: User Albums.
group: User Social Groups.
Using Example (without quotes): "index forumdisplay showthread".
Include/Exclude Usergroups
You can specify which user groups should be able to view "Advanced Marquee System - Standard Edition", you can allow it for:
All Usergroups
Specific Usergroups
All Usergroups Excluding some
Select "All Usergroups" to display it to all Usergroups, or "Include Usergroups" to display it only on specific Usergroups -defined in the following setting-, or select "Exclude Usergroups" to display it on all Usergroups except those Usergroups -defined in the following setting-.
Included/Excluded Usergroups
If you've selected "Include Usergroups" OR "Exclude Usergroups" in the above setting, then you're permitted to define those Included/Excluded Usergroups here in this setting. Please enter user group IDs you need to Include/Exclude separated with spaces. Using Example (without quotes): "2 5 6".
Marquee Speed
You can specify the speed of the "Advanced Marquee System - Standard Edition" by entering a positive value here in this setting. Please note that if you've chosen 'Cursor Driven' for the "Mouse Behavior" setting, then this setting will act as the mouse over speed. Otherwise, it is the normal speed of the "Advanced Marquee System - Standard Edition". (Default: 2, Maximum Value: 20)
Marquee Speed Smooth
You can specify "Advanced Marquee System - Standard Edition" smooth scrolling by setting a positive value here in this setting. The smaller the value, the smoother the scrolling, and vice-versa. Technically it's the delay between movement iterations. (default value is 0 milliseconds)
Mouseover behavior
When the mouse moves over the scrolling marquee, what behavior do you want it to do? You've three available options:
False: doesn't affect the scroller when mouse over.
Pause: pauses the scroller when mouse over.
Cursor Driven: give more control, maximum flexibilty and usablitiy to users, it can slow the marquee scroller moving & also change moving direction by moving over marquee edges (Right & Left).
Cursor Driven Marquee Speed
If you've chosen 'Cursor Driven' for the "Mouse Behavior" setting above, then this setting will act as the normal speed of the "Advanced Marquee System - Standard Edition". Note: If this setting has a value of '0', then the marquee scrolling will be stopped forever if mouse moves over (till the next page load), and in this case it the user has to move mouse over marquee Right/Left edges to scroll it manually. (Default: 2, Maximum Value: 20)
Cursor Driven Dynamic Scrolling Direction
If you've chosen 'Cursor Driven' for the "Mouse Behavior" setting above, then this setting allows you to set weather the "Advanced Marquee System - Standard Edition" scrolling direction should return to it's initial/original direction OR follow the new user defined direction OR reverse it's current scrolling direction (It's known that when the mouse moves over the right marquee edge; the scrolling direction becomes 'To Left', and when mouse moves over the left marquee edge; the scrolling direction becomes 'To Right'), so you can force the marquee to return to it's original scrolling direction after mouse moves out (Fixed), OR leave it to follow the new direction for the user (Dynamic) OR reverse it's current (user defined) scrolling direction (Reversed). (Available Options: True => Dynamic, False => Fixed, Reverse: Reversed. Default: False)
Initial Stop State
If you wish your marquee to be displayed at first load in a stopped state & to begin scrolling when mouseover, then check "Yes" for this setting.
Scrolling Direction
Please select the preferred scrolling direction you want for your "Advanced Marquee System - Standard Edition".
Old Compatibility
Some administrators may prefer the old fashion "Marquee" that uses the known '<marquee />' tag, for those staff this setting is here. Please note that old '<marquee />' tag isn't W3C compatible/valid tag & for that reason this product is using a new advanced technique that's JavaScript based & W3C compatible/valid. It's up to you to choose the best way for you, choose "Yes" to use the old '<marquee />' tag, or "No" for the new technique.
Installation Procedure:
Upload the "ssgti_advmarqueestd.js" file to "/clientscript/".
Import product's XML file from AdminCP.
Done .
vBulletin AdminCP -> vBulletin Options -> vBulletin Options -> SSGTI - Advanced Marquee System - Standard Edition
Love the Mod! Thank You Very Much! Now I do have a request, how can I make the Marquee Longer? I am using it to display posters of new released and hot movies on my web site and the posters are 110x160. The first and last poster are overlapping a bit.
You can install it & see it in action, if you don't like it simply un-install it!
You can review also other users' websites that have installed the product
Originally Posted by apiasto
interested tagged.waiting for a demo if possible
You can install it & see it in action, if you don't like it simply un-install it!
You can review also other users' websites that have installed the product
Originally Posted by snowlion
nice mod. mark installed
Originally Posted by DobieGillis?
installed. Nice.
Originally Posted by Shevko
Nice Mod..
Originally Posted by saadessa
nice mod installed
thank you
Originally Posted by anaksimandros
thank you
mod installed
You Are Welcome .
Originally Posted by yahoooh
thank you
does it work in vba cmps? and if there any demo plz
You Are Welcome .
It should work but with simple modification, I'll test it & give you the "How-To" soon.
Originally Posted by kalisekj
Love the Mod! Thank You Very Much! Now I do have a request, how can I make the Marquee Longer? I am using it to display posters of new released and hot movies on my web site and the posters are 110x160. The first and last poster are overlapping a bit.
Thank you,
It's working very fine for me, I don't see any overlapping on your forum (tested with FF 3 & IE 8 & Chrome 2 & Opera 9.6). Please try to describe your problem in details or give it a screen shot.
Originally Posted by VonDoom
Ive been waiting for somthing with more capabilitys it here it is.. Thanks.. *Installed*
Sounds good, You're welcome .
Originally Posted by directprint
I have installed it, but overlaps text at the end of message, similar to the problem kalisekj is having with images.
It's working very fine for me, I don't see any overlapping (tested with FF 3 & IE 8 & Chrome 2 & Opera 9.6). Please try to describe your problem in details or give it a screen shot.
Tafreeh absolutely doable WITH HTML Coding Only Example : <a href=""><FONT color="#000000" size="2">text you want displayed</FONT></a>
Example of overlapping, it appears to be related to screen resolution users have or screen size. But it obviously has a limit set in which the text or pictures will start overlapping. I would like to be able to add in like 10 more Posters. So I can Have top 20 Movies
xactly wat i was lookin for.... installin now...thnx
Quick question, for message content do we have to use html tags or bbcode?
i wanna put some links with different colours plus bold text
is it possible?
Originally Posted by kalisekj
Tafreeh absolutely doable WITH HTML Coding Only Example : <a href=""><FONT color="#000000" size="2">text you want displayed</FONT></a>
Currently it supports PLAIN TEXT & HTML CODE.
But the next version will support BB Code Parsing & additional new features , it will be released soon .
Any suggested features are welcomed ...
Originally Posted by kalisekj
Example of overlapping, it appears to be related to screen resolution users have or screen size. But it obviously has a limit set in which the text or pictures will start overlapping. I would like to be able to add in like 10 more Posters.
I see, let me check it with low resolutions & long content & tell you how to fix it ...